

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-04-24

 姓 名:  祖方遒
 职 称:  教授
 职 务:  校金属液固加工研究所所长

 所属系:  材料成形与控制工程系
 邮 箱:  fangqiuzu@hotmail.com
 电 话:  
教育经历:1972届高中毕业,合肥工业大学77级本科生,山东工业大学(现山东大学)81级硕士研究生,1999.9-2002.7中国科学院固体物理所理学在职博士研究生(凝聚态物理),1996.11—1997.10以高级访问****留学德国亚琛工业大学(RWTH Aachen)。


②研究手段方面的创新与探索:国际著名内耗专家H. H?nninen教授的评价:“将内耗理论运用液态物质,创造性地实现了将内耗技术用于研究液体结构的构想”。《光明日报》以标题“我科学家提出研究液态物质新法”予以报道。
④一种新型铁碳合金材料-球状石墨铸钢:结束了人类须籍石墨化热处理才能获得石墨钢的历史。原机械部鉴定结论为“…国内首创,达到国际先进水平。” (获原机械工业部科技进步二等奖), 取得了明显实际应用效果。
⑤ 抗磨材料系列成果:我们曾在抗磨铸铁变质处理、高鉻抗磨铸铁、高锰钢(尤其是改性及超高锰钢)、高/中/低合金抗磨钢方面,从成分控制与优化、合金液物理冶金与变质处理,到铸造与热处理工艺规律等方面,进行了一系列技术基础与工艺实践的研究与开发,形成了相对完备的学科认知、多个特色鲜明的新型工艺方法和多项成果(其中有安徽省、原机械部科技进步二等奖2项)。多年来,为省内外企业解决了诸多技术难题,也为多个企业实现了产品升级。
⑥ 等温淬火球墨铸铁(ADI)成分与热处理工艺优化:与德国亚琛工大同行合作,为德国大众公司开发汽车发动机关键部件新材质与工艺,成功投入应用(现跨国公司ADI TECH的基础)。亚琛工大铸造所所长Prof. PR Sahm评价“祖先生为项目圆满完成做出了关键性贡献”。

高等学校博士点基金(博导类2011JYBS1493)“合金熔体状态对高熔融熵物质结晶学各向异性的作用” (国家级);
国家自然科学基金(**)“基于熔体状态探索Bi-Te基热电材料制备新方法及所致构效关系” (国家级) ;
国家重点基础研究计划(科技部国家973计划) “无序合金熔体微结构及其构型变化规律基本科学问题”子课题 (国家级) ;


