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郭文彬,江苏泰州人。1978年毕业于扬州师范学院数学系,1984-1986武汉大学学习,1992年获苏联数学-物理理学博士(Ph.D.)学位,2002获白俄罗斯数学-物理科学博士(Sci.D)学位,2009年被Gomel大学授予荣誉博士。1993年晋升为副教授、硕士生导师,并被聘为Gomel大学研究员,1997年晋升为扬州大学教授,1999受聘为中国科学技术大学兼职博士生导师。2001-2009任江苏师范大学特聘教授、数学研究所所长,江苏省基础数学重点学科负责人。2010任中国科学技术大学教授、博士生导师。从1998年起分别到莫斯科大学、俄罗斯科学院Sobolev数学研究所、圣彼得堡数学研究所,乌拉尔数学研究所、乌拉尔大学、美国Vanderbilt大学、Louisiana州立大学、白俄罗斯Gomel国立大学、Vitebsk大学,波拉茨克大学、香港中文大学、香港科技大学、韩国岭南大学、浦项工科大学、新加坡华南理工大学等访问。多次应邀在国际学术会议上作大会邀请报告。1994年被评为江苏省优秀青年骨干教师,1998年获江苏省人民政府科技进步二等奖,2000年获国务院政府特殊津贴,2001年江苏省人民政府授予江苏省有突出贡献的中青年专家荣誉称号;2001年获江苏省高等教育教学成果一等奖,2009年被评为全国模范教师。《Trudy Instituta Mathematici iMechaniki》,《Problems of Physica, Mathematics and Technics》、《Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics》、《Communications in Mathematics and Statistics》编委。

2) 江苏省自然科学基金,具有给定Sylow子群正规化子的有限群,1993-1995,1.5万。
3) 国家天元基金,撰写和出版专著《群类论》(当代数学园地5), 1.5万。
4) 国家自然科学基金(面上项目), 群类理论研究, 1997-1999,5.5万。
5) 白俄罗斯国际合作基金,有限非单群及其群类的局部方法和技术的发展,
6) 江苏省333工程基金,群类理论研究, 2000-2001,2万。
7) 香港裘槎基金,群与代数的构造规则, 2001-2001,12万。
8) 江苏省跨世纪人才基金,群的构造研究, 2000-2002,5万。
9) 国家自然科学基金(面上项目),发展运用局部方法研究群的结构和攻克若干难题,2002-2004,17万。
10)国家自然科学基金(面上项目),群的Sylow对象及相关公开问题研究, 2005-2007,19万。
1. Guo W. and Shemetkov L. A., Finite groups with the hypercentral condition, Dokl. Akad. Nauk Belurusi, 1992, 36(2), 485-486.
2. Guo W., On normalizers of Sylow subgroups,Dokl. Akad. Nauk Belarusi,1993, 37(4), 22-24.
3. Guo W., Finite groups with specified properties of the normalizers of their Sylow subgroups, Chinese Ann. Math. Ser. A, 1994, 15(6), 627-631.
4. Guo W., Finite groups with given normalizers of Sylow subgroups, Chinese Science Bulletin, 1994, 39(23), 1951-1953.
5. Guo W., Finite groups with given indices of normalizers of Sylow subgroups,Siberian Math. J., 1996, 37(2), 253-357.
6. Guo W., Theory of formations, Rings, Groups and Algebras, pp.133-143, Lecture Notes in Pure and Appl. Math. 181, Dekker, New York, 1996.
7. Guo W., Finite groups with given normalizers of Sylow subgroups II, Acta Math. Sinica, 1996, 39(4), 509-513.
8. Guo W., Injectors of finite groups, Chinese Ann. Math. Ser. A, 1997, 18(2), 145-148.
9. Guo W., Local formations in which every subformation of type Np has a complements, Chinese Science Bulletin, 1997, 42(5), 364-367.
10. Guo W., The groups generated by subnormal subgroups,Algebra Colloquium,1998, 5(1), 41-48.
11. Guo W., On one question of Kourovka Noteboot, Comm. Algebra,2000, 28(10), 4767-4782.
12. Guo Wenbin On one problem in the theorem of step formations,Izv VUZ Math., 9, 2001, 33-37.
13. Guo W. and A.N.Skiba, Factorizations of one-generated composition formations, Algebra and Logic, 2001, 40(5), 545-560.
