

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-04-24


邮箱: rli7@ustc.edu.cn

科研领域: 气候系统的水循环和能量平衡Water Cycle and Energy Balalnce in Earth's Climate System


安徽桐城人,2005年博士毕业于中国科学技术大学地空学院。随后在State University of New York从事博士后研究,后晋升为Full Research Scientist。现任中国科学技术大学,地球和空间科学学院副院长,教授,博导;火灾科学国家重点实验室双聘教授、博导;加拿大魁北克大学森林研究所兼职教授、博导(2016-2023);世界气象组织(WMO)天气研究计划(WWRP)中国委员会委员、国际气象学和大气科学协会(IAMAS)中国委员会委员、教育部大气科学教学指导委员会委员、安徽省气象学会常任理事。
Dr. Li got his Ph.D. in University ofScience and Technology of China (USTC) in 2005. He joined the school of Earthand Space Sciences (ESS) of USTC in 2013. Before that, he was a full researchscientist in the State University of New York. He was honored as the “Professorof Hundred-Talent Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences” and the “SpeciallyRecruited Experts of Anhui Province in China” in 2013.
Dr. Li serves as the full professor anddeputy dean of ESS USTC; the professor of the State Key Laboratory of Fire Science; the adjunct professor of University of Quebecin Abitibi, Canada;the member of China National Committee for WMO WorldWeather Research Programee (WWRP), the member of China National Committee for InternationalAssociation of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences (IAMAS), the member ofChina National Administry Committee on Teaching Atmospheric Science in HigherEducation, and the council member of the Anhui Meteorology Society.
His research has been focusing on thewater cycle and energy balance processes in the Earth’s climate system, anddevote to the development of advanced satellite remote sensing methods anddatasets; and apply them to climate system research. Current work focus:
1) Developing visible/infrared/microwavecombined satellite remote sensing methods for forest vegetation moisturecontent, and apply them to large area forest transpiration and forest firerelated research;
2) Using satellite remote sensing andmodel simulations to study the impacts of mineral dust and fire releasedaerosols on atmosphere;
3) Developing the physical satellitealgorithm of the vertical profile of precipitation latent heat, and use this tounderstand the influence of latent heat on regional weather and large-scaleatmospheric circulation


1. 中国自然科学基金重点项目,“基于星载双频测雨雷达反演中国雨季降水潜热垂直结构”,299万元(直接经费),2019-2023 (主持、在研)
2. 国家重点研发计划课题,“对流云不同生命期中气溶胶影响云和降水的机理及反馈研究”,399万元,2018-2021(主持、在研)
3. 中国自然科学基金和贝尔蒙特论坛国际合作项目,“利用多源数据研究北半球中高纬寒带林火灾的可预报性及其对生态、社会和经济的影响”,239万元,2016-2020 (主持、在研)
4. 中国自然科学基金面上项目,“卫星观测研究中国陆地表微波比辐射率对云和降水的动态响应”,68万元(直接经费),2017-2020 (主持、在研)
5. 中国自然科学基金重大研究计划,集成项目,“青藏高原云降水及其对能量收支和水分循环的影响”,399万元(直接经费),2019-2022 (第三参与人,在研)


6. 中国自然科学基金青年项目,“气候异常背景下降水垂直结构的特点研究”,27万元,2007-2009 (主持,已结题)
7. 中国自然科学基金面上项目,“卫星观测研究气溶胶对中国降水垂直结构的影响”,86万元,2014-2017 (主持, 已结题)
8. 中国自然科学基金重点项目,“基于多元卫星资料的青藏高原云降水及潜热时空变化特征研究”,300万元,2014-2017 (第三参与人, 已结题)

1) NationalNatural Science Foundation of China, Key Program
“Studies ofSatellite Retrieving Latent Heating Profiles in Chinese Rainy Season Based onSpacborne Dual-frequencies Precipitation Radar Measurements”: 2,990,000 RMB,2019-2023 (PI)
2) NationalKey Research and Development Program of China
“Studies of theMechanisms of Aerosol Affecting Clouds and Precipitation at Different EvolutionStatges and the Potential Feedbacks”: 3,990,000 RMB, 2018-2021 (PI)
3) BelmontForum- National Natural Science Foundation of China, International CoopertiveProgram “Improving PREdictability of circumboREAL Forest Fire Activity and itsEcological and Socio-Economic Impacts through Multi-Proxy Data Comparisons”,2,390,000 RMB, 2016-2020, (PI)
4) GeneralProgram of National Natural Science Foundation of China
“Studies ofthe Dynamic Response of Microwave Land Surface Emissivity to Cloud and Rain inChina”, 680,000 RMB, 2017-2020,(PI)
5) GeneralProgram of National Natural Science Foundation of China
“SatelliteObservational Studies of Aerosol Indirect Effects om the Vertical Structure ofPrecipitation in China”, 830,000 RMB, 2014-2017,(PI, finished)

