本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-04-24
Z.J. Ding(Ding Zejun, 丁泽军)
Department of Physics, University of Science and Technology of China,
230026 Hefei, P. R. China
1978 - 1982
B.S., University of Science & Technology of China
1982 - 1985
Assistant, University of Science & Technology of China
1985 - 1990
Ph.D., Osaka University
1990 - 1993
Lecturer, University of Science & Technology of China
1993 - 1996
Associate Professor, University of Science & Technology of China
1996 - Now
Professor, University of Science & Technology of China
Modelling of particle interaction with solids and surface
Surface analysis, microbeam analysis, electron spectroscopy and electron microscopy
Microstructure of solids
Computational physics, quantum physics
Linewidth measurement method based on a calibrated linewidth database and scanning electron microscopy, National Key Research and Development Project (2020-2021)
B. Da, Y. Sun, Z.F. Hou, J.W. Liu, N.T. Cuong, K. Tsukagoshi, H. Yoshikawa, S. Tanuma, J. Hu, Z.S. Gao and Z.J. Ding
Measurement of the Low-Energy Electron Inelastic Mean Free Path in Monolayer Graphene
Phys. Rev. Appl. (in press).
A. Hussain, L.H. Yang, Y.B. Zou, S.F. Mao, B. Da, H.M. Li and Z.J. Ding
Theoretical Calculation of Mean Escape Depth of Secondary Electron Emission from Compound Semiconductor Materials
J. Appl. Phys. (in press).
Mehnaz, L.H. Yang, Y.B. Zou, B. Da, S.F. Mao, H.M. Li,Y.F. Zhao and Z.J. Ding
A Comparative Study on Monte Carlo Simulations of Electron Emission from Liquid Water
Med. Phys. 47 (2020) 759-771.
X. Liu, Z.F. Hou, D.B. Lu, B. Da, H. Yoshikawa, S. Tanuma, Y. Sun and Z.J. Ding
Unveiling the Principle Descriptor for Predicting the Electron Inelastic Mean Free Path Based on a Machine Learning Framework
Sci. Technol. Adv. Mater. 20 (2019) 1090-1102.
L.H. Yang, K. T?kési, J. Tóth, B. Da and Z.J. Ding
High Precision Determination of Optical Properties of Silicon and Germanium from Reflection Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy Spectra
Phys. Rev. B 100 (2019) 245209.
C. Li, B. Da and Z.J. Ding
Monte Carlo Study on the Surface Potential Measurement Using the Peak-shift Method
Appl. Surf. Sci. 504 (2019) 144138.
D.B. Lu, Z.F. Hou, X. Liu, B. Da and Z.J. Ding
Ab-Initio Simulation of Position-Dependent Electron Energy Loss and Its Application to the Plasmon Excitation of Nanographene
J. Phys. Chem. C 123 (2019) 25341-25348.
B. Da, J. W. Liu, Y. Harada, N. T. Cuong, K. Tsukagoshi, H. Jin, L.H. Yang, Z.J. Ding, H. Yoshikawa and S. Tanuma
Observation of Plasmon Energy Gain for Emitted Secondary Electron in Vacuo
J. Phy. Chem. Lett. 10 (2019) 5770-5775.
C. Li, S.F. Mao and Z.J. Ding
Time-dependent Characteristics of Secondary Electron Emission
J. Appl. Phys. 125 (2019) 024902 Editor's Pick.
K.J. Zhang, D.B. Lu, B. Da and Z.J. Ding
Coupling of Surface Plasmon Modes and Refractive Index Sensitivity of Hollow Silver Nanoprism
Sci. Rep. 8 (2018) 15993.
L. Cheng, Y. Ming and Z.J. Ding
Bohmian Trajectory-Bloch Wave Approach to Dynamical Simulation of Electron Diffraction in Crystal
New J. Phys. 20 (2018) 113004.
Y. Ming, L. Ye, D.B. Ling, H.S. Chen, H.M. Li andZ.J. Ding
Numerical Extraction of Sound Velocities of Energy Transfer Based on Solitons in Fermi-Pasta-Ulam Chains
Phys. Rev. E 98 (2018) 032215.
L.H. Yang, M. Menyhard, A. Sulyok, K. T?kési and Z.J. Ding
Optical Properties and Excitation Energies of Iridium Derived from Reflection Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy Spectra
Appl. Surf. Sci. 456 (2018) 999-1003.
S.U. Rehman and Z.J. Ding
Enhanced Electronic and Optical Properties of Three TMD Heterobilayers
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 20 (2018) 16604-16614.
Z.Y. Li, M. Jibran, X. Sun, A. Pratt, B. Wang, Y. Yamauchi and Z.J. Ding
Enhancement of the Spin Polarization of an Fe3O4(100) Surface by Nitric Oxide Adsorption
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 20 (2018) 15871-15875.