14. Guo Wenbin, K.P.Shum and A.N.Skiba, On F-residuals of finite groups,Bull. Austral. Math. Soc., 65, 2002, 271-275.
15. Guo Wenbin and Zhu L., On formations with Shemetkov condition, Algebra Colloquium, 9(1), 2002, 89-98.
16. Miao L. And Guo Wenbin, On the influence of the indices of normalizers of Sylow subgroups in the structure of finite p-soluble groups, Siberian Math. J.,43(1), 2002,102-125.
17. Guo W., K.P. Shum, On totally local formations of groups, Comm. Algebra,2002, 30(5), 2117-2131.
18. Guo W., K. P. Shum, Formation operators on classes of algebras, Comm. Algebra, 2002, 30(7), 3457-3472.
19. Guo W. and K.P.Shum, Problems on product of formations,Manuscripta Math., 108, 2002, 205-215.
20. Zhou L. and Guo W. and K.P.Shum, Weakly c-normal subgroups of finite groups and iys properties, Comm. Algebra,2002, 30(11), 5503-5510 .
21. Guo W. and K.P.Shum, Frattine theory of the classes of finite nuiversal algebras of Mal’cev varieties, Siberian Math. J., 2002, 43 (6), 1283-1292.
22. Guo W. and A.N.Skiba, Two notes on the equations of the lattices of $w$-local and $w$-composition formations of finite groups,Izv Math,480(5), 2002, 14-22.
23. W. Guo and K.P. Shum, Lattices of Schunck classes of finite universal algebras, Algebra Colloquium, 10(2), 2003, 219-228.
24. Guo W. and K.P.Shum, Uncancellative factorizations of Baer-local formations, J. Algebra, 2003, 267, 654-672.
25. Guo W. and K.P.Shum, Products of w-saturated formations, Italian J. Pure and App. Math., 14, 2003, 177-182.
26. Guo W., K.P.Shum and A. Skiba, G-coving subgroup systems for the classes of supersoluble and nilpotent groups, Israel J. Math., 138, 2003, 125-138.
27. W.Guo, K.P.Shum and A.N.Skiba, G-covering systems of subgroups for classes of p-supersoluble and p-nilpotent finite groups,Siberian Math. J., 45(3), 2004, 527-539.
28. W.Guo, On a problem of the theory of multiply local formations, Siberian Math. J., 45(6), 1036-1040, 2004.
29. Wenbin Guo, Bin Hu and V. Monakhov, On Indices of subgroups of finite soluble groups, Comm. Algebra,2004, 32, 1-10.
30. L. Miao and W. Guo, Fitnie groups with some primary subgroups F-S-supplemented, Comm. Algebra, 33(8), 2005, 2789-2800.
31. W.Guo, K.P.Shum and A.Skiba, Criterions of supersolubility for products of superaoluble groups, Publ.Math. Debrecen, 2006, 68(3-4), 433-449.
32. Guo W., Shum K.P. and Skiba A.N., $X$-permutable maximal subgroups of Sylow subgroups of finite groups, Ukrain. Matem. J., 2006, 58 (10), 1299-1309.
33. W.Guo, A.N.Skiba and K.P.Shum, Lattices of subgroup and subsystem functors, Algebra and Logic, 2006, 45(6), 4003-414.
34. W. Guo, K.P.Shum and A.Skiba, On primitive subgroups of finite groups, Indian J. Pure appl. Math., 37(6):369-376, 2006.
35. B.Hu and W.Guo, c-semipermutable subgroups of finite groups,Siberian Math.J.2007, 48(1), 180-188.
36. W.Guo, A.N.Skiba and K.P.Shum, Lattices of subgroup and subsystem functors, Algebra and Logic, 2006, 45(6), 403-414.
37. W.Guo, K.P.Shum and A.N.Skiba, X-Quasinormal subgroups, Siberian Math. J. 46(4), 2007, 32-51.
38. W.Guo, B.Li, On the Shemetkov Problem for Fitting Classes, Beitrage zue Algebra und Geometrie Comtributions to Algebra and Geometry, 2007, 48(1), 281-289.
