
合肥学院人工智能与大数据学院导师教师师资介绍简介-Thomas WEISE.doc


Thomas WEISE (汤卫思) 职 称: 博士 职 务: 教授 工作单位: 人工智能与大数据学院 E-MAIL: tweise@ustc.edu.cn 一、基本情况 Prof. Dr. Thomas Weise (汤卫思), male, German citizen, is the director of the Institute of Applied Optimization (应用优化研究所) of the School of Artificial Intelligence and Big Data (人工智能与大数据学院) of Hefei University (合肥学院). He received his PhD in 2009 from the University of Kassel and his MSc in 2005 from the Chemnitz University of Technology, both in Germany. He did a PostDoc from 2009 to 2011 at the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC, 中国科学技术大学), where he was Associate Professor from 2011 to 2016. In 2016, he joined Hefei University. He is member of the editorial board of Applied Soft Computing (一区). 二、主要研究方向 The research interests of Prof. Weise include optimization algorithms, such as metaheuristics and evolutionary computation methods. He has made important contributions to algorithm benchmarking, genetic programming, and logistics. 三、主要科研成果 Prof. Weise is author or co-author of 30 journal articles and 64 conference papers. Including book chapters and conference proceedings, he has authored and edited over 100 peer-reviewed scientific publications. According to GoogleScholar, his h-index is 26 and his i10-index is 49. Prof. Weise has organized 14 international scientific events. He has received funding from the Chinese National Natural Science Foundation (国家自然科学基金会), the Chinese Academy of Sciences (中国科学院), and the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (中国博士后科学基金委). 四、主要教学成果 Prof. Weise has taught 6 different courses at Chinese universities and supervised several graduate and undergraduate students at USTC, some of whom are now pursuing doctoral degrees in top international universities or joined top companies such as Huawei and Morgan Stanley, China UnionPay, Alibaba, or LinkedIn. He received the 2016 HP Information Science Award for Young Teachers at USTC.

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