本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-04-24
1978.3~1982.1 在合肥工业大学力学专业读本科
1982.2~1984.10 在东南大学结构工程专业读硕士研究生
1997~2001 在中国科技大学固体力学专业读博士学位
工作背景2000.4~2001.3 在德国Stuttgart大学数学所,访问****
2009.9~2009.11 在法国巴黎EPF Ecole D’ingenieurs,访问****
1984.11~现在 在合肥工业大学力学专业任教师;
1999-2011年4月 任土木水利工程学院副院长;
11.国家金融信息大厦高位转换层有限元弹塑性分析, 中国五洲工程设计集团, 2013-2014
12.浅水区杆塔基础结构分析与安全性研究, 安徽华电工程咨询设计有限公司, 2014
13.电力电缆隧道建设中若干关键技术研究开发, 安徽华电工程咨询设计有限公司, 2014
14.新建瑞昌至九江铁路RJZQ-2标段简支钢桁梁施工监控, 中铁四局合肥钢结构公司,2015.9-
15.110kV混压窄基角钢塔关键技术研究, 安徽华电工程咨询设计有限公司, 2016-
16.霍邱体育中心主馆钢结构屋盖施工监控, 中铁四局集团合肥钢结构公司,2016
17.石济客运专线济南黄河公铁两用桥刚性悬索加劲连续钢桁梁施工过程节点应力状态监测研究, 中铁四局集团合肥钢结构公司,2016
18.凤阳县体育中心项目体育馆钢结构屋盖施工技术研究与监控. 中铁四局合肥钢结构建筑公司,2017-2018
19.窄基角钢塔螺栓连接节点力学性能研究,安徽华电工程咨询设计有限公司, 2018-2019
20.多柱钢管杆之间连接关键技术研究,安徽华电工程咨询设计有限公司, 2018-2019
22. 大跨度非对称无推力拱桥施工技术研究与试验. 中铁四局合肥钢结构建筑公司,2021-2022
2. 高速公路沥青路面养护成套技术研究, “中国公路学会科学技术奖”二等奖,2011 (6/10)
发表科研论文[1]牛忠荣. 圆柱贮液池结构分析的一个新方法. 工程力学,1992,9(1): 60-64
[2]Niu Zhongrong. Nonlinear bending of the shallow spherical shells with variable thickness under axisymmetrical loads. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 1993, 14(11):1023-1031
[3]牛忠荣. 钢筋砼圆形贮液池的优化设计.计算结构力学及其应用,1993, 10(2):171-178
[4]牛忠荣. 变厚度球壳的非线性弯曲问题.应用数学和力学,1993, 14(11):971-978
[5]牛忠荣. 多点边值问题的插值矩阵法及其误差分析. 计算物理,1993, 10(3):336-344
[6]牛忠荣,于红光,李景高. 弹性力学轴对称问题的有限元线法.应用力学学报,1996, 13(3):124-129
[7]牛忠荣,王秀喜. 非线性多点边值问题的插值矩阵法.计算物理,1997, 14(4):708-711
[8]Niu Zhongrong, Wang Xiuxi, Zhou Huanlin, Zhang Chenli. A novel boundary integral equation method for linear elasticity—natural boundary integral equation. ACTA Mechanica Solida Sinica, 2001, 14(1):1-10
[9]牛忠荣,王秀喜,周焕林. 边界元法中计算几乎奇异积分的一种无奇异算法. 应用力学学报,2001, 18(4):1-8
[10]牛忠荣,王秀喜,周焕林, 张晨利. 弹性力学问题中一个新的边界积分方程—自然边界积分方程. 固体力学学报,2001, 22(2):111-119
[11]牛忠荣,王秀喜,周焕林. 边界元法计算近边界点参量的一个通用算法.力学学报,2001, 33(2):275-283
[12]牛忠荣, 程长征, 周焕林. 多域边界元法中几乎奇异积分的计算. 固体力学学报, 2003,24(专刊)
[13]牛忠荣, 张晨利, 王秀喜. 边界元法分析狭长体结构. 计算力学学报, 2003, 20(4): 391-396
[14]Zhou Huanlin, Niu Zhongrong, Wang Xiuxi. The regularization of nearly singular integrals in the BEM of potential problems. Appl. Math. Mech., 2003, 24(10): 1208-1214
[15]周焕林,牛忠荣,王秀喜. 位势问题边界元法中几乎奇异积分的正则化. 应用数学和力学, 2003, 24(10): 1069-1074
[16]周焕林,牛忠荣,王秀喜. 薄体位势问题边界元法中的解析积分算法. 力学季刊, 2003,24(3): 319-326
[17]周焕林,牛忠荣,王秀喜. 二维热弹性力学边界元法中几乎奇异积分的正则化. 固体力学学报,2004,25(2):144-148
[18]Niu Zhongrong, Zhou Huanlin. The natural boundary integral equation in potential problems and regularization of the hypersingular integral. Computers & Structures,2004, Vol.82(2,3): 315-323
[19]牛忠荣, 王秀喜, 周焕林. 三维边界元法中几乎奇异积分的正则化算法. 力学学报, 2004, Vol.26(1):49-56
[20]牛忠荣, 王秀喜, 王左辉. 弹性理论几类导数边界积分方程之间的变换关系. 应用力学学报,2004, Vol. 21(2):55-60
[21]牛忠荣,王左辉, 胡宗军, 周焕林. 二维边界元法中几乎奇异积分的解析法. 工程力学, 2004, Vol.21(6):113-117
[22]Niu Zhongrong, Wendland W. L., Wang Xiuxi, Zhou Huanlin. A new semi-analytical algorithm for the evaluation of the nearly singular integrals in three-dimensional boundary element methods. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2005, Vol. 195: 1057-1074
[23]周焕林,牛忠荣,王秀喜,程长征. 正交各向异性位势问题边界元法中几乎奇异积分的解析算法. 应用力学学报, 2005,Vol.22(2):193-198
[24]周焕林,牛忠荣,王秀喜. 三维位势问题边界元法中几乎奇异积分的正则化. 计算物理, 2005,Vol.22(6):501-506
[25]Zhou Huan-Lin,Niu Zhong-Rong,Cheng Chang-Zheng,Wang, Xiu-Xi. Regularization of near singular integrals in the boundary element method of three-dimensional thermoelasticity. Journal of Jilin University (Engineering and Technology Edition), Vol.36, n SUPPL. 1, July, 2006, p 167-171,176
[26]Yang Jian, Ye Jianqiao, Niu Zhongrong. Interfacial shear stress in FRP-plated RC beams under symmetric load. Cement and Concrete Composites,2007,29:421-432