39. W.Guo, K.P.Shum and A.Skiba, X-semipermutable subgroups of finite groups, J. Algebra,2007,315, 31-41
40. Miao, Wenbin Guo and K.P.Shum, New Criteria for p-Nilpotency of Finite Groups, Comm. Algebra35(3),2007, 965-974.
41. Wenbin Guo, V.M.Selkin,K.P.Shum, Factorization theory of 1-generated ω-composition formations, Comm. in Algebra, 2007, 35, 2347-2377.
42. W.Guo and B.Li, On the injectors of finite groups, J. Group Theory, 2007,10(6),849-858
43. W.Guo, K.P. Shum and A. N. Skiba, Schur-Zassenhaus theorem for X-permutable subgroups, Algebra Colloquium, 2008, 15(2), 185-192.
44. Guo W., On F-supplemented subgroups of finite groups, Manuscripta Math.2008, 127,139-150.
45. W,Guo, Finite Groups with seminormal Sylow subgroups, Acta Math.Sinica., English Series, 24(10), 2008, 1751-1758.
46. W. Guo, N.T. Vorob’ev, On Injectors of finite soluble groups, Comm. Algebra, 36(9), 2008,3200-3208.
47. Guo, K.P.Shum and N.T.Vorobe’v, Problems relates to the Lockett conjecture on Fitting classes of finite groups,Indag. Mathem..N.S.,19(3), 2008, 391-399.
48. Gavrilyuk A.L., Guo Wenbin, Makhnev A.A. Automorphisms of Terwilliger graphs with $\mu=2$, Algebra i Logika, 2008, 47(5), 330-339.
49. Xi Liu, Wenbin Guo and K.P.Shum, Products of finite supersoluble groups, Algebra Colloquium,2009, 16(2), 333-340.
50. W. Guo and A.N.Skiba, On finite quasi-?-groups, Comm. Algebra., 2009, 37(2), 470-481.
51. W. Guo, K.P.Shum and A.N.Skiba, On solubility and supersolubility of some classes of finite groups,Science in China Series A: Mathematics, 2009, 52(2), 272-286.
52. A. S. Kondrat0ev and W. Guo, Finite groups in which the normalizers od Sylow 3-subgroups are odd or primary index, Siberian Math. J.,2009, 50(2),
53. W. Guo, F. Xie, and B. Li, On some open questions in theory of generalized permutable subgroups, Science in China Series A: Mathematics, 52 (10), 2009,2132-2144.
54. W.Guo and A. Skiba, On some classes of finite quasi- F-groups, J. Group Theory,12 (2009), 407–417.
55. Nanying Yang, Wenbin Guo, On $\tau$-primitive subgroups of finite groups,Siberian Math. J., 50(3), 2009, 560-566.
56. Guo Wenbin, Makhnev A.A., Paduchikh D.V. On automorphisms of covers of the strongly regular graph with parameters (81,20,1,6), Matem. Zametki, 2009, 86(1), 22-36.
57. W.Guo and A.N.Skiba, Finite groups with given s-embedded and n-embeddedsubgroups, J. Algebra, 321, 2009,2843–2860.
58. A.S. Kondratev, W. Guo, Finite groups in which the normalizers of the Sylow 3-subgroups are of odd or primary index, Siberian Math. J., 50(2), 2009.
59. B. Li, W. Guo and J. Huang, Finite groups in which Sylow normalizers have nilpotent Hall supplements, Siberian Math. J., 50(4), 2009,667-673.
60. W. Guo and A.Skiba, Criterions of Existence of Hall Subgroups in Non-soluble Finite Groups, Acta Math. Sinica, EnglishSeries, 2009.
61. Gavrilyuk A.L., Guo Wenbin, Makhnev A.A. On automorphisms of Terwilliger graphs with $\mu=2$, Algebra i Logika, 2008, 47(5), 584-600.
62. Guo, Wenbin,Legchekova H. V., Skiba A. N., On nonnilpotent groups with every two 3-maximal subgroups permutable, Siberian Math. J., 50(6), 2009, 988-997.
63. Guo, Wenbin,Legchekova H. V., Skiba A. N., The structure of finite non-nilpotent groups in which every 2-maximal subgroup permutes with all 3-maximal subgroups.Comm. Algebra, 37(7), 2009, 2446-2456.
64. W. Guo,E. V. Legchekova and A. N. Skiba,Finite Groups in Which Every 3-Maximal Subgroup Commutes with All Maximal Subgroups,Mathematical Notes,2009, 86(3), 325–332.
