


合肥学院研究生校内导师简介 姓名 黄俊俊 性别 男 学历 博士研究生 学位 博士 院系 能源材料与化工学院 专业技术职务及专家称谓 副教授 邮箱 huangjunjun163@163.com 主要研究领域 及方向 个人简历 近五年主要科研 项目 3D 打印材料制备及其产业化应用 黄俊俊,男,1986 年 9 月出生,合肥学院副教授,工学博士,合肥工业大学博士后。现任中国绿色建材产业发展联盟全国碳酸钙产业专委会专家组委员,广西碳酸钙资源综合利用重点实验室第一届学术委员会委员。长期致力于超细粉体制备、改性等研 究工作,具有丰富的研究、工程化经验及管理能力。先后主持省厅级科研项目 6 项,产学研项目 6 项, 校级项目 2 项,发表各类论文 30 多篇,其中 SCI 收录 18 篇,授权发明专利 5 项,获 2019年度中国非金属矿科学技术奖一等奖一项(项目名称:高值化碳酸钙粉体制备成套技术研发与应用),获 2019 年度全国碳酸钙行业创新奖一项(项目名称:改性活化重质碳酸钙高值化制备技术)。 一)纵向项目 (1)具有催化功能的杂化膜结构设计及其诱导PET 表面选择性化学镀研究,安徽省教育厅重点项目,2019.06-2021.05,KJ2019A0830,主持 (2)NanoCu-GO/PA12 粉体的复合化学镀制备及其选择性激光烧结行为,合肥学院人才项目,合肥学院,2019.010-2021.09,8-19RC24,主持 (3)高校优秀青年骨干教师国内访问研修项目,安徽省教育厅,gxgnfx2019058,主持 (4)PET 表面结构设计及其增材制备柔性导电线路板研究,广西科技基地和人才专项,广西省科技厅,2018AD19127,主持 (5)高晶化率和低应力镶嵌在氧化硅中硅纳米晶薄膜制备与结构特性研究,安徽省教育厅一般项目,2015.01-2017.09,KJ2015B1105905,结题 (6)基于底涂改性的 PET 表面化学镀镍生长行为与应力状态研究,合肥学院科研基金项目 (重大),17ZR03ZDA,2017-2019,结题。 二)横向项目 )(1)高性能阳离子型 AC 与 PU 乳液的开发,企业委托,2017.10-2019.10,主持 )(2)高性能助磨剂研发,企业委托,2019.10-2021.10,主持 )(2)矿物粉体制备及其综合性利用,企业委托,2016.12-2018.12,主持 )(3)选择性化学镀表面处理剂,企业委托,2014.12-2017.12,主持 )(4)食品级超疏水涂层研制,企业委托,2017.10-2019.10,主持 )(5)聚氨酯乳液合成,企业委托,2017.10-2019.10,主持 文章: 主要成果 (论文、著作、专利等) 获奖情况 (1) Junjun Huang, Lili Xu, Difang Zhao, et al. facile process to fabricate metal coating on PET sheet: Preparation of highly active polymer brush/Ag particle and Its application in electroless copper plating. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2019, 3(63),1-8. (2) Junjun Huang, Yu Zhang, Manman Yuan, et al.. A facile process to fabricate electroless plating on PET sheet: Effects of surface roughness on adhesive force, electronic and structural properties of copper coating. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers. 2019, 6(53),1-8. (3) Guangchao Qin, Yu Zhang, Junjun Huang*. A facile method combined with catalyst solution printing and electroless plating to fabricate selective metal coating on inert polymer. Journal of Materials Science-Materials in Electronics. 2019, 10(30),9767-9774. (4) Zhiping Sun, Junjun Huang*, Stress behavior nickel-plated in coating on poly(ethylene terephthalate) substrate modified with primer. Journal of Materials Science-Materials in Electronics. 2018,29(8):6632-6638. (5) Junjun Huang, Changan Tian, Jing Wang, et al. Fabrication of selective electroless copper plating on PET sheet: Effect of PET surface structure on resolution and adhesion of copper coating. Applied Surface Science. 2018,458(15),734-742. (6) Junjun Huang, Zhenming Chen, et al. High-adhesive electroless copper plating on polyethylene surface。 Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry. 2017,6(21),1-8. (7) Junjun Huang, Zhiping Sun, Fang Zhou, et al.. Method for electroless nickel plating on poly(ethylene terephthalate) substrates and through holes modified with primer. Journal of Materials Science Materials in Electronics. 2017,28(15),10974–10980. (8) Junjun Huang, Zhenming Chen. Method for electroless nickel plating on the surface of CaCO3 powders. Rsc Advancess. 2017,7(41),25622-25626. (9) Junjun Huang, Weiyan Wang, Jie Yang, et al. High-conductivity SiO2 -matrix B-doped Si-NC thin films by following ion-beam treatment. Electronic Materials Letters. 2016,12(6),1-4. (10) Junjun Huang, Weiyan Wang. Hydrogen-ion implantation effect on SiO2-matrix B-doped Si-NC thin films. Surface & Coatings Technology. 2016,304(6),57-62. (11) Junjun Huang,Chengmei Gui,Ming Ding, et al.. Effect of assisted-ion-beam gases on the structure of amorphous silicon thin films prepared by ion-beam-assisted sputtering,Materials Science Forum. 2016,852(6),1102-1107. (12) Junjun Huang,Zhiping Sun,Hongzhi Huang. Effects of pH on Ni coating on poly(ethylene terephthalate) substrate by printing prime in combination with palladium activating,Surface Review and Letters. 2016,23(5),1650034-1650041. (13) Junjun Huang,Li Wang,Hongyan Sun. Effects of RTA temperatures on conductivity and micro-structures of boron-doped silicon nanocrystals in Si-rich oxide thin films,Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing. 2016,47(5),7-11. (14) Junjun Huang , Chengmei Gui , Ming Ding. Effects of chemical stoichiometry on the structural properties of Si-rich oxide thin films,Thin Solid Films,2015,595(5),79-83. (15) Junjun Huang,Weiyan Wang,Xuyang Fang,Effect of hydrogen-ion energy on structure of a-Si:H thin films prepared by ion-beam-assisted sputtering. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics. 2015,26(5),4888-4893. (16) Junjun Huang, Yuheng Zeng, Ruiqing Tan, et al. Reduction of residual stress in SiO2 -matrix silicon nano-crystal thin films by a combination of rapid thermal annealing and tube-furnace annealing. Physica Status Solidi (a). 2013,210(3),528–532. (17) Junjun Huang, Yuheng Zeng, Ruiqing Tan, et al. Effects of substrate temperature on structural and electrical properties of SiO2-matrix boron-doped silicon nanocrystal thin films. Applied Surface Science. 2013,270(14),428-431. 专利: (1) 黄俊俊, 赵娣芳, 丁明, 王辉, 李明华, 谢劲松. 发明专利 一种选择性化学镀的方法, CN 104911568 A(授权). (2) 黄俊俊 , 王辉, 周守发. 发明专利 一种无机粉体表面化学镀的方法及其薄 膜, CN106119818 B(授权). (1)获 2019 年度中国非金属矿科学技术奖一等奖一项(项目名称:高值化碳酸钙粉体制备成套技术研发与应用), (2)获 2019 年度全国碳酸钙行业创新奖一项(项目名称:改性活化重质碳酸钙高值化制备技术)。

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