

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-04-24


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4.2015.03 SDM 2015(CCF推荐B类会议)最佳论文提名
5.2013.08 CCML(中国机器学习大会)优秀学生论文


[1]LeWu, Yonghui Yang, Kun Zhang, Richang Hong, Meng Wang. Joint Item
Recommendationand Attribute Inference: An Adaptive Graph Convolutional NetworkApproach. The 42th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Researchand Development in Information Retrieval(SIGIR 2020), accepted,July 25-30, Xi’an, China. (第二作者为指导工大硕士研究生)
[2]LeWu, Yonghui Yang, Lei Chen, Defu Lian, Richang Hong, Meng Wang.Learning to Transfer Graph Embeddings for Inductive Graph basedContent Recommendation. The 42th International ACM SIGIRConference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval(SIGIR 2020), accepted, April 20-24, Taipei,China.(第二作者为指导工大硕士研究生)
[3]PeijieSun, Le Wu, Kun Zhang, Yanjie Fu, Richang Hong, Meng Wang. DualLearning for Explainable Recommendation: Towards Unifying UserPreference Prediction and Review Generation. The Web Conference(WWW 2020), accepted, April 20-24, Taipei, China.(第一作者为指导工大博士研究生)
[4]LeiChen, Le Wu*, Richang Hong, Kun Zhang, Meng Wang. Revisiting Graphbased Collaborative Filtering: A Linear Residual GraphConvolutional Network Approach. The 34th AAAI Conference onArtificial Intelligence (AAAI 2020), accepted, February 7-12,New York, USA.(第一作者为指导工大博士研究生)
[5]JunweiLi,Le Wu*, Richang Hong, Kun Zhang, Yong Ge, Yan Li. A JointNeural Model for User Behavior Prediction on Social NetworkingPlatforms.ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology,accepted, 2020.(第二作者为指导工大博士研究生)
[6]LeWu, Lei Chen, Richang Hong, Yanjie Fu, Xing Xie, Meng Wang. AHierarchical Attention Model for Social Contextual ImageRecommendation.IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and DataEngineering(IEEE TKDE), accepted, 2019(第二作者为指导工大博士研究生)
[7]LeWu, Peijie Sun, Yanjie Fu, Richang Hong,Xiting Wang, Meng Wang. ANeural Influence Diffusion Model for Social Recommendation. The42th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research andDevelopment in Information Retrieval (SIGIR 2019), 235-244, July21-25, Pairs, France.(第二作者为指导工大博士研究生)
[8]LeWu, Lei Chen, Yonghui Yang, Richang Hong, Yong Ge, Xing Xie, MengWang. Personalized Multimedia Item and Key FrameRecommendation.The 28th International Joint Conference onArtificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2019), 1431-1437, August 10-16,Macao, China.(第二作者及第三作者分别为指导工大博士研究生及硕士研究生)
[9]LeiChen,Le Wu, Zhenzhen Hu, Meng Wang. Quality-aware UnpairedImage-to-image Translation. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (IEEETMM), 21(10):2664-2674, October,2019. (第一作者为指导工大硕士研究生)
[10]RichangHong, Yuan He, Le Wu*, Yong Ge, Xingdong Wu. Deep AttributedNetwork Embedding by Preserving Structure and AttributeInformation. IEEE Transactions on Systems Man and Cybernetics:Systems (IEEE TSMC: Systems), accepted,2019.(第二作者为指导工大硕士研究生)
[11]LeWu, Peijie Sun, Richang Hong, Yong Ge, Meng Wang. CollaborativeNeural Social Recommendation. IEEE Transactions on Systems Man andCybernetics: Systems (IEEE TSMC: Systems), accepted,2018.(第二作者为指导工大硕士研究生)
[12]LeWu, Qi Liu, Richang Hong, Enhong Chen, Yong Ge, Meng Wang. ProductAdoption Rate Prediction in a Competitive Market. IEEETransactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering(IEEE TKDE),30(2):325-338, February, 2018.