65. W.Guo, A.N. Skiba,Criteria of existence of Hall subgroups in non-soluble finite groups, Acta Math. Sinica,2009. 295-304.
66. Xi Liu, Wenbin Guo and K.P.Shum, Products of finite supersoluble groups, Algebra Colloquium,2009, 16(2), 333-340.
67. W. Guo and A.N.Skiba, On finite quasi-?-groups,Comm. Algebra., 2009, 37(2), 470-481.
68. 谢凤艳,郭文彬,李保军,关于广义置换子群理论中的一些公开问题,中国科学,2009,39(5),593-604.
69. W. Guo, K.P.Shum and A.N.Skiba, On solubility and supersolubility of some classes of finite groups,Science in China Series A: Mathematics, 2009, 52(2), 272-286.
70. W. Guo and A.N.Skiba, Finite groups with given s-embedded and n-embedded subgroups,
J. Algebra, 321, 2009, 2843-2860.
71. W. Guo, F. Xie and B. Li, On some open questions in theory of generalized permutable subgroups, Science in China Series A: Mathematics, 2009. 52(10), 2132-2144.
72. Nanying Yang, Wenbin Guo, On $\tau$-primitive subgroups of finite groups,Siberian Math. J., 50(3), 2009, 560-566.
73. A.S. Kondrat’ev, W. Guo, Finite groups in which the normalizers of the Sylow 3-subgroups are of odd or primary index,Siberian Math. J.,50(2), 2009, 272–276
74. W.Guo and A. Skiba, On some classes of finite quasi- F-groups, J. Group Theory,12 (2009), 407–417.
75.W. Guo Wenbin, A.A. Makhnev A.A., D.V. Paduchikh, Automorphisms of coverings of strongly regular graphs with parameters (81,20,1,6), Math. Notes,2009, 86, 26-40.
76. Guo, Wenbin, Lutsenko Yu.V., Skiba A. N., On nonnilpotent groups with every two 3-maximal subgroups permutable, Siberian Math. J., 50(6), 2009, 988-997.
77. Guo, Wenbin, Legchekova H. V., Skiba A. N., The structure of finite non-nilpotent groups in which every 2-maximal subgroup permutes with all 3-maximal subgroups.Commun. Algebra37, No. 7, 2446-2456 (2009).
78. Wen-Bin Guo,E. V. Legchekova and A. N. Skiba,Finite Groups in Which Every 3-Maximal Subgroup Commutes with All Maximal Subgroups,Mathematical Notes,2009, 86(3), 325–332.
79. B.Li, W.Guo, J. Huang, Finite groups in which Sylow normalizers have nilpotent Hall supplements, Siberian Math. J., 50(4), 2009, 667–673
80. Wen Bin Guo,A.Skiba,Criteria of Existence of Hall Subgroups in on-soluble Finite Groups,Acta Math. Sinica,English Series Feb., 2010, Vol. 26, No. 2, pp. 295–304.
81. Wenbin GUO, Fengyan XIE, Yi LU,On g-s-supplemented subgroups of finite groups,Front. Math. China2010, 5(2): 287–295.
82. Wenbin Guo, Sheng Chen, Weakly c-permutable subgroups of finite groups, J. Algebra,324 (2010), 2369–2381.
83. Wenbin Guo,Alexander N. Skiba, On Quasisupersoluble and p-Quasisupersoluble Finite Groups, Algebra Colloquium17 : 4 (2010), 549-556.
84. Wenbin Guo, K. P. Shum and A. N. Skiba, Finite groups with some given systems of Xm-semipermutable subgroups, Math. Nachr. 283, No. 11, 1603 – 1612 (2010) .(科大)(SCI杂志)
85. Yan Wang Wenbin Guo, Nearly s-Normality of Groups and Its Properties, Comm. Algebra,38: 3821–3836, 2010.
86. Xiuxian FENG, Wenbin GUO, On Fh-normal subgroups of finite groups,Front. Math. China, 2010, 5(4): 653–664.
87. Yi,X., Miao,L., Zhang,H., Guo,W. Finite groups with some F-supplemented subgroups
Journal of Algebra and Its Applications, 9(5), pp 669-685, 2010.