Advances in Atmospheric Science
(Seminar for Undergraduate Students)
2. 微波遥感(英文课),研究生
Passive MicrowaveRemote Sensing of Atmosphere
(Graduated Student,Teaching Language: English)


Zhang Yuxiang+, Bo Haixu+, JiangZhe+, Wang Yu, Fu Yunfei, Cao Bingwei, Wang Xuewen, Chen Jiaqi, Li Rui*, Untangle contributions ofmeteorology condition and human mobility to tropospheric NO2in mainland China during COVID-19 pandemic in early2020,National Science Review, 2021; nwab061,https://doi.org/10.1093/nsr/nwab061(SCI, Impact Factor=16.69)
Fu, Y.; Li, R*.;Wang, X.; Bergeron, Y.; Valeria, O.; Chavardès, R.D.; Wang, Y.; Hu, J. 2020:Fire Detection and Fire Radiative Power in Forests and Low-Biomass Lands inNortheast Asia: MODIS versus VIIRS Fire Products.Remote Sens.12, 2870. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs** (SCI, Impact Factor=4.12)
Zhang, M., Zhao, C., Cong, Z., Du, Q., Xu, M., Chen, Y.,Chen, M., Li, R., Fu, Y., Zhong, L.,Kang, S., Zhao, D., and Yang, Y. 2020: Impact of topography on black carbontransport to the southern Tibetan Plateau during the pre-monsoon season and itsclimatic implication, Atmos. Chem.Phys., 20, 5923–5943, https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-20-5923-2020, 2020. (SCI,Impact Factor=5.51)
Kabeja,C.;Li, R*.;Guo,J.; Rwatangabo, D.E.R.; Manyifika, M.; Gao, Z.; Wang, Y.; Zhang, Y.,2020: TheImpact of Reforestation Induced Land Cover Change (1990–2017) on Flood PeakDischarge Using HEC-HMS Hydrological Model and Satellite Observations: A Studyin Two Mountain Basins, China.Water,12, 1347. (SCI, ImpactFactor=2.54)
Li, R., Y.-P. Wang, J. Hu, Y. Wang*, Q. Min, Y. Bergeron, O.Valeria, Z. Gao, J. Liu, and Y. Fu, 2020: Spatiotemporal Variations ofSatellite Microwave Emissivity Difference Vegetation Index in China under Clearand Cloudy Skies,Earth and Space Science, 7, e2020EA001145.https://doi.org/10.1029/2020EA001145(SCI, Impact Factor=2.35)
Wu, B. Y. Wang, C, Zou,R. Li,S. Liu,G. Liu and F. Fu, 2020: A Fundamental Climate Data Record Derived from AMSR-E,MWRI, and AMSR2,IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing.doi: 10.1109/TGRS.2020.** (SCI, Impact Factor=5.63)
Zhang, Y; Wang, Y; Liu, GS; Guo, JP; Yang, YJ; Li, R; Fu, YF; Liu, LP, 2019:Satellite-Based Assessment of Various Cloud MicrophysicsSchemes in Simulating Typhoon Hydrometeors, Advances in Meteorology, Vol 2019,ID **, doi:https://doi.org/10.1155/2019/**
Wang, Y.P.,Li, R*., Min, Q, Fu, Y, Wang, Y.,Zhong, L., and Fu, Y.-Y., 2019: A Three-source Satellite Algorithm forRetrieving All-sky Evapotranspiration Rate using Combined Optical and MicrowaveVegetation Index at Twenty AsiaFlux Sites,Remote Sensing ofEnvironment, 235, 111463, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rse.2019.111463 (SCI,Impact Factor=8.2)
Li, R*., W. Shao, J. Guo, Y. Fu, G. Liu, Y. Wang, W. Li, 2019:A Simplified Algorithm to Estimate Latent Heating Rate Using Vertical RainfallProfiles over the Tibetan Plateau,J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.,124,DOI:https://doi.org/10.1029/2018JD029297 (SCI, Impact Factor= 3.44)