● 祖方遒,陈文琳,李萌盛等,《材料成形基本原理》,(高等教育“十二五”国家级规划教材,机械工业出版社,2015,第三版);
● 祖方遒,袁晓光、梁维中等,《铸件成形原理》(全国高等学校“十二五”规划教材,机械工业出版社,2013,第一版),
[1] Yuan Yu, Long Lv, Xiao-yuWang, Bin Zhu, Zhong-yue Huang, Fang-qiu Zu,Influence of melt overheating treatment on solidification behavior of BiTe-based alloys at different cooling rates, Materials and Design 88 (2015) 743–750
[2] Yuan Yu, Bin Zhu, Zhan Wu, Zhong-yue Huang, Xiao-yu Wang, Fang-qiu Zu,Enhancing the thermoelectric performance of free solidified p-type Bi0.5Sb1.5Te3 alloy by manipulating its parent liquid state,Intermetallics 66 (2015) 40-47
[3] Fang-Qiu Zu, Temperature-Induced Liquid-Liquid Transition in Metallic Melts: A Brief Review on the New Physical Phenomenon, METALS 5(1), (2015): 395-417.(编辑部邀请综述, SCI收录)
[4] Li-fang Wang,Qi-dong Zhang, Xiao Cui, Fang-qiu Zu, An empirical criterion for predicting the glass-forming ability of amorphous alloys based on electrical transport properties,Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 419 (2015) 51-57 SCI/EI收录
[5] Li-fang Wang, Qi-dong Zhang, Zhong-yue Huang, Xiao Cui, Fang-qiu Zu. Study of the mechanism of the internal friction peak in a Cu36Zr48Al8Ag8 bulk metallic glass, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 406, (2014): 127-132 SCI/EI收录
[6] Wang, LF ; Cui, X; Zhang, QD ; Zu, FQ . Thermal stability and crystallization kinetics of Cu-Zr-Al-Ag BMGs investigated with isothermal electrical resistance measurement, METALS AND MATERIALS INTERNATIONAL 20(4) pp: 669-676, JUL 2014 SCI/EI收录
[7] Fangqiu Zu; Xiaoyun Li. Functions and mechanism of modification elements in eutectic solidification of Al-Si alloys: A brief review, CHINA FOUNDRY ,11(4)287-295 出版年: JUL 2014(编辑部邀请综述, SCI收录)
[8] X. Cui, F.Q. Zu*, Z.Z. Wang, Z.Y. Huang, X.Y. Li, L.F. Wang,Study of the reversible intermetallic phase: B2-type CuZr,Intermetallics 36, (Jan 2013) 21-24, SCI/EI
[9] Xiao Cui, Fang-qiu Zu, Wei-xin Jiang, Li-fang Wang, Zhi-zhi Wang,Achieving superior glass forming ability of Zr–Cu–Al–Ni–Ti/Ag bulk metallic glasses by element substitution,Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 366, (2013)59-63, SCI/EI
[10] Xiao Cui, Fang-qiu Zu, Li-fang Wang, Zhi-zhi Wang, Xiao-yun Li, Zhong-yue Huang, A method for determining the crystallization temperature in studying internal friction behaviors of bulk metallic glasses, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 366, (2013)59-63, SCI/EI
[11] Xiaoyun Li, Fangqiu Zu, Zhongyue Huang,Chong Wang, Correlation of intermetallic compound growth behavior and melt state of Sn-3.5Ag-3.5Bi/Cu joint during soldering and isothermal aging, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 24(4), (2013)1231-1237 SCI/EI
[12] X. Cui, F.Q. Zu*, W.J. Zhang, Z.Z. Wang, X.Y. Li, Phase competition of Cu64Zr36 and its effect on glass forming ability of the alloy, Crystal Research and Technology 48(1),(2013) 11-15 SCI/EI
[13] Xie, MY; Li, XF; Xu, GB ; Zhou, YT ; Zu, FQ. Effects of liquid structure transition on solidification by the Newton thermal analysis method, APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING 113(2), pp 431-437, NOV 2013 SCI/EI
[14] Xuebang Wu, Jiapeng Shui, Zhi-Zhi Wang, Fangqiu Zu, Investigation on structural instability induced relaxation and crystallization in ZrCuAlNi bulk metallic glass, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 112(8), (OCT 15 2012) 083530;SCI/EI收录
[15] Z.Z. Wang, F.Q. Zu*, X. Cui, and X.Y. Li,Effect of liquid state on the crystallization of Zr65Al7.5Ni10Cu17.5 metallic glass,Crystal Research and Technology 47(9),(SEP 2012)939-943 SCI/EI收录
[16] Zhong-Yue Huang, Fang-Qiu Zu*, and Xiao-Yun Li,Control of the phase composition and morphology of a Cu-Sb eutectic alloy via liquid-liquid structure transition,Crystal Research and Technology Vol. 47(9),(2012)953-959 SCI/EI收录
[17] Xiaoyun Li, Fangqiu Zu, Wenlong Gao, Xiao Cui, Lifang Wang, Guohua Ding,Effects of the melt state on the microstructure of a Sn–3.5%Ag solder at different cooling rates,Applied Surface Science 258 (2012) 5677– 5682(SCI、EI)
[18] Zhi-Zhi Wang, Fang-Qiu Zu, Zhang Zhang, Xiao Cui, Liang Li, Jia-Pen Shui, Correlation between quenching temperature and internal friction behavior in Zr55Al10Ni5Cu30 bulk metallic glasses,Physica Status Solidi (A) Applications and Materials, 208(12): (Dec. 2011) 2760-2764(SCI、EI)
