


合肥学院研究生校内导师简介 姓名 程继海 性别 男 学历 博士研究生 学位 博士 院系 能源材料与化工学院 专业技术职务及专家称谓 副教授 邮箱 主要研究领域 及方向 个人简历 近五年主要科研 项目 cjh@hfuu.edu.cn 材料电化学;新型无机功能材料,包括燃料电池等新能源材料及器件、梯度功能材料等 程继海:男,1976 年 8 月出生,工学博士,合肥学院副教授,安徽省粉末冶金学会理事。主要从事材料电化学及新型无机功能材料研究工作, 特别是固体氧化物燃料电池等新型能源 材料及器件的研究。主持和参加国家自然科学基金、安徽省自然科学基金、安徽省高校自然科学研究重大、重点、一般项目多项。 以第一作者在 Journal of Power Sources、Materials Research Bulletin、Materials Letters、Ceramics International、Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry、Journal of Alloys and Compounds、应用化学等国内外著名学术期刊上发表研究论文多篇。受邀担任 Journal of Power Sources、Journal of the American Ceramic Society、Journal of Alloys and Compounds、Ionics 等期刊的审稿人。 主持安徽省高校自然科学研究重点项目《白钨矿型复合氧化物的离子导电性能及其在 SOFC 中的应用研究》(No. KJ2016A591)参与安徽省自然科学基金项目《碳酸盐/SDC 复合电解质材料电导增强机制及其结构-性能优化研究》(No.1708085ME112) 主要成果 (论文、著作、专利等) [1] Jihai Cheng, Ming Wang. Preparation and electrical properties of gadolinium doped strontium tungstate electrolyte for SOFC. Functional Materials Letters, 2019, In press, doi.org/10.1142/S1793604720500101(SCI) [2] Jihai Cheng. Effects of Fe2O3 addition on the electrical properties of SDC solid electrolyte ceramics. Journal: Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2019, 30:16613–16620. (SCI) [3] Jihai Cheng, Changan Tian, Jie Yang. Effects of Mg2+ addition on structure and electrical properties of gadolinium doped ceria electrolyte ceramics. Processing and Application of Ceramics, 2019, 13 (2): 182-188. (SCI) [4]Jihai Cheng, Changan Tian, Jie Yang, Jianbo He. Electrical and mechanical properties of Sm 2 O3 doped Y-TZP electrolyte ceramics. Ceramics International, 2018, 44: 17033 -17037. (SCI) [5] Jihai Cheng, Jianbo He. properties of scheelite structure ceramic electrolytes for solid oxide fuel cells. Materials Letters,2017,209: 529-527. (SCI) [6] Jihai Cheng, Changan Tian. Preparation and electrochemical properties of perovskite CexLi0.5-xCa0.5TiO3 composites. IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 292 (2017) 012016 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/292/1/012016. (EI) [7] Jihai Cheng, Changan Tian, Renfa Zhu. Synthesis and characterization of the La 0 . 6 Sr0 . 4 Co0 . 8 Fe0 . 2 O3 - δ-Gd0 . 2 Ce0 . 8 O1 . 9 composite cathode for Gd0 . 2 Ce0 . 8 O1 . 9 electrolyte SOFC. Materials Research Innovations, 2014, 18(6):461 -464. (SCI) [8] Jihai Cheng, Changan Tian, Difang Zhao. Synthesis and electrochemical properties of Ca 0 . 9 La0 . 1 WO4 + δ electrolyte for solid oxide fuel cells. Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, 2012 ,16(2):753-758. (SCI) [9] Jihai Cheng, Chenfei Liu, Wenbing Cao, Mingxing Qi, Guoquan Shao. Synthesis and electrical properties of scheelite Ca 1 - x Smx MoO4 + δ solid electrolyte ceramics. Materials Research Bulletin, 2011 , 46: 185-189.(SCI) [10] Jihai Cheng, Weitao Bao, Chengliang Han, Wenbing Cao. A novel electrolyte for intermediate solid oxide fuel cells. Journal of Power Sources, 2010, 195: 1849-1853. (SCI) [11] Jihai Cheng, Weitao Bao, Dechun Zhu, Changan Tian, Qiyi Yin, Ming Ding. Synthesis of BaCe 0 . 8 Sm0 . 1 Gd0 . 1 O3 ?δ electrolyte by a sol-combustion method. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2009 , 484: 317-321. (SCI) [12] Jihai Cheng, Weitao Bao, Dechun Zhu, Ming Ding. Preparation and electrical properties of La 0 . 1 Ca0 . 9 Ti0 . 9 Zr0 . 1 O3 as a novel electrolyte material for SOFCs. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2009 , 486: 895-899. (SCI) [13] Jihai Cheng, Weitao Bao, Dechun Zhu, Changan Tian, Qiyi Yin, Ming Ding. Preparation of Ce 0 . 8 Gd0 . 2 O1 . 9 solid electrolyte by the sol-combustion method. Journal of the Chilean Chemical Society, 2009 , 54(4): 445-447. (SCI) 获奖 曾获合肥学院优秀科研成果奖三等奖和优秀论文奖三等奖。 情况

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