Yuxiang Zhang,Rui Li*, Qilong Min, Haixu Bo,Yuyun Fu, Yipu Wang, and Zongting Gao, 2019: The controlling factors ofatmospheric formaldehyde (HCHO) in Amazon as seen from satellite,Earthand Space Science6.https://doi.org/10.1029/2019EA000627, (SCI,Impact Factor= 3.22)
Yipu Wang,Rui Li*, Qilong Min, LeimingZhang, Guirui Yu, Yves Bergeron. 2019: Estimation of vegetationevapotranspiration rate over three forest sites in ChinaFLUX using satellitemicrowave vegetation water content index,Remote Sensing, 11,1359, DOI10.3390/rs**,(SCI, Impact Factor= 4.12 )
Li, R., H.-X. Bo, Y. Wang, 2019: Slowing-down reduction andPossible Reversal Trend of Tropospheric NO2 over China during 2016 to2019,arXiv:1907.06525v1
Wang, R., Xian, T., Wang, M., Chen, F., Yang, Y., Zhang,X. Li, R., Zhong, L., Zhao, C. Fu,Y.* 2019: Relationship between Extreme Precipitation and Temperature in TwoDifferent Regions: The Tibetan Plateau and Middle-East China.J MeteorolRes33,870–884. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13351-019-8181-3
Fu Yuyun,R. Li*, Jianguo Huang, YvesBergeron, Yunfei Fu, Yu Wang, and Zongting Gao, 2018:Satellite observed impacts of wildfires on regionalatmosphere composition and the shortwave radiative forcing: A multiple casestudy,J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.,123,8326-8343.Doi:https://doi.org/10.1029/2017JD027927.(SCI,Impact Factor= 3.44)
Dong, X.,R. Li*,Y. Wang, Y. Fu and C.Zhao, 2018: Potential Impacts of Sahara Dust Aerosol on Rainfall VerticalStructure over the Atlantic Ocean as Identified from EOF Analysis,J.Geophys. Res. Atmos.,120Doi:https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1029/2018JD028500.(SCI,Impact Factor= 3.44)
Yu Lu, Yunfei Fu*,YuanjianYang*,R.Li, Xuexing Qiu, Hongke Cai. 2018: Assessment of Longwave RadiativeForcing of Nighttime Cirrus based on CloudSat and CALIPSO Measurements andSinglecolumn RadiativeTransfer Simulations,Journal ofQuantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer,DOI:10.1016/j.jqsrt.2018.09.019.(SCI, Impact Factor= 2.38)
Yunfei Fu, Xiao Pan, Tao Xian, Guosheng Liu, Lei Zhong,Qi Liu, Rui Li, Yu Wang, Ming Ma,2018:Precipitation characteristics over the steep slope of theHimalayas in rainy season observed by TRMM PR and VIRS,Climate Dynamics,1-19,https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-017-3992-3,(SCI, Impact Factor= 3.77)
刘进军,傅云飞,李锐*,王雨,符玉云,胡继恒. 2018:青藏高原云和大气对被动微波遥感积雪雪深的影响.高原气象, 37(2): 305-316. DOI:10.7522/j.issn.1000-0534.2017.00050
王雨,韩涛,郭静超,江凯,李锐*,邵文程,刘国胜. 2018:星载Ku、Ka、W三频雷达探测云和降水三维结构的模拟仿真研究,科学通报, DOI:10.1360/N972018-00089 (EI)
耿蓉,王雨,傅云飞,李锐,刘国胜2018:中国及其周边地区多种水凝物资料的气候态特征比较.气象学报, 76(1), 134-147
Wang, R., Y. Fu, T. Xian, F. Chen, R. Yuan,R.Li,and G. Liu,2017:Evaluation of Atmospheric PrecipitableWater Characteristics and Trends in Mainland China from 1995 to 2012.J.Climate,30,8673–8688,https://doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-16-0433.1(SCI,Impact Factor= 4.16)
李锐*,李文卓,傅云飞,等 2017.青藏高原ERA40和NCEP大气非绝热加热的不确定性.科学通报, 62: 420–431 (EI)
