


霍妮娜 职 称:讲师 职 务:无 工作单位:人工智能与大数据学院 E-MAIL:huonn@hfuu.edu.cn 一、基本情况 霍妮娜,女,博士,硕士生导师。 二、主要研究方向 主要从事分数阶微分方程及其应用、神经网络概周期解等研究。 三、主要科研成果 参与地区科学基金项目:四元数值泛函微分方程的若干定性研究,11861072,在研。主持云南大学第十届研究生科研创新项目:四元数值神经网络的反周期解及其稳定性研 究,批准号:2018163,起止时间:2018.10-2019.10 发表学术论文 6 篇,其中 SCI 6 篇: (1) Yongkun Li, Nina Huo*, (μ,ν)-pseudo almost periodic solutions of Clifford-valued high-order HNNs with multiple discrete delays, Neurocomputing, 414 (2020) 1-9 . (2) Yongkun Li*, Nina Huo, Bing Li, On μ-pseudo almost periodic solution for Clifford-valued neutral type neural networks with leakage delays, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (2020) 1-10 ( Top 期刊). (3) Nina Huo, Yongkun Li*, Anti-periodic solutions for generalized inertial shunting inhibitory cellular neural networks with distributed delays, Applied and Computational Mathematics 18(1) (2019) 95-107. (4) Nina Huo, Yongkun Li*, Anti-periodic solutions for quaternion-valued shunting inhibitory cellular neural networks with distributed delays and impulses, Complexity 2018 (2018) 1-12. (5) Nina Huo, Bing Li, Yongkun Li*, Existence and exponential stability of anti-periodic solutions for inertial quaternion-valued high-order Hopfield neural networks with state-dependent delays, IEEE Access 7 (2019) 60010-60019. (6) Nina Huo, Bing Li, Yongkun Li*, Anti-periodic solutions for Clifford-valued high-order Hopfield neural networks with state-dependent delays and leakage delays, International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science 30(1) (2020) 83-98. 四、主要教学成果 先后承担《实变函数》、《概率论与数理统计》课程主讲工作。

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