[19] F. Q. Zu, L. N. Mao, C. M. Hu, J. Chen, Z. Y. Huang, Y. C. Liu and M. Q. Liu, Effects of liquid–liquid transition on solidification of Sb–10 wt-%Cu alloy, Materials Science and Technology, 26 (11): (2010)1353-1157. (SCI, EI)
[20] Huang, ZY; Zu, FQ; Han,YF; Chen, ZH; Wang, ZZ; Different solidification behaviours of Bi-10wt%te alloy induced by liquid structural change, Physics and Chemistry of Liquids, v 48, n 6, p 699-707, December 2010 (SCI, EI)
[21] Xianfen Li, Fei Zhang, Fangqiu Zu, Xue Lv, Zhenxing Zhao, Dongdong Yang, Effect of liquid–liquid structure transition on solidification and wettability of Sn–0.7Cu solder, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 505: (2010) 472–475 (SCI, EI)
[22] Fang-Qiu Zu, Zhong-Yue Huang, Zhi-ZhiWang, XiaoCui,Xiao-YunLi,Abnormal solidification of Bi–Te alloys induced by liquid structural states,Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 13: (2010) 86–91;(SCI, EI)
[23] Huang, ZY; Zu, FQ; Chen, J; Ding, GH,The dependence of phase selection in peritectic solidification of Bi-Te40 on cooling rates and liquid states,INTERMETALLICS 18 (5):749-755 2010;(SCI, EI)
[24] ZY Huang, Y Xi, FQ Zu , XF Li, GH Ding, J Chen,On the correlation between solidified microstructures and liquid structural states in Bi-40 wt%Te alloy, Journal of Crystal Growth 311 (Aug 2009) 4129–4133; (SCI, EI)
[25] F-Q. Zu, J Chen et al.,A new viewpoint to the mechanism for the effects of melt overheating on solidification of Pb-Bi alloys,J. Mater. Res., 24(7), Jul 2009:2378-2384;(SCI, EI)
[26] XF Li,CM Hu,FQ Zu, ZY Huang, MQ Liu, Temperature-Induced Reversible Change of Electrical Resistivity in Sn–Bi Melts, Int J Thermophys,V30,N3,Jul 2009: 1040-1047 (SCI, EI)
[27] Jie Chen, Fang-Qiu Zu Xian-Fen Li, Guo-Hua Ding, Hon-Sheng Chen, and Li Zou, Influence of a Liquid Structural Change on the Solidification of the Alloy CuSn30, METALS AND MATERIALS INTERNATIONAL, Vol. 14, No. 5 (Oct 2008), pp569-574,收录:SCI/EI
[28] Li XF, Zu FQ, Liu LJ, Li JG etal, Effect of Sn on reversibility of liquid–liquid transition in Bi–Sb–Sn alloys, JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS Volume 453, 508-512(2008) 收录:SCI/EI
[29] Zu FQ, Ding GH, et al.,Change in solidification behavior of Bi-Sb10 alloy after liquid structural transition,JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH, v 310, n 2, 397-403(2008) 收录:SCI/EI
[30] Chen ZH, Zu FQ, Li XF et al, Kinetics of the liquid-liquid transition of Pb-Sn melts, KOVOVE MATERIALY-METALLIC MATERIALS 45 (6) 299 - 303 (2007); 收录:SCI/EI
[31] Zu FQ, ZHOU B, LI XF, YI X, Effect of liquid-liquid structure transition on solidification of Sn-Bi alloys, TRANS. OF NONFERROUS METALS SOC.OF CHINA, 17(2007) 893;收录:SCI/EI
[32] Zhi-Hao Chen, Fang-Qiu Zu, Xian-fen Li, Jin Yu, Yun Xi and Rong-rong Shen, Temperature-induced liquid–liquid transition process in eutectic Pb–Sn melt explored from kinetic viewpoint, J. PHYS.: CONDENS. MATTER 19 (2007) 116106 (8pp) 收录:SCI/EI
[33] Guo J, Zu FQ, Chen ZH, et al., Attempt to depict glass forming ability of bulk metallic glasses using the criterion of the total relaxation time at the glass transition, JOURNAL OF NON-CRYSTALLINE SOLIDS 352 (36-37): 3859-3863 OCT 1 2006; 收录:SCI/EI
[34] J. Guo, F Q Zu etal, Exploration of a new method in determining the glass transition temperature of BMGs by electrical resistivity, SOLID STATE COMMUNICATIONS, V135(n1-2), 427-430(2005July); 收录:SCI/EI
[35] F.Q. Zu, X.F. Li, L.J. Guo, H. Yang, X.B. Qing, Z.G. Zhu, Temperature dependence of liquid structures in In–Sn20: diffraction experimental evidence, Physics Letters A 324 (2004) 472–478; 收录: SCI
[36] Z.G. Zhu, F.Q. Zu et al, Internal friction method: suitable also for structural changes of liquids,Mater. Sci. &Eng. A-STRUCT 370 (1-2). 427-430 (2004); 收录:SCI/EI
[37] F.Q. Zu, Z.G. Zhu et al, Observation of an anomalous discontinuous liquid structural change with temperature, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 89,125505(2002). 收录:SCI/EI
[38] F.Q. Zu, Z.G. Zhu et al, Liquid-Liquid Transition in Pb-Sn Melts, Physical Review B 64, 180203(2001), published as “RAPID COMMUNICATIONS”. 收录:SCI/EI
[39] F.Q. Zu, Z.G. Zhu et al, Post-melting Anomaly of Pb-Bi melts Observed by Internal Friction Technique, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONDENSED MATTER 13, 11435 (2001).SCI、EI

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