[27]Huanlin Zhou, Zhongrong Niu, Changzheng Cheng, Zhongwei Guan. Analytical integral algorithm in the BEM for orthotropic potential problems of thin bodies. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2007,31(10): 739-748
[28]牛忠荣,程长征,胡宗军,周焕林. 导数场边界积分方程分析近边界应力分布. 固体力学学报, 2007, 28(3): 249-254
[29]Zhongrong Niu, Changzheng Cheng, Huanlin Zhou, Zongjun Hu. Analytic formulations for calculating nearly singular integrals in two-dimensional BEM. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2007,31(12): 949-964
[30]程长征,胡宗军,周焕林,牛忠荣. 边界元法分析薄形层合结构. 应用力学学报, 2007, 24(4): 514-518
[31]程长征,牛忠荣,余果,黄峻峻. MTS液压伺服加载系统钢门架模态分析. 钢结构,2008, 23(1): 10-12
[32]程长征,牛忠荣,周焕林,杨智勇. 热应力边界元中几乎超奇异积分的计算. 计算物理,2008, 25(1):113-118
[33]周焕林,牛忠荣,程长征,王秀喜. 各向异性位势问题边界元法中几乎奇异积分的解析算法. 计算力学学报,2008, 25(3): 333-338
[34]程长征,牛忠荣,胡宗军. 碳纤维布加固钢结构的边界元分析. 钢结构, 2008, 23(6): 48-50,76
[35]Huanlin Zhou, Zhongrong Niu, Changzheng Cheng, Zhongwei Guan. Analytical Integral Algorithm Applied to Boundary Layer Effect and Thin Body Effect in BEM for Anisotropic Potential Problems. Computers & Structures, 2008, 86(15-16): 1656-1671
[36]Yang Jian, Ye Jianqiao, Niu Zhongrong. Simplified solution for the stress transfer in concrete beams bonded with FRP plates. Engineering Structures, 2008, 30(2): 533-545
[37]王远坤, 程长征, 胡宗军, 牛忠荣. 边界元法分析功能梯度涂层材料. 材料工程,2008, (4): 61-64
[38]牛忠荣, 程长征,胡宗军,叶建乔. V形切口应力强度因子的一种边界元分析方法. 力学学报,2008,40(6): 849-857
[39]Zhongrong Niu, Dali Ge, Changzheng Cheng, Jianqiao Ye, Naman Recho. Evaluation of the stress singularities of plane V-notches in bonded dissimilar materials, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2009, 33: 1776-1792
[40]Zhongrong Niu, Changzheng Cheng, Jianqiao Ye, Naman Recho. A new boundary element approach of modeling singular stress fields of plane V-notch problems. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2009, 46: 2999-3008
[41]赵芳琴,牛忠荣,鲁栋,阎艳. CFRP加固焊接钢结构工字型钢梁的有限元分析. 钢结构,2009,24(6): 32-35
[42]Changzheng Cheng, Zhongrong Niu, Huanlin Zhou, Naman Recho. Evaluation of multiple stress singularity orders of a V-notch by the boundary element method. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2009, 33: 1145-1151
[43]牛忠荣,葛大丽,程长征,叶建乔. 插值矩阵法分析双材料平面V形切口奇异阶. 计算力学学报,2009, 26(6): 893-899
[44]程长征; 牛忠荣; 周焕林; 胡宗军;边界元法计算切口多重应力奇性指数. 计算力学学报,2009, 26(4): 539-543
[45]程长征,牛忠荣,Naman Recho. 两相材料V形切口应力强度因子边界元分析. 固体力学学报, 2010,31(3): 319-324
[46]胡宗军,牛忠荣, 程长征,周焕林. 三维Helmholtz积分方程外问题几乎奇异积分的半解析算法. 应用力学学报,2010,27(3): 532-537
[47]邵卓平; 童永耀; 盛宏玉; 牛忠荣; 董宏敢; 木材裂纹尖端应力场的有限元分析和开裂方向预测. 林业科学, 2010, 46(10): 108-113
[48]沈永强; 牛忠荣; 邑强; 基于离散变量的大跨度钢桁架网壳优化设计, 钢结构,2010, 25(8): 32-34, 21
[49]Zhongrong Niu, Naman Recho, Zhiyong Yang, Changzheng Cheng. Elastic-plastic stress singularities of plane V-notches in power-hardening materials. Key Engineering Materials, 2011, 465: 105-110
[50]C.Z. Cheng, Z.R. Niu, N. Recho, Z.Y. Yang and R.Y. Ge. A natural stress boundary integral equation for calculating the near boundary stress field. Computers & Structures, July 2011, 89(13-14): 1449-1455
[51]崔向斌; 牛忠荣; 陈恩伟; 童永耀; 刘正士; 吴维越, ITER校正场底部线圈结构的有限元分析. 核聚变与等离子体物理, 2011, 31(1): 68-74
[52]张俊; 周焕林; 牛忠荣;钢筋混凝土水塔流固耦合动力响应分析,特种结构,2011,28(2):56-59
[53]Cheng Chang-zheng, Recho Naman, Niu Zhong-rong, Zhou Huan-lin,Effect of notch dimension on the fatigue life of V-notched structure, Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2011, 241:3573– 3579
[54]杨智勇,牛忠荣,伍章健,周焕林. 四边简支各向同性矩形厚板的插值矩阵法解. 固体力学学报,2011,32(专辑): 93-99
[55]赵恩鹏; 牛忠荣; 胡宗军; 程长征; CFRP加固焊接钢结构的疲劳性能试验研究,工业建筑, 2011,41,S1期:354-358
[56]C.Z. Cheng, Z.R. Niu, N. Recho. Effect of non-singular stress on the brittle fracture of V-notched structure. International Journal of Fracture, 2012, 174: 127-138.
