本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-04-24
办公室: Sixian Building 401, Renai Road, Suzhou
主要研究方向:Edge computing, Networking for AI, SDN and IOT
I am a research professor, the winner of the National Science Fund for Excellent Young Scholars(国家优秀青年基金). I graduated from the Department of Computer Science and Technology of University of Science and Technology of China(USTC) in 2002, obtained a Ph.D. five years later, and then remain in school as a teacher.
In recent years, I have presided over projects such as 4 projects of the National Natural Science Foundation, Post-doctoral special support, Post-doctoral fund (first class) and so on. As the backbone, I participated in more than 10 projects, such as two 973 projects, one 863 project, 3 major national science and technology projects, 2 CNGI of the National Development and Reform Commission projects.
More than 120 SCI/EI papers have been published in mainstream international journals and conferences those years, including 18 papers on IEEE/ACM Trans., 22 papers on CCF A such as IEEE JSAC, IEEE TMC, IEEE TPDS and IEEE INFOCOM and 17 papers on CFF B such as IEEE ICNP. In 2018, four papers were selected 16 times in the popular papers of IEEE/ACM Trans. on Networking. I am also the deputy editor of the series of "Network Virtualization" of the top international journal IEEE JSAC.
[INFOCOM'19]Hongli Xu, Shigang Chen, Qianpiao Ma, Liusheng Huang, "Lightweight Flow Distribution for Collaborative Traffic Measurement in Software Defined Networks ", INFOCOM’19, Apr. 2019
[TPDS'19]Haibo Wang, Xiwen Yu, *Hongli Xu, Jingyuan Fan, Chunming Qiao, Liusheng Huang, "Integrating Coflow and Circuit Scheduling for Optical Networks", IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS), 2019.
[TPDS'19]Shaowei Wang, Liusheng Huang, Yiwen Nie, Xinyuan Zhang, Pengzhan Wang, *Hongli Xu, Wei Yang,"Local Differential Private Data Aggregation for Discrete Distribution Estimation",IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS), 2019.
[ToN'18]Xiwen Yu, *Hongli Xu, Da Yao, Haibo Wang and Liusheng Huang, "CountMax: A Lightweight and Cooperative Sketch Measurement for Software-Defined Networks," in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking(ToN),2018
[ToN'18]Hongli Xu, He Huang, Shigang Chen, Gongming Zhao and Liusheng Huang, "Achieving High Scalability Through Hybrid Switching in Software-Defined Networking," in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking(ToN),2018
[ToN'18]Gongming Zhao, *Hongli Xu, Shigang Chen, Liusheng Huang, Pengzhan Wang, "Joint Optimization of Flow Table and Group Table for Default Paths in SDNs". IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking(ToN), 2018
[INFOCOM’18]Bing Leng, Liusheng Huang, Chunming Qiao, *Hongli Xu, "A Light-weight Approach to Obtaining NF State Information in SDN+NFV Networks", INFOCOM’18, Apr. 2018.