[13]PeijieSun, Le Wu*, Meng Wang. Attentive Recurrent Social Recommendation.The 41th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research andDevelopment in Information Retrieval (SIGIR 2018), 85-194, July8-12, Ann Anbor, MI, USA. (第一作者为指导工大硕士研究生)
[14]LeWu, Yong Ge, Qi Liu, Enhong Chen, Richang Hong, Junping Du, MengWang. Modeling the Evolution of Users' Preferences and SocialLinks in Social Networking Services. IEEE Transactions onKnowledge and Data Engineering(IEEE TKDE),29(6):1240-1253, June2017.
[15]LeWu, Qi Liu, Enhong Chen, Nicholas Jing Yuan, Guangming Guo, XingXie. Relevance meets Coverage: A Unified Framework to GenerateDiversified Recommendation.ACM Transactions on IntelligentSystems and Technology(ACM TIST), 7(3): 39, February 2016.
[16]LeWu, Yong Ge, Qi Liu, Enhong Chen, Bai Long, Zhenya Huang. ModelingUsers Preferences and Social Links in Social Networking Services:a Joint-Evolving Perspective, The 30th AAAI Conference onArtificial Intelligence(AAAI 2016), 279-286, Phoenix, Arizona USA,February 12-17, 2016.
[17]LeWu, Qi Liu, Enhong Chen, Xing Xie, Chang Tang. Product AdoptionPrediction: A Multi-factor View. 2015 SIAM InternationalConference on Data Mining (获最佳论文提名,Bestof SDM 2015), 154-162,Vancouver, BC, Canada, April 30-May 2, 2015.
[18]LeWu, Enhong Chen, Qi Liu, Linli Xu,Tengfei Bao, LeiZhang.Leveraging Tagging for Neighborhood-aware ProbabilisticMatrix Factorization. The 21st ACM Conference on Information andKnowledge Management (CIKM'2012), 854-1858, Maui, HI, USA, October29-November 02, 2012.
[J17]Junwei Li, Le Wu*, Richang Hong, Kun Zhang, Yong Ge, Yan Li. AJoint Neural Model for User Behavior Prediction on SocialNetworking Platforms. ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems andTechnology, accepted, 2020.
[J16]Zhenya Huang, Qi Liu, Yuying Chen, Le Wu, Keli Xiao, Enhong Chen,Haiping Ma, Guoping Hu. Learning or Forgetting? A Dynamic Approachfor Tracking the Knowledge Proficiency of Students. ACMTransactions on Information Systems (ACM TOIS), accepted, 2020.
[J15]MinHe, Hao Guo, Guangyi Lv,Le Wu, Yong Ge, Enhong Chen, Haiping Ma.Leveraging Proficiency and Preference for Online KaraokeRecommendation.Frontiers of Computer Science(FCS),14(2): 273-290, 2020.
[J14]Guangyi Lv, Kun Zhang, Le Wu, Enhong Chen, Tong Xu, Qi Liu,Weidong He.Understanding the Users and Items by Mining a NovelDanmu Dataset. IEEE Transactions on Big Data (IEEE TBD), accepted,2019.
[J13]Kun Zhang, Guangyi Lv, Le Wu, Enhong Chen, Qi Liu, Han Wu, XingXie, Fangzhao Wu. Multi-Level Image-Enhanced SentenceRepresentation Net for Natural Language Inference. IEEETransactions on Systems Man and Cybernetics: Systems (IEEE TSMC:Systems), accepted, 2019.
[J12]LeWu,Lei Chen, Richang Hong, Yanjie Fu, Xing Xie, Meng Wang.AHierarchical Attention Model for Social Contextual ImageRecommendation.IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering(IEEE TKDE), accepted, 2019.
[J11]LeiChen, Le Wu, Zhenzhen Hu, Meng Wang. Quality-aware UnpairedImage-to-image Translation.IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (IEEETMM), 21(10):2664-2674, October 2019.
[J9]RichangHong, Yuan He, Le Wu*,Yong Ge. Deep Attributed Network Embeddingby Preserving Structure and Attribute Information. IEEETransactions on Systems Man and Cybernetics: Systems (IEEE TSMC:Systems), accepted, 2019.
