

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-04-24

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科研领域: InSAR及地震学研究,主要研究兴趣:利用InSAR、GPS及地震波观测资料监测地震、火山等自然灾害;研究各种自然灾害的成灾过程和成灾机理。

查显杰,男, 中国科学技术大学地球和空间科学学院副教授。

2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 利用InSAR观测资料研究2010年玉树地震形变过程;
1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目, 2003-2004年青海德令哈系列地震形变过程及机理的InSAR研究.


3.2003/9–2007/6, 中国科学技术大学, 固体地球物理专业, 获博士学位
3.1999/9–2002/6, 吉林大学, 地球探测与信息技术专业, 获士硕士学位
1.1995/9–1999/6, 吉林大学,环境科学专业, 获理学学士学位


(19) Xianjie Zha, Zhigang Shao, Zhiyang Dai and Yazhu Dong, 2020. Accurate frequency estimation for removal of orbital fringes in SAR interferograms, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 41(14), pp.5305-5320. doi:10.1080/**.2020.**.
(18) Ying Tan, Zhiyang Dai, Xianjie Zha (Corresponding Author), 2019. Deformation characteristics of the 2016 Mw5.9 Menyuan (China) earthquake by modeling Sentinel-1A and auxiliary data, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 41(7), pp.2725-2738. doi:10.1080/**.2019.**.
(17) Xianjie Zha, Zhe Jia, Zhiyang Dai, Zhong Lu, 2019. The cause of the 2011 Hawthorne (Nevada) earthquake swarm constrained by seismic and InSAR methods, Journal of Geodesy, 93, pp.899-909, doi:10.1007/s00190-018-1212-5.
(16) Hao Cui and Xianjie Zha (Corresponding Author), 2018. Parallel image registration implementations for GMTSAR package, Seismological Research Letters, 89(3), pp.1129-1136. doi: 10.1785/.
(15) Xianjie Zha, Zhiyang Dai, 2017. Using geodetic data to calculate stress changes on faults in the Tibetan Plateau caused by the 2015 Mw7.8 Nepal earthquake, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 133, pp.38-45.
(14) Xin Zhang, Xianjie Zha (Corresponding Author), Zhiyang Dai, 2015. Stress changes induced by the 2008 Mw7.9 Wenchuan earthquake, China, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 98, pp.98-104.
(13) Xianjie Zha, Zhiyang Dai, 2013. Constraints on the seismogenic faults of the 2003-2004 Delingha earthquakes by InSAR and modeling, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences,75, pp.19-25.
(12) Zhiyang Dai, Xianjie Zha (Corresponding Author), 2012. An accurate phase unwrapping algorithm based on reliability sorting and residue mask, IEEE Geoscience and Remote sensing Letters,9(2), pp.219-223.
(11) Xianjie Zha, Zhiyang Dai, Linlin Ge, Kui Zhang, Xiaojing Li, Xiaofei Chen, Zhenhong Li, Rongshan Fu, 2011. Fault geometry and slip distribution of the 2010 Yushu earthquakes inferred from InSAR measurement,Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 101(4), pp.1951-1958.
(10) Xianjie Zha, Rongshan Fu, Zhiyang Dai, Ping Jing, Sidao Ni, Jinshui Huang,2009. Applying InSAR technique to accurately relocate the epicentre for the 1999 M-s=5.6 Kuqa earthquake in Xinjiang province, China, Geophysical Journal International,176(1), pp.107-112.
(9) Xianjie Zha, Rongshan Fu, Zhiyang Dai, Bin Liu,2008. Noise reduction in interferograms using the wavelet packet transform and Wiener filtering,IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters,5(3), pp.404-408.
(8) Xianjie Zha, Rongshan Fu, Zhiyang Dai, Bin Liu, Yu Chen, TingXiao Xue, 2008. The strike and pattern of the Bam blind fault inferred from synthetic aperture radar data, Processing of SPIE, 7123, 71230J, doi:10.1117/12.816178.
(7)董雅竹, 谭颖, 张朋辉, 查显杰, 2020. 利用PS-InSAR研究合肥地区活动构造变形. 地球物理学进展.
(6)张彭达, 戴志阳, 查显杰. 2020. 基于深度卷积神经网络的剪切波分裂质量检测. 中国地震, 36(3), 539-549.
(5) 查显杰, 傅容珊, 戴志阳, 刘斌, 邵志刚, 薛霆虓, 2008. 小波基函数选择对SAR干涉图去噪的影响. 遥感信息, 2, pp.57-61.
(4) 查显杰, 傅容珊, 戴志阳, 刘斌, 邵志刚, 薛霆虓, 2008. 基于小波包变换的SAR干涉图去噪研究. 吉林大学学报(地球科学版), 38(3), pp.489-494.
(3) 查显杰, 傅容珊, 刘斌, 戴志阳, 邵志刚, 韩立波, 2008. 基于DInSAR技术获取形变位移三分量的新方法. 遥感信息, 1, pp.62-67.
(2) 查显杰, 傅容珊, 戴志阳, 2006. DInSAR技术对不同方位形变的敏感性研究. 测绘学报, 35(2), pp.133-137.
(1) 查显杰, 傅容珊, 戴志阳, 2005. 用D-InSAR技术测量地面形变位移三分量. 地球物理学进展, 20, pp.997-1002.

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