[57]C.Z. Cheng, N. Recho, Z.R. Niu, Influence of the non-singular stress on the crack extension and fatigue life. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2012, 248: 293-300
[58]C.Z. Cheng, Z.R. Niu, N. Recho, H.L. Zhou. Analyse the role of the non-singular stress in brittle fracture by BEM coupled with eigen-analysis [J]. Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Strucutres, 2012, 36, 416-426.
[59]程长征; 葛仁余; 牛忠荣; 周焕林; 三维切口应力奇性指数计算,固体力学学报, 2012,33(6): 623-630
[60]程长征; 王大鹏; 牛忠荣; 胡宗军;复合材料切口应力奇性指数计算,计算力学学报, 2013,30(2):275-280
[61]程长征; 牛忠荣; 张长会; 周焕林; 压电材料反平面切口奇性指数分析,应用力学学报, 2013,30(2):211-216
[62]程长征; 程香; 牛忠荣; 周焕林; 压电材料切口奇性指数计算,复合材料学报, 2013,30(2):206-212
[63]杨智勇; 牛忠荣; 程长征; 伍章健. 功能梯度矩形板问题三维理论的半解析解. 应用力学学报, 2013,30(4) : 581-586
[64]程长征; 葛仁余; 薛伟伟; 牛忠荣; 复合材料反平面切口端部奇性研究.计算物理,2013,30(5):700-705
[65]牛忠荣,胡宗军,葛仁余,程长征. 二维弹性力学边界元法高阶单元几乎奇异积分半解析算法. 力学学报, 2013,45(6): 897-907
[66]刘凯,牛忠荣,杜伟,方继. 南淝河特大跨度钢桁梁柔性拱桥施工过程力学和监控分析. 工业建筑,2013,43(10):106-111,169
[67]C.Z. Cheng, Z.R. Niu, N. Recho. Analysis of the stress singularity for a bi-material V-notch by the boundary element method [J]. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2013, 37: 9398-9408
[68]牛忠荣;葛仁余, N. RECHO, 程长征,胡宗军; 平面V形切口塑性应力奇异性分析. 中国科学G辑: 物理学 力学 天文学,2014,44(1):79-90
[69]程长征, 丁昊, 王大鹏,牛忠荣. 磁电弹材料反平面切口奇性分析. 中国科学G辑: 物理学力学 天文学,2014,44(1):91-99
[70]葛仁余,牛忠荣,程长征,胡宗军. 非奇异应力对中央含V形口试样断裂性能的影响. 应用力学学报,2014,31(2): 169-175
[71]Changzheng Cheng, Zhilin Han, Shanlong Yao, Zhongrong Niu, Naman Recho. Analysis of heat flux singularity at 2D notch tip by singularity analysis method combined with boundary element technique. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2014, 46: 1-9
[72]葛仁余,程长征,杨智勇,牛忠荣. 插值矩阵法分析正交各向异性板切口应力奇异性. 应用数学和力学,2014, 35 (4): 459-470.
[73]Chao Han, Zhangjian Wu, Zhongrong Niu. Accurate prediction of free-edge and electromechanical coupling effects in cross-ply piezoelectric laminates. Composite Structures, 2014, 113: 308-315
[74]胡宗军,牛忠荣,程长征. 三维边界元法高阶单元几乎奇异积分半解析算法. 力学学报,2014, 46 (3): 417-427
[75]胡宗军, 牛忠荣, 程长征, 周焕林. 二维位势边界元法高阶单元几乎奇异积分半解析算法. 计算力学学报,2014, 31(6): 763-768,798
[76]李聪; 易中楼; 杨华松; 张雪松; 牛忠荣; 南淝河特大跨度钢桁梁拱桥施工过程中强度分析与加固. 空间结构, 2014, 20(2): 64-70
[77]牛忠荣,程长征,胡宗军.弹性力学变分原理中应变能讲授技巧. 物理与工程,2014, 24(2): 24-26+29
[78]胡宗军, 牛忠荣, 程长征, 周焕林. 薄体结构温度场的高阶边界元分析. 应用数学和力学,2015, 36(2): 149-158
[79]朱利媛,牛忠荣,胡宗军,陶月赞. 地源热泵地埋管换热性能的边界元法分析. 太阳能学报,2015,36(4): 936-942.