88. Guo,W., Lu,Y., Niu W. S-embedded subgroups of finite groups, Algebra and Logic, 49(4), 293-304, 2010.
89. Wenbin Guo, K.P.Shum and fengyan Xie, Finite groups with some weakly S--supplemented subgroups,Glasgow Math. J.: 53 (2011) 211–222.
90. Wenbin Guo; Alexander N. Skiba,New criterions of existence and conjugacy of Hall subgroups of finite groups, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 139 (2011), 2327-2336.
91. W.Guo, N.Tang, B.Li, On F-z-supplemented subgroups of finite groups,Acta Mathematica Scientia2011,31B(1):22–28
92. W. Guo and X. Yu, On Fn-normal subgroups of finite groups, Siberian Math J., 52(2), 197–206, 2011.
93. B.Li, W. Guo, On some open problems related to X-permutability of subgroups, Comm. Algebra, 39: 757–771, 2011
94. W.Guo, A.N.Skiba, On G-Covering subgroup systems of finite groups, Acta Math. Hungar.133 (4) (2011), 376–386
95. W.Guo, X.Feng, J.Huang, New Characterizations of Some Classes of Finite Groups, Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc.34(3), 2011, 575-589.
96. W.Guo, A.N.Skiba, Finite groups with systems of $sigma$-embedded subgroups, SCIENCE CHINA Mathematics,2011,Volume 54, Number 9, 1909-1926.
97. W.Guo, N.T.Vorobe’v, On the theory of $\frak{F}$-centrality of chief factors and $\frak{F}$-hypercentre for Fitting classes, J.Algebra,344 (2011) 386–396.
98. W.Guo, A.N.Skiba, On factorizations of finite groups with ?-hypercentral intersections of the factors,J. Group Theory, 14(5): 2011, 695–708.
99. W. Guo, A.N.Skiba,On the intersection of the F-maximal subgroups and the generalized F-hypercentre of a finite group, J. Algebra,366 (2012), 112-125.
100.W. Guo, A.N.Skiba, On F-hypercentral subgroups of finite groups, J. Algebra, 372 (2012), 275-292.
101.W. Guo, A.N.Skiba, New characterizations of p-soluble and p-supersoluble finite groups,Studia Ssi. Math. Hungarica2012, 49(3), 390-405.
102.N.Yang, W. Guo,J. Huang, M. Xu, Finite Groups with Weakly S-Quasinormally Embedded subgroups, Journal of Algebra and its Applications, 2012, 11(3), **-1(14 pages) doi: 10.1142/S02**786.
103.N.Yang, W. Guo, N.T.Vorobev, Factorizations of Fitting classes, Front. Math. China,7(5), 2012, 943-954.
104.N.Yang, W. Guo, O.L. Shemetkova, Finite groups with S-supplemented p-subgroups, Siberian Math. J.,53(2), 2012, 371-376.
105.W. Guo, A.N. Skiba, On Hall subgroups of a finite group, Central European Journal of Mathematics, 11(7), 2013, 1177-1187.
106.X. Chen, W. Guo, On θ-pairs for maximal subgroups of a finite group, J. Group Theory,2013, 16,51-68.
107.X. Chen, W.Guo, On the partial π-property of subgroups of finite groups, J. Group Theory, 16 (2013), 745-766.
108.X. Yu, X, Chen, W.Guo, The influence of F_s-quasinormality of subgroups on the structure of finite groups,Publ. Math. Debrecen, 82(3-4), 2013, 709-725.
109.W. Guo, A. N. Skiba,N. Yang, SE-supplemented subgroups of finite groups, Rend. Sem. Mat. Padova,129, 2013, 245-263.
110.W. Guo, J. Huang, A. N. Skiba, On G-covering subgroup systems for some saturated formations of finite groups, Comm. Algebra,41, 2013, 2948-2956.
111.W.Guo, A.N. Skiba, On the intersection of maximal supersoluble subgroups of a finite group, Ttuds of Math. Institute,Akad Nauk Belarus, 2013, 21(1), 48-51.
112.Y. Liu, W. Guo, V.A.Kovaleva, A. N. Skiba, Criteria for p-solvability and p-supersolvability for finite groups, Math. Notes, 2013, 94(3), 117-130.
113.X. Chen, W. Guo, On weakly S-embedded subgroups and weakly $\tau$-embedded subgroups, Siberian Math J., 54(3), 2013, 931-945.