H. Xu, L.H. Yang, J. Tóth, K. T?kési, B. Da and Z.J. Ding
Absolute Determination of Optical Constants of Three Transition Metals Using Reflection Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy
J. Appl. Phys. 123 (2018) 043306.
C. Li, S.F. Mao, Y.B. Zou, Y.G. Li, P. Zhang, H.M. Li and Z.J. Ding
A Monte Carlo Modeling on Charging Effect for Structures with Arbitrary Geometries
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 51 (2018) 165301.
Y.B. Zou, M.S.S. Khan, H.M. Li, Y.G. Li, W. Li, S.T. Gao, L.S. Liu and Z.J. Ding
Use of Model-Based Library in Critical Dimension Measurement by CD-SEM
Measurement 123 (2018) 150-162.
Y. Ming, L. Ye, H.S. Chen, S.F. Mao, H.M. Li and Z.J. Ding
Solitons as Candidates for Energy Carriers in Fermi-Pasta-Ulam Lattices
Phys. Rev. E 97 (2018) 012221.
K.J. Zhang, B. Da and Z.J. Ding
Effect of Asymmetric Morphology on Coupling Surface Plasmon Modes and Generalized Plasmon Ruler
Ultramicrosc. 185 (2018) 55-64.
B. Da, J.W. Liu, M. Yamamoto, Y. Ueda, K. Watanabe, N.T. Cuong, S.L. Li, K. Tsukagoshi, H. Yoshikawa, H. Iwai, S. Tanuma, H.X. Guo, Z.S. Gao, X. Sun and Z.J. Ding
Virtual Substrate Method for Nanomaterials Characterization
Nature Commun. 8 (2017) 15629.
H. Xu, B. Da, J. Tóth, K. T?kési and Z.J. Ding
Absolute Determination of Optical Constants by Reflection Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy Spectra
Phys. Rev. B 95 (2017) 195417.
Y. Ming, D.B. Ling, H.M. Li and Z.J. Ding
Energy Thresholds of Discrete Breathers in Thermal Equilibrium and Relaxation Processes
Chaos 27 (2017) 063106.
Y.B. Zou, S.F. Mao, B. Da and Z.J. Ding
Surface Sensitivity of Secondary Electrons Emitted from Amorphous Solids: Calculation of Mean Escape Depth by a Monte Carlo Method
J. Appl. Phys. 120 (2016) 235102.
Y. Sun, F. Zhang, Z. Ye, Y. Zhang, X.W. Fang,Z.J. Ding, C.-Z. Wang, M.I. Mendelev, R.T. Ott, M.J. Kramer and K.-M. Ho
‘Crystal Genes’ in Metallic Liquids and Glasses
Sci. Rep.6 (2016) 23734.
Y. Ming, H.M. Li andZ.J. Ding
Thermal Rectification and Negative Differential Thermal Conductance in Harmonic Chains with Nonlinear System-Bath Coupling
Phys. Rev.E 93 (2016) 032127.
Y.G. Li, Y. Yang, M.P. Short,Z.J. Ding, Z. Zeng and J. Li
IM3D: A Parallel Monte Carlo Code for Efficient Simulations of Primary Radiation Displacements and Damage in 3D Geometry
Sci. Rep.5 (2015) 18130.
Z. Ruan, R.G. Zeng, Y. Ming, M. Zhang, B. Da, S.F. Mao andZ.J. Ding
Quantum Trajectory Monte Carlo Method for Study of Electron-Crystal Interaction in STEM
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.17 (2015) 17628-17637.
M. Zhang, Y. Ming, R.G. Zeng andZ.J. Ding
Calculation of Bohmian Quantum Trajectories for STEM
J. Microsc.260 (2015) 200-207.
B. Da, K. Salma, H. Ji, S.F. Mao, G.H. Zhang, X.P. Wang andZ.J. Ding
Surface Excitation Parameter for Rough Surfaces
Appl. Surf. Sci.356 (2015) 142-149.
X. Ding, R.C. Dai, Z. Zhao, Z.P. Wang, Z.Q. Sun, Z.M. Zhang andZ.J. Ding
Irreversible Temperature Quenching and Antiquenching of Photoluminescence of ZnS/CdS:Mn/ZnS Quantum Well Quantum Dots
Chem. Phys. Lett.625 (2015) 147-150.
B. Da, Z.Y. Li, H.C. Chang, S.F. Mao andZ.J. Ding
A Monte Carlo Study of Reflection Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy Spectrum of a Carbon Contaminated Surface
J. Appl. Phys.116 (2014) 124307.
B. Da, H. Shinotsuka, H. Yoshikawa,Z.J. Dingand S. Tanuma
Extended Mermin Method for Calculating the Electron Inelastic Mean Free Path
Phys. Rev. Lett.113 (2014) 063201.
R. Shimizu andZ.J. Ding
Monte Carlo Modeling of Electron-Solid Interactions
Rep. Prog. Phys.55 (1992) 487-531.
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