[80]Zhongrong Niu, Zongjun Hu, Changzheng Cheng, Huanlin Zhou. A novel semi-analytical algorithm of nearly singular integrals on higher order elements in two dimensional BEM. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2015, 61: 42-51
[81]葛仁余,牛忠荣, 程长征,胡宗军,薛伟伟. 边界元法分析二维线弹性裂纹扩展. 计算物理, 2015, 32(3): 310-320
[82]葛仁余,牛忠荣, 程长征,胡宗军,杨智勇. 反平面V形切口塑性应力奇异性分析. 固体力学学报, 2015, 36(1): 76-84
[83]葛仁余; 牛忠荣; 程长征; 杨智勇;复合材料Reissner板中与界面相交的裂纹奇异性分析, 应用力学学报, 2015, 32(2): 167-174
[84]周焕林,胡豪, 江伟, 牛忠荣. 弹性力学柯西问题奇异值选取的傅里叶系数法. 固体力学学报,2015,35(专辑): 178-183
[85]胡宗军, 刘翠, 牛忠荣. 三维声场边界元高阶单元几乎奇异积分半解析法.应用力学学报, 2015, 35(5): 743-749
[86]潘艳颜; 周转; 邹本为; 易中楼; 牛忠荣. 钢管型无土围堰结构分析与设计方法. 《工业建筑》,2015,45(增刊Ⅰ)
[87]C. Z. Cheng, W. Zhou, Z. R. Niu, N. Recho. Stress singularity analysis for orthotropic V-notches in the generalized plane strain state. Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures, 2015, 38(8): 881-896.
[88]C.Z. Cheng, S.L. Yao, Z.L. Han, N. Recho, Z.R. Niu . Evaluation of the singularity exponents and characteristic angular functions for piezoelectric V-notches under in plane and out of plane conditions. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2015, 76: 50-59.
[89]C.Z. Cheng, Z.L. Han, H.L. Zhou, Z.R. Niu. Analysis of the temperature field in anisotropic coating-structures by the boundary element method. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2015, 60:115-122.
[90]C. Z. Cheng, Z. L. Han, D. P. Wang, Z. R. Niu, N. Recho. Singularity analysis near the vertex of the V-notch in Reissner’s plate by coupling the asymptotic expansion technique with the interpolating matrix method. Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures. 2015, 38(3): 30-314.
[91]葛仁余,牛忠荣,程长征,张金轮, 韩有民.与界面垂直相交 V 形切口的边界元分析方法. 应用力学学报, 2016,33(1): 19-24
[92]杨智勇, 牛忠荣, 葛仁余,程长征.压电材料三维 V 形切口端部力电耦合奇异场分析. 应用力学学报, 2016, 33(3): 490-495
[93]易中楼,牛忠荣,丁大益,李兆峰. 国家金融信息大厦结构转换层分析. 建筑结构, 2016, 46(16): 46-51,26
[94]罗天洋,牛忠荣,丁大益,潘艳颜,卢坤林. 浅水域钢管式无土围堰结构设计分析与监测研究. 建筑结构, 2016, 46(13): 61-67
[95]罗天洋, 潘艳颜, 高树清, 牛忠荣. 新型钢管式栈桥结构的设计方法与施工工艺. 钢结构, 2016, 31(8): 71-74,104
[96]姚善龙,程长征,牛忠荣. 正交各向异性材料切口尖端热弹奇性特征分析. 计算物理, 2016, 33(4):419-426
[97]C.Z. Cheng, S.Y. Ge, S.L. Yao, Z.R. Niu, N. Recho. Singularity analysis for a V-notch with angularly inhomogeneous elastic properties. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2016, 78-79: 138-148.
[98]Huan-Lin Zhou, Yu Tian, Bo Yu, Zhong-Rong Niu. The natural boundary integral equation of the orthotropic potential problem. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2016, 62: 186-192.
[99]Zongjun Hu, Zhongrong Niu, Changzheng Cheng. A new semi-analytic algorithm of nearly singular integrals on higher order element in 3D potential BEM. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2016, 63: 30-39.
[100]C.Z. Cheng, S.Y. Ge, S.L. Yao, Z.R. Niu. Thermal stress singularity analysis for V-notches by natural boundary element method. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2016, 40(19-20):8552~8563.
[101]C.Z. Cheng, S.L. Yao, J.L. Sun, Z.R. Niu. Singularity characteristic analysis for a V-notch in angularly heterogeneous moderately thick plate. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2016, 115-116: 215-225.
[102] C.Z. Cheng, X. Cheng, Z.R. Niu, N. Recho. Singularity characteristic analyses for magneto-electro-elastic V-notches. European Journal of Mechanics A/Solids, 2016, 57: 59-70.