Li, R*., X. Dong, J. Guo, Y. Fu, Y. Wang, Q. Min, 2017: Theimplications of dust ice nuclei effect on cloud top temperature in a complexmesoscale convective system,Scientific Reports,7:13826,doi:10.1038/s41598-017-12681-0 (SCI, Impact Factor= 4.25)
Yunfei Fu*, Yilun Chen,R.Li*, Fang Qin, Tao Xian, Lu Yu and Aoqi Zhang,2017,Lateral Boundaryof Cirrus Clouds fromCALIPSOObservations,Scientific Reports,7:14221,doi:10.1038/s41598-017-14665-6(SCI, Impact Factor= 4.25)
李锐*,李俊伟,刘之杰,花家嘉,王雨,王文勇,2016,卫星遥感研究中国气溶胶光学厚度、NO2和SO2的相关性,科学通报61, 2524 (2016 );doi: 10.1360/N972016-00149 (EI)
Fu Yunfei*, Chen Fengjiao, Liu Guosheng, Y. Yang, R.Yuan,R. Li,Q. Liu, Y. Wang, L. Zhong, L. Sun, 2016. RecentTrends of Summer Convective and Stratiform Precipitation in Mid-EasternChina,Scientific Reports,6: 33044, doi:10.1038/srep33044.(SCI, Impact Factor= 4.25)
Li, R.*, J. Guo, Y. Fu, Q. Min, Y. Wang, X. Gao and X.Dong, 2015: Estimating the vertical profiles of cloud water content in warmrain clouds,J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 120,doi:10.1002/2015JD023489. (SCI, Impact Factor= 3.44)
Wang, Y., Y. Zhang, Y. Fu,R. Liand Y.Yang, 2015: A climatological comparison of column-integrated water vapor forthe third-generation reanalysis datasets,SCIENCE CHINA Earth Sciences,DOI:10.1007/s11430-015-5183-6. (SCI, Impact Factor= 1.49)
Yin, B., S. Li,R. Li, Q. Min and M. Duan,2015:Interannual variation of cloud optical properties at ACRFManus and Nauru sites from MFRSR measurements,Journal of QuantitativeSpectroscopy and Radiative Transfer,153, 29-37. (SCI, Impact Factor=2.38)
Li, R., H. Cai, Y. Fu, Y. Wang, Q. Min, J.-C. Guo and X. Dong,2014: Optical properties and longwave radiative forcing in the lateral boundaryof cirrus cloud,Geophysical Research Letter, 41, 3666-3675, doi:10.1002/2014GL059432. (SCI, Impact Factor=4.25)
Min, Q.,R. Li,B. Lin, E. Joseph, V.Morris, Y. Hu, S. Li, and S. Wang, 2014: Impacts of mineral dust on ice cloudsin tropical deep convection systems,Atmospheric Research, 143,64-72. (SCI, Impact Factor= 3.78)
Liu, X., Q. Liu, Y. Fu andR. Li, 2014:Daytime precipitation identification scheme based on multiple cloud parametersretrieved from visible and infrared measurements,SCIENCE CHINA-EARTHSCIENCES, 57, 2112-2124.(SCI, Impact Factor= 1.49)
Li., R. and Q. Min, 2013: Dynamic response of microwave landsurface properties to precipitation in Amazon rainforest,RemoteSensing of Environment, 133, 183-192. (SCI, Impact Factor=8.2)
Min, Q.,R. Li, X. Wu and Y. Fu, 2013:Retrieving Latent Heating Vertical Structure from Cloud and PrecipitationProfiles – Part I: Warm Rain Processes,Journal of QuantitativeSpectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 122,31-46,doi:10.1016/ j.jqsrt.2012.11.030i. (SCI, Impact Factor=2.38)
Li, R., Q. Min, X. Wu and Y. Fu, 2013: Retrieving LatentHeating Vertical Structure from Cloud and Precipitation Profiles – Part II:Deep Convective and Stratiform Rain Processes,Journal of QuantitativeSpectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 122,47-63, doi:10.1016/j.jqsrt.2012.11.029. (SCI, Impact Factor= 2.38)