[JSAC'18]Xuwei Yang, *Hongli Xu, Liusheng Huang, Gongming Zhao, Peng Xi and Chunming Qiao, "Joint Virtual Switch Deployment and Routing for Load Balancing in SDNs," in IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications(JSAC),2018
[ComNet'18]Haibo Wang, *Hongli Xu, Liusheng Huang, Jianxin Wang, Xuwei Yang, "Load-balancing routing in software defined networks with multiple controllers", Computer Networks,2018
[ToN'17]Pengzhan Wang, *Hongli Xu, Liusheng Huang, Chen Qian, Shaowei Wang, Yanjing Sun, Minimizing Controller Response Time Through Flow Redirecting in SDNs, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (ToN), 2017
[ToN'17]Hongli Xu, Zhuolong Yu, Chen Qian, Xiangyang Li, Zichun Liu, Liusheng Huang, Minimizing Flow Statistics Collection Cost Using Wildcard-based Requests in SDNs, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (ToN), 2017
[IEEE JSAC'17]Pengzhan Wang, *Hongli Xu, Liusheng Huang, Jie He, Zeyu Meng, Control Link Load Balancing and Low Delay Route Deployment for Software Defined Networks, IEEE JSAC Special issue on Emerging Technologies in Software-driven Communication, 2017
[ICNP'17]Gongming Zhao, *Hongli Xu, Shigang Chen, Liusheng Huang, Pengzhan Wang, Deploying Default Paths by Joint Optimization of Flow/GroupTables in Software Defined Networks, ICNP'17, Nov. 2017
[USENIX ATC'17]Gongming Zhao, *Hongli Xu, Shigang Chen, Liusheng Huang, Pengzhan Wang, Deploying Default Paths by Joint Optimization of Flow/GroupTables in Software Defined Networks, USENIX ATC '17 Poster; (Acceptance Rate: 30%)
[ToN'17]Hongli Xu, Zhuolong Yu, Xiangyang Li, Chen Qian, Liusheng Huang, Taeho Jung, Joint Route Selection and Update Scheduling for Low-Latency Update in SDNs, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (ToN), 2017
[IWQoS'17]Hongli Xu, Jingyuan Fan, Jianhuai Wu, Chunming Qiao, Liusheng Huang, Joint Deployment and Routing in Hybrid SDNs, Quality of Service (IWQoS), 2017 IEEE/ACM 24th International Symposium on. IEEE, 2017
[COMNET'17]Hongli Xu, Xiangyang Li, Liusheng Huang, Yang Du, Zichun Liu, Partial Flow Statistics Collection for Load-Balanced Routing in Software Defined Networks, Computer Networks (COMNET), 2017
[ToN'17]Hongli Xu, Xiangyang Li, Liusheng Huang, Hou Deng, He Huang, Haibo Wang, Incremental Deployment and Throughput Maximization Routing for a Hybrid SDN, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (ToN), 2017
[DASFAA'17]Yang Du, Hongli Xu, Yu'e Sun, Liusheng Huang, A General Fine-Grained Truth Discovery Approach for Crowdsourced Data Aggregation, DASFAA'17, March.2017
[INFOCOM'17]Hongli Xu, He Huang, Shigang Chen, Gongming Zhao, Scalable Software- Defined Networking through Hybrid Switching, INFOCOM'17, Apr. 2017
[INFOCOM'17]Hongli Xu, Zhuolong Yu, Chen Qian, Xiangyang Li, Zichun Liu, Minimizing Flow Statistics Collection Cost of SDN Using Wildcard Requests, INFOCOM'17, Apr. 2017
[ICNP'16]Hongli Xu, Zhuolong Yu, Xiangyang Li, Chen Qian, Liusheng Huang, Taeho Jung, Real-time Update with Joint Optimization on Route Selection and Update Scheduling for SDNs, ICNP'16, Nov. 2016. (Best Paper Candidate, Fast Track to ToN)
[IWQoS'16]Hongli Xu, Xiangyang Li, Liusheng Huang, Jianxin Wang, Bing Leng, High-throughput anycast routing and congestion-free reconfiguration for SDNs[C]//Quality of Service (IWQoS), 2016 IEEE/ACM 24th International Symposium on. IEEE, 2016.(Short Paper)
[TMC'16]Hongli Xu, Liusheng Huang, Chunming Qiao, Xinglong Wang, Shan Lin, Yu-e Sun, Shared Relay Assignment (SRA) for Many-to-One Traffic in Cooperative Networks, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC), 15(6), pp. 1499-1513, Jun. 2016
[Wireless Networks'16]Hongli Xu, Xinglong Wang, Long Chen, Liusheng Huang, Price-Based Resource Allocation for Cooperative Communication, Wireless Networks, Mar. 2016
[Wireless Networks'16]Hongli Xu, Chunming Qiao, Hou Deng, Liusheng Huang, Shared Relay Assignment in Cooperative Communications for Bandwidth Maximization, Wireless Networks, Jan. 2016