[103]Huan-Lin Zhou, Bian Buxi, Bo Yu, Zhong-Rong Niu, Yu Tian. The Calculation of Potential Derivatives by Using NBIE for Anisotropic Potential Problems. JOURNAL OF MECHANICS,
[104]Changzheng Cheng, Zhilin Han, Zhongrong Niu, Hongyu Sheng. A state space boundary element method for elasticity of functionally graded materials, Engineering Computations, 2017,34(8), pp.2614-2633
[105]孙学根, 牛忠荣, 方继, 丁仕洪, 帖磊. 安徽霍邱体育馆钢结构屋盖累积滑移施工法与监测. 工业建筑, 2017, 47( 6 ): 125-130
[106]孙 锐, 胡宗军, 牛忠荣. 三维声场边界元法几乎奇异积分问题分析. 计算物理,2017, 34(5):611-618
[107]孙锐, 胡宗军*, 牛忠荣, 周焕林. 边界元法计算声辐射时几乎奇异积分的处理方法. 2017, 中国科学: 物理学 力学 天文学, 2017,47(9): 094301-1-10
[108]葛仁余, 牛忠荣, 程长征, 韩有民, 张金轮. 正交异性多材料三维接头应力奇异性分析. 应用力学学报, 2017, 34 (2): 237-242
[109]葛仁余, 张金轮, 韩有民, 索小永, 牛忠荣. 功能梯度变截面梁自由振动和稳定性研究,应用力学学报, 2017, 34(5): 875-880
[110]Shanlong Yao, Changzheng Cheng, Zongjun Hu & Zhongrong Niu. Investigation of singularity orders and eigen-angular functions for V-notches in radially inhomogeneous materials. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 2018, 25(4): 295–303
[111]孙学根, 牛忠荣, 李兆峰, 丁仕洪, 帖磊. 大跨度空间结构卸载过程模拟分析与监测. 建筑结构, 2018, 48(11): 70-77
[112]李聪,牛忠荣,胡斌,程长征.扩展边界元法分析切口和裂纹结构应力场的准确性.固体力学学报, 2018, 39(5): 539-551
[113]李兆峰, 牛忠荣, 张壮, 肖俊俊. 多尺度螺栓间隙下混压窄基角钢塔结构节点强度分析. 工业建筑, 2018, 48(12): 155-160,82
[114]张壮; 牛忠荣; 吴健安; 黄煜寰; 易中楼. 铁路大跨度钢-混凝土组合梁桥转体施工力学分析. 铁道建筑,2018,58(11): 46-49
[115]李文杰; 牙马忠; 李兆峰; 牛忠荣. 96m简支钢桁梁转体横移施工过程分析及监控.钢结构,2018, 33(4): 105-109
[116]沈李; 李聪; 牛忠荣. 110 kV混压六回路窄基角钢塔重力二阶. 钢结构,2018,33(5): 85-91
[117]葛仁余; 张金轮; 牛忠荣; 程长征. 轴向功能梯度Timoshenko变截面梁的屈曲分析. 应用力学学报, 2018, 35(3):643-649
[118]Shanlong Yao, Changzheng Cheng, Zhongrong Niu, Zongjun Hu. Evaluation of notch stress intensity factors by the asymptotic expansion technique coupled with the finite element method. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2018, 61: 682-692
[119]Zhilin Han, Changzheng Cheng, Zongjun Hu, Zhongrong Niu. The semi-analytical evaluation for nearly singular integrals in isogeometric elasticity boundary element method. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2018, 95: 286-296
[120]Zhongrong Niu, Cong Li, Renyu Ge, Zongjun Hu, Bin Hu. Analysis of plastic stress singularities of cracks and wedges under the plane stress conditions. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2019, 208: 72-89.
[121]Shanlong Yao, Changzheng Cheng*, Yongyu Yang, Jingchuan Li, Zhongrong Niu. Singularity evaluation for single material and bi-material propagating V-notches, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2019, 209: 79-91.
[122]Cong Li, Zhongrong Niu, Zongjun Hu, Bin Hu, Changzheng Cheng. Effectiveness of the stress solutions in notch/crack tip regions by using extended boundary element method [J]. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2019, 108(1): 1-13.
[123]李聪, 牛忠荣, 胡宗军, 胡斌, 程长征. 两相材料V形切口和裂纹结构应力场的扩展边界元分析[J]. 应用数学与力学, 2019, 40(8): 909-920.
[124]胡斌, 牛忠荣, 胡宗军, 丁信哲, 孙学根. 二维正交异性位势问题高阶边界元几乎奇异积分半解析算法. 应用力学学报, 2019,36(5): 1042-1048.
[125]葛仁余, 熊海超, 牛忠荣, 程长征. 各向同性与各向异性三相材料接头应力奇异性研究. 应用力学学报, 2019,36(4): 825-831.
[126]姜帅臣, 牛忠荣, 胡斌, 吴义兵, 李荣浩. 体育馆大跨度空间网架拆撑过程力学分析试验, 工业建筑, 2019,49(3): 141-147.
[127]李兆峰,牛忠荣,丁仕洪,方继,王利亚. 连续钢桁梁桥顶推施工过程整体式节点受力性能试验研究. 建筑结构学报. 2020, 41(2):182-190.
[128]李聪, 牛忠荣, 胡宗军, 胡斌. 三维切口/裂纹结构的扩展边界元法分析. 力学学报,2020,52(4):1394-1408.
[129]Hu B, Niu Z R, Hu Z J, Li C, Cheng C Z. Boundary element analysis of the orthotropic potential problems in 2-D thin structures with the higher order elements[J]. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2020, 118: 1-10.
[130]Hu B, Niu Z R, Hu Z J, Li C, Cheng C Z. Complete elastic-plastic stress asymptotic solutions near general plane V-notch tips[J]. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2020, 87: 91-110.
[131]黄煜寰,丁仕洪, 牛忠荣*, 程长征, 蒋志, 程献访. 格构式超高支墩在桥梁施工中的关键技术.铁道建筑,202006,60(6): 53-55+95.