Fu, Y., Q. Liu, Y. Gao, X. Hong, Y. Zi, Y. Zheng,R.Liand Z. Heng, 2013: A feasible method for merging the TRMM microwaveimager and precipitation radar data,Journal of QuantitativeSpectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 122, 155-169. (SCI, ImpactFactore=2.38)
Li, R., Q. Min and Y. Fu, 2011, 1997/1998 El Nino InducedChanges in Rainfall Vertical Structure in East Pacific,J. Climate,24, 6373–6391, doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-11-00002.1 (SCI, Impact Factor= 4.8)
Lin, Y., Min, Q., Zhuang, G., Wang, Z., Gong, W., andLi,R.,2011: Spatial features of rain frequency change and pollution andassociated aerosols,Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 11,7715-7726, doi:10.5194/acp-11-7715-2011.(SCI, ImpactFactor= 5.51)
Li, R., and Q.-L. Min, 2010: Impacts of mineral dust on thevertical structure of precipitation,J. Geophys. Res.,115,D09203, doi:10.1029/2009JD011925. (SCI, Impact Factor= 3.44)
Min, Q. andLi, R., 2010: Longwave indirecteffect of mineral dusts on ice clouds,Atmospheric Chemistry andPhysics, 10, 7753-7761, doi: 10.5194/acp-10-7753-2010. (SCI, Impact Factor=5.51)
Li, R.,Q., Min and L. C. Harrison, 2010, A case study: theindirect aerosol effects of mineral dust on warm clouds.Journal of theAtmospheric Sciences, 67: 805-816, doi: 10.1175/2009JAS3235.1, (SCI, ImpactFactor= 3.6)
Min, Q., B. Lin andR. Li,2010, Remotesensing vegetation hydrological states using passive microwavemeasurements.IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied EarthObservation and Remote Sensing, 3,124-131 (SCI, Impact Factor= 2.83)
Gong, W., Min, Q.,Li, R., Teller, A.,Joseph, E., and Morris, V. 2010: Detailed cloud resolving model simulations ofthe impacts of Saharan air layer dust on tropical deep convection – Part 1:Dust acts as ice nuclei,Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussion,10, 12907-12952, doi: 10.5194/acpd-10-12907-2010.
傅云飞,冯沙,刘鹏,曹爱琴,刘显通,李锐,刘奇,王雨,2010:热带测雨卫星测雨雷达探测的亚洲夏季积雨云云砧.气象学报, 2010, 68(2), 195-206
傅云飞;刘奇;王雨;孙亮;李锐;马明;刘国胜, 2010:热带测雨卫星搭载的仪器及其探测结果在降水分析中的应用,中国工程科学,14,43-50
Min, Q.-L.,Li, R., Lin, B., Joseph, E.,Wang, S., Hu, Y., Morris, V., and Chang, F. , 2009, Evidence of mineral dustaltering cloud microphysics and precipitation,Atmospheric Chemistryand Physics, 9, 3223-3231. (SCI, Impact Factor= 5.51 )
Li, R., Q., Min and B. Lin, 2009, Estimation ofevapotranspiration in a mid-latitude forest by using Microwave EmissivityDifference Vegetation Index (EDVI).Remote Sensing of Environment,113, 2011-2018, doi: 10.1016/j.rse.2009.05.007 (SCI, Impact Factor= 8.2)
傅云飞,冯静夷,朱红芳,李锐,刘栋,2005,西太平洋副热带高压下热对流降水结构特征的个例分析,气象学报, 63(5),750-761.
Fu Y., G. Liu, G. Wu, R. Yu, Y. Xu, Y. Wang,R.Li, Q. Liu, 2006, Tower mast of precipitation over the central TibetanPlateau summer,Geophys. Res. Lett., 33, L05802,doi:10.1029/2005GL024713. (SCI, Impact Factor= 4.25)
Li, R.,Y. Fu, 2005,Tropical precipitation estimated by GPCP and TRMM PR observations,Adv.Atmos. Sci., 22, 852-864. (SCI, Impact Factor= 1.86)
李锐,傅云飞,赵萍,利用热带测雨卫星的测雨雷达资料对1997/1998年EL Nino后期热带太平洋降水结构的研究,大气科学,2005,29,225-235.
李锐,傅云飞,GPCP和TRMM PR热带月平均降水的差异分析,气象学报. 63, 146-160.



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