

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-05-20

Xiaohong Jia (贾晓红)

Associate Professor

Key Laboratory of Mathematics Mechanization,
National Center for Mathematics and Interdisciplinary Sciences
Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science,
Chinese Academy of Sciences

E-mail: xhjia(AT)amss(dot)ac(DOT)cn


    08/2007 - 07/2009. Joint Ph.D. student in Computer Science, Rice University, United States, with Ron Goldman.
    09/2004 - 07/2009. Ph.D. in Mathematics, the University of Science and Technology of China, with Falai Chen.
    09/2000 - 07/2004. B.S. in Mathematics, the University of Science and Technology of China.

Employment and Visiting

    03/2015 - current.   Associate Professor in Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
    10/2011 - 03/2015. Assistant Professor in Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
    09/2009 - 09/2011. Postdoctor in Computer Science, the University of Hong Kong, with Wenping Wang.
    08/2007 - 01/2008. Visiting Student in Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Amherst College, United States, with David Cox.

Research Interests

    Computer Aided Geometric Design & Computer Graphics
    Computational Algebraic Geometry

Selected Publications

    Parallel Computation of 3D Clipped Voronoi Diagrams.
    X. Liu, L.Ma, J. Guo, X. Jia; D.-M. Yan.
    IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2020.


    Complete Classifications and Efficient Determination of Arrangements Formed by Two Ellipsoids.
    X. Jia, C. Tu, B. Mourrain and W. Wang.
    ACM Transactions on Graphics, Vol. 39, article 27, 2020.


    Real-time facial pose estimation and tracking by coarse-to-fine iterative optimization.
    X. Yang, X. Jia, M. Yuan and D.-M. Yan.
    Tsinghua Science and Technology, Vol. 25(5), 690-700, 2020.


    Enumerating the Morphology of Non-Degenerate Darboux Cyclides.
    M. Zhao, X. Jia, C. Tu, B. Mourrain and W. Wang.
    Computer Aided Geometric Design, Vol. 75, 2019.


    µ-Bases for Rational Canal Surfaces.
    S. Yao and X. Jia.
    Computer Aided Geometric Design, Vol. 69, 11-26, 2019.


    Multi-strip Smooth Developable Surfaces From Sparse Design Curves.
    P. Bo, Y. Zheng, X. Jia and C. Zhang.
    Computer Aided Design, Vol. 114, 1-12, 2019.


    Automatic and High-Quality Surface Mesh Generation for CAD Models.
    J. Guo, F. Ding, X. Jia and D.-M. Yan.
    Computer Aided Design, Vol. 109, 49-59, 2019.


    Quaternion Rational Surfaces.
    J. Hoffman, X. Jia and H. Wang.
    Journal of Commutative Algebra, 2019, to appear.


    Survey on the Theory and Applications of µ-Bases for Rational Curves and Surfaces.
    X. Jia, X. Shi and F. Chen.
    Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 329, 2-23, 2018.


    Continuous Detection of the Variations of the Intersection Curve of Two Moving Quadrics in 3-Dimensional Projective Space.
    X. Jia, W. Wang,Y.-K. Choi, B. Mourrain and C. Tu.
    Journal of Symbolic Computation, Vol. 73, 221-243, 2016.


    Capacity Constrained Blue-Noise Sampling on Surfaces.
    S. Zhang, J. Guo, H. Zhang, X. Jia, D.-M. Yan, J.-H. Yong and P. Wonka.
    Computers & Graphics, Vol. 55, 44-54, 2016.


    Efficient Maximal Possion-Disk Sampling and Remeshing on Surfaces.
    J. Guo, D.-M. Yan, X. Jia and X. Zhang.
    Computers & Graphics, Vol. 46, 72-79, 2015.


    Role of Moving Planes and Moving Spheres Following Dupin Cyclides.
    X. Jia.
    Computer Aided Geometric Design, Vol. 31, 168-181, 2014.


    Blue-Noise Remeshing with Farthest Point Optimization.
    D.-M. Yan, J. Guo, X. Jia, X. Zhang and P. Wonka.
    Computer Graphics Forum, Vol. 33(5), 167-176, 2014 .


    Continuous Collision Detection for Composite Quadric Models.
    Y.-K. Choi, W. Wang, B. Mourrain, C. Tu, X. Jia and F. Sun.
    Graphical Models, Vol. 76(5), 566-579, 2014.


    Computing Perspective Projections in 3-Dimensions Using Rotors In the Homogeneous and Conformal Models of Clifford Algebra.
    R. Goldman, Steve Mann and X. Jia.
    Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras, Vol. 24, 465-491, 2014.


    Using a Bihomogeneous Resultant to Find the Singularities of Rational Space Curves.
    X. Shi, X. Jia, R. Goldman and B. Hassett.
    Journal of Symbolic Computation, Vol. 53, 1-25, 2013.