114.W. Guo, A. A. Makhnev, D. V. Paduchikh, On almost distance-transitive graphs, Doklady Mathematics,2013, 88(2), 581-585. Original Russian Text: Dokl. Akad. Nauk,2013, 452(6), 599-906.
115.Guo, Wenbin, Makhnev, A. A,.On distance-regular graphs without 4-claws, DOKLADY MATHEMATICS, 88, 625-629,2013-11.
116.X. Chen, Wenbin Guo, On the πF-norm and the H-F-norm of a finite group, J. Algebra, 405(2014), 213-231.
117.L. Huo, W. Guo, G. Zhang, Automorphisms of generalized orthogonal graphs of characteristic 2, Front. Math. China,2014, 9(2), 303-319.
118.霍丽君,郭文彬,麻常利,特征为奇数的广义正交图的自同构,数学学报,2014.1, 57(1), 1-18.
119.A. Galt, W. Guo, E.Averkin, D. Revin, On the local case in the aschbacher theorem for linear and unitary groups, Siberian Math. J., 2014, 55(2), 239-245.
120.W. Guo, D. O. Revin, On the class of groups with pronormal Hall $\pi$-subgroups, Siberian Math. J., 2014, 55(3), 415-427.
121.X. Chen, W. Guo, Finite group in which SS-permutability is a transitive relation,Acta Math. Hungar.142(2), 2014, 466-479.
122.X. Chen, W. Guo, A. Skiba, Some conditions under which a finite group belongs to a Baer-local formation, Comm. Algebra,42: 4188–4203, 2014.
123.L. huo, W. Guo, A.A. Makhnev, On nearly SS-embedded subgroups of finite groups, Chin. Ann. Math. 35B(6), 2014, 885-894.
124.W. Guo, Alexander N. Skiba, X. Tang, On Boundary Factors and Traces of Subgroups of Finite Groups, Commun. Math. Stat.(2014) 2: 349–361.
125.Wenbin Guo, D.O.Revinb, E.P.Vdovin,Confirmation for Wielandt’s conjecture,J. Algebra, 434 (2015), 193–206.
126.Wenbin Guo, Alexander N. Skiba, Finite groups with permutable complete Wielandt sets of subgroups, J. Group Theory, 18 (2015), 191–200.
127.W. Guo, Alexander N. Skiba,On graduated properties of subgroups of finite groups, Siberian Math. J., 56(3), 2015, 487-497. (in Russia)
128.W. Guo, Dina P. Andreeva Alexander N. Skiba, Finite Groups of Spencer Height ≤3, Algebra Colloquium,22 : 3 (2015) 437-444.
129.Wenbin Guo, A.N.Skiba, Finite groups with generalized Ore supplement conditions for primary subgroups, J. Algebra, 432 (2015), 205-227.
130.Wenbin Guo,A.S.Kondrat’ev,Finite Minimal Non-supersolvable GroupsDecomposable into the Product of Two NormalSupersolvable Subgroups, Commun. Math. Stat.,2015, 3: 285-290.
131.GUO WenBin, SKIBA Alexander N., YANG NanYing, A generalized CAP-subgroup of a finite group, SCIENCE CHINA Mathematics, October 2015 Vol. 58 No. 10: 2133–2144
132.Xiaoyu Chen, Wenbin Guo, A.N.Skiba,On generalized U-hypercentral subgroups of a finite group,J. Algebra, 442 (2015) 190–201
133.Yuemei MAO, Abid MAHBOOB,Wenbin GUO,S-semiembedded subgroups of _nite groups,Front. Math. China, 10(6), 2015, 1401-1413.
134.Yuemei Mao, Wenbin Guo,Baojun Li, On p-supersolubility and solubility of finite groups,Journal of Algebra and Its Applications, 14(6), 2015, **-1-**-11.
135.Wenbin Guo, A.N.Skiba, GradewiseProperties of subgroups of finite groups, Siberian Math. J., Vol. 56, No. 3, pp. 384–392, 2015.
136.Y. Mao, X. Chen,W. Guo, On weakly Fs-Quainormal subgroups of finite groups,,Bull. Iranian Math. Soc., 41 (2015), No. 3, pp. 665-675.