[J8]Le Wu, Peijie Sun, Richang Hong, Yong Ge, Meng Wang. CollaborativeNeural Social Recommendation.IEEE Transactions on Systems Man andCybernetics: Systems (IEEE TSMC: Systems), accepted, 2018.
[J7]QiLiu, Hongke Zhao, Le Wu, Zhi Li, Enhong Chen. IlluminatingRecommendation by Understanding the Explicit Item Relations.Journal of Computer Science and Technology (JCST), 33(4):739-755,2018.
[J6]LeWu, Qi Liu, Richang Hong, Enhong Chen, Yong Ge, Meng Wang. ProductAdoption Rate Prediction in a Competitive Market. IEEETransactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (IEEE TKDE),30(2):325-338, February 2018.
[J5]Le Wu, Yong Ge, Qi Liu, Enhong Chen, Richang Hong, Junping Du,Meng Wang. Modeling the Evolution of Users' Preferences and SocialLinks in Social Networking Services. IEEE Transactions onKnowledge and Data Engineering(IEEE TKDE), 29(6): 1240-1253, June2017..
[J4]朱天宇,黄振亚,陈恩红,刘淇,吴乐,苏喻,陈志刚,胡国平,基于认知诊断的个性化试题推荐方法.计算机学报,vol.40(1): 176-191, 2017.
[J3]GuangmingGuo, Feida Zhu, Enhong Chen, Qi Liu, Le Wu(吴乐),Chu Guan. From Footprint to Evidence: An Exploratory Study ofMining Social Data for Credit Scoring. ACM Transactions on the Web(ACM TWEB), 10(4): 22:1-22:38, December 2016.
[J2]Le Wu(吴乐),Qi Liu, Enhong Chen, Nicholas Jing Yuan, Guangming Guo, XingXie.Relevance meets Coverage: A Unified Framework to GenerateDiversified Recommendation. ACM Transactions on IntelligentSystems and Technology (ACM TIST),, 7(3): 39:1-39:30, February2016.
[J1]孙光福,吴乐,刘淇,朱琛,陈恩红.基于时序行为的协同过滤推荐算法.软件学报,vol.24(11), pages: 2721-2733, 2013.(获CCML2013优秀学生论文奖)
[C32]Le Wu, Yonghui Yang, Kun Zhang,Richang Hong, Yanjie Fu, Meng Wang.Joint Item Recommendation and Attribute Inference: An AdaptiveGraph Convolutional Network Approach. The 43rd International ACMSIGIR Conference on Research and Development in InformationRetrieval(SIGIR 2020), accepted, July 25-30, Xi’an, China.
[C31]Le Wu, Yonghui Yang, Lei Chen, Defu Lian,Richang Hong, Meng Wang.Learning to Transfer Graph Embeddings for Inductive Graph basedRecommendation. The 43rd International ACM SIGIR Conference onResearch and Development in Information Retrieval(SIGIR 2020),accepted, Xi’an, China.
[C30]Peijie Sun, Le Wu, Kun Zhang, Yanjie Fu, Richang Hong, Meng Wang.Dual Learningfor Explainable Recommendation: Towards Unifying UserPreference Prediction and Review Generation. The Web Conference(WWW 2020), accepted, April 20-24, Taipei, China.
[C29]Yongji Wu, Defu Lian, Yiheng Xu, Le Wu, Enhong Chen. GraphConvolutional Networks with Markov Random Field Reasoning forSocial Spammer Detection. The 34th AAAI Conference on ArtificialIntelligence (AAAI 2020), accepted, February 7-12, New York, USA.
[C28]Lei Chen, Le Wu*, Richang Hong, Kun Zhang, Meng Wang. RevisitingGraph based Collaborative Filtering: A Linear Residual GraphConvolutional Network Approach. The 34th AAAI Conference onArtificial Intelligence (AAAI 2020), accepted, February 7-12, NewYork, USA.
[C27]KunpengLiu, Yanjie Fu, Pengfei Wang, Le Wu, Rui Bo, Xiaolin Li.Automating Feature Subspace Exploration via Multi-AgentReinforcement Learning. The 25th ACM SIGKDD InternationalConference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD 2019),207-215, August 4-8, Anchorage, Alaska, USA, 2019.