    Topological Classification of Non-Degenerate Intersections of Two Ring Tori.
    X. Jia, C. Tu and W. Wang.
    Computer Aided Geometric Design, Vol. 30, 181-198, 2013.


    Using Smith Normal Forms and µ-Bases to Compute All the Singularities of Rational Planar Curves.
    X. Jia and R. Goldman.
    Computer Aided Geometric Design, Vol. 29, 296-314, 2012.


    Homeomorphic Approximation of the Intersection Curve of Two Rational Surfaces.
    L. Shen, J. Cheng and X. Jia.
    Computer Aided Geometric Design, 29(8), 613-625, 2012.


    Representing Perspective Projections as Rotors in the Homogeneous Model of the Clifford Algebra for 3-Dimensional Euclidean Space.
    X. Jia and R. Goldman.
    Conference of Applied Geometric Algebras in Computer Science and Engineering 2012, France.


    An Algebraic Approach to Continuous Collision Detection for Ellipsoids.
    X. Jia, Y.-K. Choi, B. Mourrain and W. Wang.
    Computer Aided Geometric Design, Vol. 28, 164-176, 2011.


    Minimal Generators for the Rees Algebra of Rational Space Curves of Type (1,1,d-2).
    W. Hoffman, H. Wang, X. Jia and R. Goldman.
    European Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 3(4), 602-632, 2010.


    Set-Theoretic Generators of Rational Space Curves.
    X. Jia, H. Wang and R. Goldman.
    Journal of Symbolic Computation, Vol. 49(4), 414-433, 2010.


    µ-Bases and Singularities of Rational Planar Curves.
    X. Jia and R. Goldman.
    Computer Aided Geometric Design, 26(9), 970-988, 2009.


    Axial Moving Planes and Singularities of Rational Space Curves.
    H. Wang, X. Jia and R. Goldman.
    Computer Aided Geometric Design, Vol.26(3), 300-316, 2009.


    Computing Self-intersection Curves of Rational Ruled Surfaces.
    X. Jia, F. Chen and J. Deng.
    Computer Aided Geometric Design, Vol. 26(3), 287-299, 2009.


    W. Hoffman, X. Jia, H. Wang. Commutative Algebra: An Introduction.
    Mercury Learning & Information, Dulles, Virginia, Boston, Massachusetts, New Delhi. (ISBN: 978-1-944534-60-8)

    W. Hoffman, X. Jia, H. Wang. Essentials of Commutative Algebra.
    Overseas Press India Private Limited, 2016. (ISBN(13): 978-93-83803-21-7)


    A Package to Compute Implicit Equations for the Rational Curves and Surfaces.
    Y. Shan, Y. Feng, X. Jia and L. Shen.
    The 44th International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation, software package, ACM. 2019.

Professional Societies

    Computer Mathematics Specialized Committee (of Chinese Mathematical Society)                                            
    Geometric Design and Computing Specialized Committee (of CSIAM)                                              
    Intelligent Graphics Committee (of China Society of Image and Graphics)

Academic Service
International Conferences

    Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling (SPM 2019, SPM 2020), PC Member
    International Conference of Geometric Modeling and Processing (GMP 2017, GMP 2018, GMP 2019), PC Member
    International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation (ISSAC 2020) , PC Member
    International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation (ISSAC 2019) , Treasurer
    International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Symbolic Computation (AISC 2018), Publicity Chair

National Conferences

    Computer Mathematics (CM 2019), Vice General Chair
    Computer Mathematics (CM 2017), Program Committee Chair
    Computer Mathematics (CM 2015, CM 2016, CM 2018), Program Committee Member
    Geometric Design and Computing (GDC 2016, GDC 2017, GDC 2018, GDC 2019), Program Committee Member
    Computer Aided Design & Computer Graphics (CAD&CG 2017, CAD&CG 2018, CAD&CG2019), Program Committee Member
    China Graph (CG 2016, CG 2018), Program Committee Member


    2019 Annual scientific research progress award of AMSS, CAS(中科院数学院年度科研进展)
    2018 Chen Jingrun future star project of AMSS, CAS(中科院数学院“陈景润未来之星计划”)
    2017 Young scholar award of CSIAM Geometric Design and Computing (中国工业与应用数学学会“几何设计与计算”青年学者奖)
    2014 Guan Zhao-Zhi award of Institute of Systems Science, CAS (中科院系统所关肇直青年研究奖)
    2014 SMI (Shape Modeling International) honorable mention award (SMI最佳论文提名)
    2011 Abroad young talents award of Chinese Academy of Sciences(中科院数学院海外优秀青年人才计划)
    2011 National 100 excellent doctoral dissertation award nomination (全国百篇优博论文提名)
    2010 Outstanding Ph.D. thesis award of Chinese Academy of Sciences (中国科学院优秀博士论文)
    2009 President award of Chinese Academy of Sciences (中国科学院院长奖优秀奖)

Last Updated: MAY, 2020