[Wireless Networks'15]Hongli Xu, Liusheng Huang, Long Chen, Shan Lin, Joint Relay Assignment and Rate-Power Allocation for Multiple Paths in Cooperative Networks, Wireless Networks, Apr. 2015
[TPDS'15]Hongli Xu, Liusheng Huang, Chunming Qiao, Weichao Dai, Yu-e Sun, Joint Virtual MIMO and Data Gathering for Wireless Sensor Networks, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2015
optimal Resource ALLocation in Future networks, the National Science Fund for Excellent Young Scholars, 2019-2021, 1,300,000;
Research on anycast problem of software-defined network service quality assurance, National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2015-2018, 800,000;
Research on multi-resource joint allocation of wireless networks with collaborative relay as the core, National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2013-2016, 800,000;
Research on key technologies of multi-stream and multi-target transmission in mine based on cooperative communication, National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2013-2016, 800,000;
Research on Topology Control Problem of Wireless Sensor Network without Location Information, National Natural Science Youth Fund, 2009-2011, 190,000;
Research on energy efficient collaborative routing for multi-information, China Postdoctoral Special Fund, 2012-2013, 150,000;
Research on relay selection and energy allocation for multi-objective tradeoffs in collaborative networks, China Postdoctoral Special Fund, 2010-2011, 100,000; (the first recipient of our school's information science;
Research on the mechanism and key technologies of safe and efficient vehicle information physics system, NSFC joint fund key project, 2,650,000, 2013-2016;
Key technology research and industrialization of the data center for the Internet of Vehicles, the National Development and Reform Commission's Internet of Things special, 12,200,000, 2012-2014;
Web-based wireless ubiquitous business environment architecture, key technology research and demonstration verification, national science and technology major project, 3,630,000, 2012-2014;
Research on multi-information routing problem of energy efficient wireless network based on cooperative communication, National Natural Science Foundation of China, 580,000, 2012-2015;
Information aggregation sensor network comprehensive testing and verification evaluation environment, national science and technology major projects, 3,780,000, 2011-2012;
Research on System Resource Optimization of Internet of Things, National 973 Project, 1,480,000,2011-2013;
Multi-terminal collaborative network control platform and key technologies under ubiquitous network, national science and technology major projects, 5,220,000, 2011-2013;
04/2019 Invited to Serve as TPC member of IEEE INFOCOM'20, IEEE IPCCC'19, and IEEE ICPADS'19
02/2019 Invited to Serve as TPC member of IEEE MASS'19
01/2019 Invited to Serve as TPC member of IEEE WF-5G'19
12/2018 One paper about Joint Routing and Scheduling for Optical Networks accepted by IEEE TPDS
11/2018 One paper about Lightweight Flow Distribution accepted by IEEE INFOCOM'19
10/2018 Invited to Serve as Associate Editor for 2018 IEEE JSAC Series on Network Softwarization and Enablers
10/2018 One paper about lightweight and cooperative sketch accepted by IEEE/ACM Trans. on Networking
08/2018 Awarded the Outstanding Youth Science Foundation of NSFC
07/2018 One paper about energy-efficient computing offloading accepted by MASS'18
06/2018 One paper about joint flow table and group table accepted by IEEE/ACM Trans. on Networking
05/2018 One paper about Load-Balancing Routing in SDNs with Multiple Controllers accepted by Computer Networks
05/2018 Invited to Serve as TPC member of IEEE IPCCC 2018, MASS 2018, and ICPADS 2018
03/2018 Invited to Serve as TPC member of IEEE INFOCOM 2019
02/2018 One paper about Joint Virtual Switch Deployment and Routing accepted by IEEE JSAC SI on Network
02/2018 Invited to Serve as TPC member of Globecom'18
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