137.X. Chen, W. Guo, and A. N. Skiba, Fτ-embedded and FτΦ-embedded subgroups of finite groups, Algebra and Logic, Vol. 54, No. 3, July, 2015,226-244.
138.Chen X., Guo W., On $\Pi$-supplemented subgroups of a finite group, Comm. Algebra, 44(2), 731-745 (2016).
139.Wenbin Guo, Haifeng Yu, and Li Zhang, OnπF-embedded subgroups of finite groups, Bull. Korean Math. Soc. 53 (2016), No. 1, pp. 91–102.
140.Zh. Wu, Y. Mao, and W. Guo, Onweakly SΦ-supplemented subgroups of finite groups, Siberian Math.J.,Vol. 57, No. 4, pp. 696–703, 2016.
141.Y.Mao, X.Chen,W.Guo, On p-hypercyclically embedded subgroups of fnite groups, Publ. Math. Debrecen,89/1-2 (2016), 173-186.
142.Z.Wu,W.Guo,B. Li, On an open problem of Guo-Skiba, Front. Math. China, 2016,11(6), 1603-1612.
143.Chen, XY; Mao, YM; Guo, WB,On finite groups with some primary subgroups satisfying partial S-Pi-propert, Comm. Algebra,2017, 45 (1): 428-436;
144.Zhang, Li;Chen, Xiaoyu;Guo, WenbinOnπF-supplemented subgroups of a finite group.Rend. Semin. Mat. Univ. Padova136(2016),175–189.
145.Chen, Xiaoyu;Mao, Yuemei;Guo, Wenbin*, On finite groups with some primary subgroups satisfying partialS-Π-property.Comm. Algebra,45(2017),no. 1,428–436.
146.Yufeng Liu, Wenbin Guo*, N. Skiba, On Existence of Hall Subgroups in Finite Groups, Algebra Colloquium24 : 1 (2017) 75-82.
147.Xingzheng Tang, Wenbin Guo*, On partial CAP*-subgroups of finite groups, Journal of Algebra and Its Applications, Vol. 16, No. 1 (2017) ** (12 pages)
148.Guo, Wenbin*; Skiba, Alexander N.;Gradewise Properties of Subgroups and Their Applications.Algebra Colloq.24(2017),no. 2,255–266.
149.Guo Wenbin*;Skiba A. N.,Groups with maximal subgroups of Sylow subgroups σ-permutably embedded.J. Group Theory20(2017),no. 1,169–183.
150.Guo, Wenbin*; Cao, Chenchen; Skiba, Alexander N.; Sinitsa, Darya A.;Finite Groups withH-Permutable Subgroups.Commun. Math. Stat.5(2017),no. 1,83–92.
151.X. Tang, Yu ye, W. Guo*, Finite groups that are products of two normal supersoluble subgroups, Siberian Math. J.58(2). 319–328, 2017.
152.Chi Zhang, Zhanfeng Wu, Wenbin Guo*, On weakly σ-permutable subgroups of finite groups,Publ. Math. Debrecen,91/3-4 (2017), 489-502.
153.Guo Wenbin*, A. N. Skiba, On the lattice of П_I-subnormal subgroups of a finite group, Bull. Aust. Math. Soc. Bull. Aust. Math. Soc., 96(2) (2017), 233-244.
154.W. Guo and A. S. Mamontov*, On groups whose element orders divide 6 and 7.,Siberian Math. J.,58(1),. 67–71, 2017.
155.L. Zhang, W. Guo*, and A. N. Skiba, Some notes on the rank of a finite soluble group, Siberian Math. J., 58(5), 915–922, 2017
156.Zhang Li, Wu Zhenfeng, Guo Wenbin*, On CAP-quasinormal subgroups of finite groups, Advances in Mathematics (China),2017,46(6),897-907.
157.Wenbin Guo,Danila O. Revin*,Classification and properties of the π-submaximal subgroups in minimal nonsolvable groups, Bull. Math. Sci.2018,8:2, 325-351.
158.Wenbin Guo*, Zhang Chi, Alexander N. Skiba, On σ-supersoluble groups and one generalization of CLT-groups, J. Algebra, 512 (2018) 92–108. 2
159.W. Guo*, C. Zhang, A. N. Skiba, D. A. Sinitsa, On H -permutably embedded subgroups of finite groups, Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Padova, Vol. 139 (2018), 143–158.
