
Prof. Guizhen Lu:Surface Plasmon Polarization and Scattering Optical Near Field Microscopy

本站小编 Free考研/2020-05-19

Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, CAS
Colloquia & Seminars

Speaker: Prof. Guizhen Lu, School of Information and Communication Engineering, Communication University of China
Inviter: 曹礼群 研究员
Surface Plasmon Polarization and Scattering Optical Near Field Microscopy
Time & Venue:
2019.7.19 15:00-16:00 N702
Surface plasmon polarization (SPP) is a phenomenon between the metal and dielectric medium in optics frequency, which generate the surface wave. The surface wave can limit the electromagnetic wave on the interface, which can be used to develop the surface optics device and optics circuit. The optics circuit can help to improve the information processing sped. Scattering optical near field microscopy (SNOM) use the near field scattering to realize the sub wavelength image, which can help to observe the Nano material structure. The study of the near field scattering for various structure can help to understand the microstructure in nanomaterial’s and biotechnology.


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