出版著作[1] Zhongrong Niu, Huanlin Zhou. Chapter 5 Analytical and semi-analytical integral formulas for evaluating nearly singular integrals and their application to boundary layer effect and thin body effect in BEMs. In: Advances in Engineering Mechanics, pp.167-217 ? 2010 Nova Science Publishers, Inc. U.S.A. ISBN 978-1-60876-901-8
会议论文(1998- )[1]Lei Xiaoyan, Wang Xiuxi, Niu Zhongrong. A pair of boundary integral equations with boundary values of displacements, stress tensor and rotation. Proceedings of the 8th China-Japan Symposium on BEM,Beijing,May 10-14,1998,p.50-56
[2]牛忠荣, 张晨利, 王秀喜. 边界元法中几乎奇异积分及其在狭长体中应用. 第11届华东固体力学学术会论文集, 中国科技大学出版社, 2001.5, p.133-138
[3]牛忠荣,王秀喜,王左辉. 弹性力学中几类导数场边界积分方程与自然边界积分方程. 中国计算力学大会’2001会议论文集, 北京大学出版社, 2001.12,p.249-255
[4]Niu Zhongrong, Wang Xiuxi. A new algorithm for calculating the nearly singular integrals in BEM. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Boundary Element Techniques, Beijing, Sep.10-12, 2002,p.231-236
[5]周焕林,牛忠荣,程长征,王秀喜. 二维热弹性力学边界元法中几乎奇异积分的解析积分算法. 2003全国计算力学大会论文集, 北京, 2003
[6]牛忠荣,王秀喜,周焕林. 三维问题边界元法中几乎奇异积分的计算. 2003’全国计算力学大会论文集, 北京, 河北教育音像出版社,2003
[7]周焕林, 牛忠荣,王秀喜. 薄体结构热弹性力学分析的边界元法. 第7届全国工程中边界元法会议论文集, 秦皇岛, 2003, 燕山大学学报, 2004, 28(2):129-132
[8]牛忠荣, 周焕林,王秀喜. 二维位势问题中的自然边界积分方程. 第7届全国工程中边界元法会议论文集, 秦皇岛, 2003, 燕山大学学报, 2004,28(2):122-124,140
[9]Niu Zhongrong, Zhou Huanlin, Wang Xiuxi. The natural boundary integral equation in potential problems. In:Computational Mechanics-Proceedings of the Sixth World Congress on Computational Mechanics. Editors: Yao ZH, Yuan MW, Zhong WX, Tsinghua University Press & Springer, Beijing, Sep. 5-10, 2004
[10]Zhou Huanlin, Niu Zhongrong, Cheng Changzheng, Wang Xiuxi. Analytical Integral Algorithm of Nearly Singular Integrals in the Boundary Element Method of Thermoelasticity. In:Computational Mechanics-Proceedings of the Sixth World Congress on Computational Mechanics. Editors: Yao ZH, Yuan MW, Zhong WX, Tsinghua University Press & Springer, Beijing, Sep. 5-10, 2004
[11]Niu ZR, Ge DL, Cheng CZ, Hu ZJ. Determining the stress singularity exponents of plane V-notches in bonded bimaterial. Computational Methods in Engineering, 2nd Asia-Pacific Int. Conf. on Comp. Meth. in Engrg., Nov. 14-16, 2006, Hefei, China
[12]Cheng CZ, Niu ZR, Zhou HL, Hu ZJ. Boundary Element Analysis of the Temperature Field in the Orthotropic Coating- structures. Computational Methods in Engineering, 2nd Asia-Pacific Int. Conf. on Comp. Meth. in Engrg., Nov. 14-16, 2006, Hefei, China
[13]Zhou HL,Yang ZY, Niu ZR, Cheng CZ, Wang XX. Inverse Identification of Boundary Conditions for the Potential Problem of Thin Body by BEM. Computational Methods in Engineering, 2nd Asia-Pacific Int. Conf. on Comp. Meth. in Engrg., Nov. 14-16, 2006, Hefei, China
[14]Huanlin Zhou, Zhongwei Guan, Zhongrong Niu. Solving Two-Dimensional Orthotropic Potential Cauchy Problems of Thin Bodies using the Boundary Element Method. Proceedings of the 15th UK Conference of the Association of Computational Mechanics in Engineering, B.H.V. Topping (Editor), Civil-Comp Press, 2007, Stirlingshire, Scotland
[15]牛忠荣,葛大丽,程长征. 正交各向异性材料平面V形切口奇异阶分析. 中国力学学会2007‘学术年会,北京,2007.8.20-22
[16]牛忠荣,葛大丽,胡宗军,程长征. 正交各向异性双材料平面V形切口奇异性特征分析. 全国计算物理学会第六届年会和学术交流会,北京,2007.10.15-18
[17]牛忠荣, 程长征,胡宗军. V形切口奇异应力场的一个边界元分析方法, 中国计算力学大学‘2008暨第7届南方计算力学学术交流会,宜昌,2008.7.28-31
[18]牛忠荣, 周焕林. 边界元方法中奇异积分新算法及其薄体结构分析. 南方计算力学2009工作会议暨学术研讨会, 合肥,2009.4.11-13
[19]牛忠荣, 程长征,胡宗军,周焕林.V形切口应力强度因子的一个边界元分析方. 2009年全国力学学术大会, 2009.8,郑州
[20]Niu Zhongrong, Changzheng Cheng, Zhou Huanlin, Naman Recho. Boundary Element Analysis of Generalized Stress Intensity Factors of Plane V-notch Problems. 3rd Asia-Pacific Int. Conf. on Comp. Meth. in Engrg. 2009,Oct.18-20 , Nanjing, China
[21]Zhongrong Niu, Naman Recho, Zhiyong Yang, Changzheng Cheng. Elasto-plastic stress singularities of plane V-notches in power hardening materials. 中国计算力学大会2010(CCCM2010)暨第八届南方计算力学学术交流会(SCCM-8),绵阳,2010.8.20-24
[22]Zhongrong Niu, Naman Recho, Zhiyong Yang, Changzheng Cheng. Elasto-plastic stress singularities of plane V-notches in power hardening materials. 2010’全国固体力学大会, 武汉,2010.11.11-14
[23]Niu, Zhongrong; Recho, Naman; Yang Zhiyong; Cheng, Changzheng. Elastic-Plastic Stress Singularities of Plane V-notches in Power-Hardening Materials. 6th International Conference on Materials Structure and Micromechanics of Fracture, June 28-30, 2010, Brno, Czech Republic, pp 105-110, 2011(ISTP).