160.C. Cao, Z. Wu, and W. Guo*, Finite groups with given weakly σ-permutable subgroups, Siberian Math. J., 59(1), 157–165, 2018.
161.Chi Zhang, Wenbin Guo*, Natalia V. Maslova, Danila O. Revin, On Prime Spectrum of Maximal Subgroups in Finite Groups, Algebra Colloquium25 : 4 (2018) 579–584. 1
162.Wenbin Guo, E. P. Vdovin*, Carter subgroups and Fitting heights of finite groups, Arch. Math.110 (2018), 427–432.
163.Nanying Yanga, W. Guo*, and N. T. Vorob’ev, On F-injectors of Fitting set of a finite group, Comm. Algebra, 2018, 46, 217–229.
164.W.Guo*, N.V.Maslova, D.O.Revin, On the Pronormality of Subgroups of Odd Index in Some Extensions of Finite Groups,Siberian Math.J.,2018,59, 610–622.
165.W. Guo*, D. O. Revin, Maximal and submaximal X-subgroups,Algebra and logic, 56:1 (2018), 9–28.
166.W. Guo, D. O. Revin*, Conjugacy of maximal and submaximal X-subgroups, Algebra and Logic, 57:3 (2018), 169–181.
167.W. Guo*, D. O. Revin, Pronormality and submaximal X-subgroups in finite groups, Commun. Math. Statistics, 6:3 (2018), 289–317.
168.W. Guo*, A.N. Skiba, On σ-semipermutable Subgroups of Finite Groups, Acta Mathematica Sinica,English Series Sep., 2018, 34(9),. 1379–1390. 2
169.W. Guo*, A. A. Buturlakin, D. O. Revin, Equivalence of the Existence of Nonconjugate and Nonisomorphic Hall π-Subgroups, Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics, 2018, 303, 1–6.
170.Zh. Wu,W. Guo, E. P. Vdovin, The number of Sylow subgroups in special linear groups of degree 2, Algebra and Logic, 56(6), 2018, 498-501.
171.W. Guo, E.P. Vdovin,Number of Sylow subgroups in finite groups, J. Group Theory,2018, 21(4), 695-712.
172.Wei X., Guo W., Lytkina D.V., and Mazurov V.D., Characterrization of locally finite simple groups of the type 3D4 over fields of odd characteristic in the class of periodic groups,Siberian Math. J.,59(5), 799–804, 2018.
173.Guo, Wenbin*, Skiba A. N.,On П-quasinormal subgroups of finite groups,Monatsh Math (2018) 185:443–453.
174.W. Guo, S.N. Vorobe’v, On the formations defined by Doerk-Hawkes operation, Journal of Algebra and Its Applications,17(12), 2018, ** (9 pages)
175.Xiaoxing Zhu, Chenchen Cao, Wenbin Guo, Finite σ-soluble groups in which σ-permutability is a transitive relation, Journal of Algebra and Its Applications,18(4) (2019) ** (11 pages)
176.Chenchen Cao, Li Zhang, Wenbin Guo, ONσ-permutably embedded subgroups of finite groups, Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,, 69 (144) (2019), 11–24. 2
177.Y. Mao, C. Cao, W. Guo*, On rσ-conditionally permutable subgroups of finite groups, Comm. Algebra, 47, 2019, 4271-4282.
178.V. Amjid, W. Guo, and B. Li, On σ-embedded and σ-n-embedded subgroups of finite groups, Siberian Math. J., 2019, 60(3), 389–397.
179.A. A. Makhnev, M. P. Golubyatnikov, Wenbin Guo, Inverse Problems in Graph Theory: Nets, Communications in Mathematics and Statistics https://doi.org/10.1007/s40304-018-0159-4
180.Wenbin Guo, Alexander N. Skiba, Finite groups whose n-maximal subgroups are σ-subnormal,Science ChinaMathematics,2019, 62(7): 1355-1372.
181.W.Guo Li Zhang, N.T.Vorob’ev, On σ-local Fitting classes, J. Algebra,542 (2020) 116–129
183.. Guo Wenbin, The Theory of Classes of Groups, Science Press-Kluwer Academic Publishers, Beijing-New York-Dordrecht-Boston-London, 2000.
185. Wenbin Guo, Structure Theory for Canonical Classes of Finite Groups, Springer,2015.

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