[C26]Le Wu, Peijie Sun, Yanjie Fu, Richang Hong, Xiting Wang, MengWang. A Neural Influence Diffusion Model for SocialRecommendation.The 42th International ACM SIGIR Conference onResearch and Development in Information Retrieval(SIGIR 2019),235-244, July 21-25, Pairs, France.
[C25]Le Wu, Lei Chen, Yonghui Yang, Richang Hong, Yong Ge, Xing Xie,Meng Wang. Personalized Multimedia Item and Key FrameRecommendation.The 28th International Joint Conference onArtificial Intelligence(IJCAI 2019), 1431-1437, August 10-16,Macao, China.
[C24]Min Hou, Le Wu, Enhong Chen, Zhi Li, Vincent W Zheng, Qi Liu.Explainable Fashion Recommendation: A Semantic Attribute RegionGuided Approach. The 28th International Joint Conference onArtificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2019), 4681-4688, August 10-16,Macao, China.
[C23]KunZhang, GuangyiLv,Enhong Chen, Le Wu, Qi Liu, C.L. Philip Chen.Context-aware Dual Attention Network for Natural LanguageInference. The 23th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discoveryand Data Mining (PAKDD 2019), 185-198, Apirl 14-17, Macau, China.
[C22]KunZhang, GuangyiLv,Linyuan Wang, Le Wu, Fangzhao Wu, Xing Xie.DRr-Net: Dynamic Re-read Network for Sentence SemanticUnderstanding.The Thirty-Third AAAI Conference on ArtificialIntelligence (AAAI 2019), 7442-7449, Jan.17- Feb.20, Hawaii, USA.
[C21]YanjieFu, Pengyang Wang, Jiadi Du, Le Wu, Xiaolin Li. Efficient RegionEmbedding with Multi-view Spatial Networks: A Perspective ofLocality-Constrained Spatial Autocorrelations. The Thirty-ThirdAAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2019), 906-913,Jan.17- Feb.20, Hawaii, USA.
[C20]TianxiangZhao, Guiquan Liu, Le Wu, Chao Ma, Enhong Chen. Zero-shotLearning: An Energy based Approach.The 18th IEEE InternationalConference on Data Mining (ICDM 2018), 797-806, November 17-20,Singapore.
[C19]Kun Zhang, Guangyi Lv, Le Wu, Enhong Chen, Qi Liu, Han Wu,Fangzhao Wu. Image-Enhanced Multi-Level Sentence RepresentationNet for Natural Language Inference. The 18th IEEE InternationalConference on Data Mining (ICDM 2018), 747-756, November 17-20,Singapore.
[C18]XitingWang,Yiru Chen, Jie Yang, Le Wu, Zhengtao Wu, Xing Xie. AReinforcement Learning Framework for Explainable Recommendation.The 18thIEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM 2018),587-596, November 17-20, Singapore.
[C17]RunlongYu, Yunzhou Zhang, Yuyang Ye, Le Wu, Chao Wang, Qi Liu, EnhongChen. Multiple Pairwise Ranking with Implicit Feedback. The 27thACM International Conference on Information and KnowledgeManagement (CIKM 2018), 1727:1730, October 22-26, Torino, Italy.
[C16]HongfengBao, Le Wu*, Peijie Sun. Contextual Attention Model for SocialRecommendation. The 19th Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia (PCM 2018), 630-641, Hefei, China.
[C15]PeijieSun, Le Wu*,Meng Wang. Attentive Recurrent SocialRecommendation.The 41st International ACM SIGIR Conference onResearch and Development in Information Retrieval(SIGIR 2018),185-194, July 8-12, Ann Anbor, MI, USA.
[C14]WenjuanYang, Le Wu, Xueliang Liu, Chunxiao Fan. MFCC: An Efficient andEffective Matrix Factorization Model based on Co-clustering. The9th International Conference on Internet Multimedia Computing andService (ICIMCS 2017), 360-370, Qingdao, 2018.