[24]ZR Niu, RY Ge, N Recho, CZ Cheng. Plastic stress singularities of plane notches in hardening materials. COMPUTATIONAL METHODS IN ENGINEERING, Global Chinese Workshop in conjunction with 10th National Conference on Computational Methods in Engineering. May 25-28, 2012, Changsha, China
[25]牛忠荣, 葛仁余, Naman Recho , 程长征. 平面切口和裂纹尖端塑性应力奇异性分析. 第16届全国疲劳与断裂学术会议,厦门, 2012.11.2-5
[26]牛忠荣, 胡宗军, 刘凯, 朱利媛. 弹性力学边界元法高阶单元几乎奇异积分半解析算法. 第9届南方计算力学学术会议, 合肥, 2013.4.19-21
[27]牛忠荣, 胡宗军, 葛仁余,程长征. 二维弹性力学边界元法高阶元几乎奇异积分半解析算法. 2013年全国力学学术大会, 2013.8.19-21,西安
[28]牛忠荣. 弹塑性切口/裂纹应力奇异性与断裂强度分析的扩展边界元法. 安徽省力学学会第六届代表大会, 2014.5.17-18, 安徽淮南
[29]牛忠荣,葛仁余,程长征,胡宗军. 分析平面塑性V形切口应力场的扩展边界元法. 中国计算力学大会’2014,2014.8.10-13, 贵阳
[30]Niu Zhongrong, Hu Zongjun, Cheng Changzheng. A new semi-analytic algorithm of nearly singular integrals on higher order elements in 2D BEM. International Association for Boundary Element Methods 2014(IABEM), August 13-15, 2014, Zhengzhou, China
[31]Hu Zongjun, Niu Zhongrong, Cheng Changzheng. A New Semi-analytic Algorithm of Nearly Singular Integrals on High Order Element of 3D BEM. IABEM, August 13-15, 2014, Zhengzhou, China
[32]牛忠荣,葛仁余,程长征,胡宗军. 分析V形切口结构塑性应力场的扩展边界元法. 第十七届全国疲劳与断裂学术会议,2014.8.22-24,桂林
[33]牛忠荣,葛仁余,程长征,胡宗军.求解平面V形切口塑性应力强度因子的扩展边界元法. 第十届南方计算力学学术会议(SCCM-10), 2015.8.7-10, 昆明
[34]杨智勇,牛忠荣,葛仁余,程长征. 功能梯度矩形叠层厚板自由振动半解析求解. 第十届南方计算力学学术会议(SCCM-10), 2015.8.7-10, 昆明
[35]胡宗军,牛忠荣,程长征.三维位势边界元法中几乎奇异积分的高阶元半解析算法. 第十届南方计算力学学术会议(SCCM-10), 2015.8.7-10, 昆明
[36]Zhongrong NIU, Renyu GE, Changzheng CHENG, Zongjun Hu. Extended BEM of Determining the Singular Stress Field of Plane V-notched Structure in Hardening Materials. The 5th Asia-Pacific International Conference on Computational Methods in Engineering (ICOME2015) and the 11th Chinese National Conference on Computational Methods in Engineering, October 11-13, 2015, Hangzhou, China
[37]Renyu GE, Zhongrong NIU, Changzheng CHENG, Zongjun Hu. Extended BEM of Evaluating Stress Intensity Factors of V-notch Perpendicular to an Interface with Bonded Dissimilar Materials. The 5th Asia-Pacific International Conference on Computational Methods in Engineering (ICOME2015) and the 11th Chinese National Conference on Computational Methods in Engineering, October 11-13, 2015, Hangzhou, China
[38]牛忠荣,葛仁余,程长征,胡宗军.V形切口塑性应力场分析的扩展边界元法. 边界元法与降维方法进展与应用研讨会, 桂林,2017.7.28-31
[39]葛仁余,牛忠荣,程长征,胡宗军. 扩展边界元法研究线弹性材料平面裂纹扩展. 边界元法与降维方法进展与应用研讨会, 桂林,2017.7.28-31
[40]李兆峰,牛忠荣,丁仕洪,方继,王利亚. 大型连续钢桁梁桥顶推施工过程整体节点试验研究. 第十一届南方计算力学学术会议(SCCM-11), 2017-10-20, 中国郑州
[41]姚善龙, 程长征,牛忠荣. 平面V型切口奇异应力场有限元分析. 第十一届南方计算力学学术会议(SCCM-11), 2017-10-20, 中国郑州
[42]Bin Hu,Zhongrong NIU, Ding Xinzhe, Hu Zongjun. A semi-analytic algorithm of the nearly singular integrals on higher order elements in BEM for 2D orthotropic potential problems. Chinese Conference on Computational Mechanics in conjunction with International Symposium on Computational Mechanics of 2018, Aug. 19-23, 2018, Nanjing, China
[43]Li Cong, Niu Zhongrong, Hu Bin, Cheng Changzheng: Accuracy of the Extended Boundary Element Method Analysing the Stress Fields of V-Notched/Cracked Structures. Chinese Conference on Computational Mechanics in conjunction with International Symposium on Computational Mechanics of 2018, Aug. 19-23, 2018, Nanjing, China
[44]程长征, 韩志林, 胡宗军, 牛忠荣. 等几何边界元法中几乎奇异积分的计算. 力学与工程——数值计算和数据分析2019学术会议论文集, 2019.4.19-20,北京.
[45]牛忠荣, 李聪, 胡斌, 胡宗军, 程长征. 两相材料V形切口和裂纹结构应力场的扩展边界元分析. 力学与工程——数值计算和数据分析2019学术会议论文集, 2019.4.19-20,北京.
[46]Zhongrong NIU, Cong LI, Zongjun HU, Bin HU, Renyu GE. XBEM analyses of elastic-plastic stress fields of plane V-notched/cracked structures. The 6th Asia-Pacific International Conference on Computational Methods in Engineering (ICOME2019), The 12th Chinese National Conference on Computational Methods in EngineeringAnd 2nd Conference on Boundary Element and Dimension Reduction Methods, September 27-30, 2019, Dalian, China
[47]Cong LI, Zhongrong NIU, Zongjun HU, Bin HU, Changzheng Cheng. The extended boundary element analysis of stress fields of 3D V-notched/cracked structures. The 6th Asia-Pacific International Conference on Computational Methods in Engineering (ICOME2019), The 12th Chinese National Conference on Computational Methods in Engineering and 2nd Conference on Boundary Element and Dimension Reduction Methods, September 27-30, 2019, Dalian, China
[48]Bin HU, Zhongrong NIU, Cong LI, Zongjun HU. Plastic stress and displacement asymptotic solutions near a V-notch/crack tip. The 6th Asia-Pacific International Conference on Computational Methods in Engineering (ICOME2019), The 12th Chinese National Conference on Computational Methods in Engineering and 2nd Conference on Boundary Element and Dimension Reduction Methods, September 27-30, 2019, Dalian, China.