[C13]Yuying Chen, Qi Liu, Zhenya Huang, Le Wu, Enhong Chen, Runze Wu,Yu Su, Guoping Hu. Tracking knowledge Proficiency of Students withEducational Priors. The 26th ACM International Conference onInformation and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2017), 989-998,Singapore, November 6-10, 2017.
[C12]HongkeZhao, Hefu Zhang, Yong Ge, Qi Liu, Enhong Chen*, Huayu Li, Le Wu,Tracking the Dynamics in Crowdfunding, The 23th ACM SIGKDDConference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD 2017),625-634, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, August 13-17, 2017.
[C11]XunpengHuang, Le Wu, Enhong Chen, Hengshu Zhu, Qi Liu, Yijun Wang.Incremental Matrix Factorization: A Linear Feature TransformationPerspective. The 26th International Joint Conference on ArtificialIntelligence (IJCAI 2017), 1901-1908, Melbourne, Australia, August19-25, 2017
[C10]Yijun Wang, Le Wu, Zongda Wu, Enhong Chen, Qi Liu. SelectingValuable Customers for Merchants in E-commerce Platforms, The 16thIEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM 2016),1281-1286, Barcelona, December 12-15, 2016.
[C9]Le Wu, Yong Ge, Qi Liu, Enhong Chen, Bai Long, Zhenya Huang.Modeling Users Preferences and Social Links in Social NetworkingServices: a Joint-Evolving Perspective, The 30th AAAI Conferenceon Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2016), 279-286, Phoenix, ArizonaUSA, February 12-17, 2016.
[C8]Ming He, Yong Ge, Le Wu, Enhong Chen, Chang Tan. Predicting thePopularity of DanMu-enabled Videos: A Multi-factor View. The 21stInternational Conference on Database Systems for AdvancedApplications (DASFAA 1016), 351-366, Dallas, TX, USA, April 16-19,2016.
[C7]Guangming Guo, Feida Zhu, Enhong Chen, Le Wu, Qi Liu, Minghui Qiu.Personal Credit Profiling via Latent User Behavior Dimensions onSocial Media. The 20th Pacific-Asia Conference on KnowledgeDiscovery and Data Mining (PAKDD 2016), 130-142, Auckland, NewZealand, April 19-22, 2016.
[C6]Guowei Ma, Qi Liu, Le Wu, Enhong Chen. Identifying Hesitant andInterested Customers for Targeted Social Marketing, The 19thPacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining(PAKDD 2015) , 576-590, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, May 19-22,2015.
[C5]Le Wu, Qi Liu, Enhong Chen, Xing Xie, Chang Tang. Product AdoptionPrediction: A Multi-factor View, The 15th SIAM InternationalConference on Data Mining (获最佳论文提名,Bestof SDM 2015 ), 154-162,Vancouver, BC, Canada, April 30-May 2,2015.
[C4]Le Wu, Yin Zhu, Nicholas Jing Yuan, Enhong Chen, Xing Xie, YongRui. Predicting Smartphone Adoption Social Networks. The 19thPacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery andDataMining(PAKDD 2015), 472-485, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, May19-22, 2015.
[C3]Hongke Zhao, Le Wu, Qi Liu, Yong Ge, Enhong Chen. InvestmentRecommendation in P2P Lending: A Portfolio Perspective with RiskManagement, The 14th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining(ICDM 2014), 1109-1114, Shenzhen, China, December 14-17, 2014.
[C2]Gang Xu, Linli Xu, Le Wu. Utilizing Social and BehavioralNeighbors for Personalized Recommendations, The 10th InternationalSymposium on Neural Networks(ISNN 2013), 541-551, Dalian, China,July 4-6, 2013.
[C1]Le Wu, Enhong Chen, Qi Liu, Linli Xu, Tengfei Bao, Lei Zhang.Leveraging Tagging for Neighborhood-aware Probabilistic MatrixFactorization, The 21st ACM Conference on Information andKnowledge Management (CIKM 2012), 1854-1858, Maui, HI, USA,October 29-November 02, 2012.

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