[49]Niu Zhongrong, Li Cong, Hu Bin, Hu Zongjun. The XBEM analyses of stress fields of 3-D V-notched /cracked structures. 第十二届南方计算力学学术会议(SCCM-12), 2019.11.15-17, 中国武汉.
[50]牛忠荣,李聪,胡斌. 三维弹性V形切口/裂纹结构位移和应力场的扩展边界元法分析. 工程计算方法联络委员会2020学术年会, 2020.10.31-11.1, 南昌.
[51]李聪,胡斌,牛忠荣. 二维位势问题高阶单元快速多级边界元法. 工程计算方法联络委员会2020学术年会, 2020.10.31-11.1, 南昌.
相关话题/土木 合肥工业大学
性别:男学位:博士职务:工程力学系副主任所属学院:土木与水利工程学院社会兼职:E-mail:个人简介1979年8月出生,博士、教授(博导)。合肥工业大学“黄山青年****”,安徽省教坛新秀,全国力学教学优秀教师,霍英东青年教师奖获得者。主要从事工程力学专业的教学与研究工作,研究方向为计算固体力学。现 ...合肥工业大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-04-24合肥工业大学土木与水利工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-张爱勇
性别:男学位:博士职务:市政系副主任所属学院:土木与水利工程学院社会兼职:E-mail:ayzhang@hfut.edu.cn个人简介张爱勇,男,汉族,1982年7月出生,籍贯安徽安庆,研究生学历,博士学位,中共党员。教育经历2001.09-2005.06安徽建筑大学给排水工程学士2005.09-2 ...合肥工业大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-04-24合肥工业大学土木与水利工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-王伟
性别:男学位:博士职务:市政工程系主任所属学院:土木与水利工程学院社会兼职:E-mail:dwhit@126.com个人简介王伟,教授,博士生导师,现任合肥工业大学市政工程系主任兼支部书记,主要从事水处理技术研究、应用和教学工作。获得安徽省科学技术一等奖和黑龙江省科学技术一等奖等4项省部级奖励,在E ...合肥工业大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-04-24合肥工业大学土木与水利工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-陈道政
性别:男学位:博士职务:抗震鉴定与加固研究所所长所属学院:土木与水利工程学院社会兼职:E-mail:个人简介1964年出生于安徽肥东.1983.09~1987.07在合肥工业大学建筑工程系工业与民用建筑专业学习;1987.09~1994.09毕业留校在建筑设计院工作,任助工、工程师、设计所所长等职1 ...合肥工业大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-04-24合肥工业大学土木与水利工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-种迅
性别:女学位:博士职务:建筑工程系主任所属学院:土木与水利工程学院社会兼职:中国土木工程学会防灾减灾工程技术推广委员会青年委员E-mail:个人简介教育背景:1995.9~1999.7 合肥工业大学 建筑工程专业本科1999.9~2002.4 合肥工业大学 结构工程专业硕士2003.9~2007 ...合肥工业大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-04-24合肥工业大学土木与水利工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-方诗圣
性别:男学位:博士职务:系主任所属学院:土木与水利工程学院社会兼职:安徽省安全生产专家组成员E-mail:个人简介中共党员,皖安庆市岳西县人。1983年8月合肥工业大学水利水电工程建筑专业本科毕业,留校任教至今。1988年10月合肥工业大学水工结构工程专业硕士研究生毕业,2002年6月中国科技大学固 ...合肥工业大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-04-24合肥工业大学土木与水利工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-陈丽华
性别:女学位:博士职务:国家一级注册结构工程师所属学院:土木与水利工程学院社会兼职:E-mail:hfclh1997@126.com个人简介教育背景1989.9-1993.7合肥工业大学学士1993.9-1996.4合肥工业大学硕士2002.3-2006.1东南大学博士工作履历1996.5-至今合肥 ...合肥工业大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-04-24合肥工业大学土木与水利工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-高永新
性别:男学位:博士职务:所属学院:土木与水利工程学院社会兼职:E-mail:gaoyx@hfut.edu.cn个人简介高永新,男,1982年出生,固体力学博士,教授,博导,合肥工业大学“黄山青年****”,国家青年拔尖人才入选者。从事工程力学专业的教学与科研工作研究方向弹性动力学、地球电磁学,主要从 ...合肥工业大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-04-24合肥工业大学土木与水利工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-高飞
性别:男学位:硕士研究生职务:所属学院:土木与水利工程学院社会兼职:E-mail:个人简介高飞,1962年11月生,安徽天长人,二级教授,博士生导师,安徽省教学名师。现任合肥工业大学教学指导委员会委员、学校第三教学督导组组长;土木与水利工程学院教学指导委员会主任、学术委员会副主任、测绘与3S技术研究 ...合肥工业大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-04-24合肥工业大学土木与水利工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-关群
性别:女学位:博士职务:所属学院:土木与水利工程学院社会兼职:E-mail:个人简介基本情况:1962年8月生,江苏扬州人,工学博士,教授学习经历:1980-1984合肥工业大学土木工程专业学士学位1989-1992合肥工业大学结构工程专业硕士学位2001-2009合肥工业大学工程力学博士学位工作经 ...合肥工业大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-04-24