


安徽大学研究生导师简介 院(系、所):资源与环境工程学院 姓名: 孟令曾 性别: 男 出生年月: 1979,04 导师类别: 硕导 技术职称: 助理研究员 联系方式 0551-63861951; mlz@xtbg.org.cn 招生专业名称 昆虫生态学 主要研究方向 1. 昆虫多样性研究; 2. 动植物相互关系; 3. 农业生态系统害虫防治。 个人简历 教育经历: 2008.6-2012.2 德国霍恩海姆大学 博士 2002.9-2005.7 中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园 硕士 1998.9-2002.7 西北农林科技大学 学士 研究经历: 2014.4- : 安徽大学 资源与环境工程学院 助理研究员 2012.3- 2014.4: 中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园 助理研究员 2005.9- 2008.5: 中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园 研究实习员 学术成果 Meng, L.-Z., Martin K., Liu, J.-X., Chen, J. (2012). Young leaf protection in the shrub Leea glabra in south-west China: the role of extrafloral nectaries and ants. Arthropod-Plant Interactions, 6, 59-65. DOI:10.1007/s11829-011-9151-6. Meng, L.-Z., Martin K., Weigel A., Liu, J.-X. (2012). Impact of rubber plantation on carabid beetle communities and species distribution in a changing tropical landscape (southern Yunnan, China). Journal of Insect Conservation, 16,423-432. DOI: 10.1007/ s10841- 9428-1. Meng, L.-Z., Martin K., Liu, J.-X., Burger F., Chen, J. (2012). Contrasting responses of hoverflies and wild bees to habitat structure and land use change in a tropical landscape (southern Yunnan, SW China). Insect Science, 19,666-676. DOI: 10.1111 /j.1744 - 7917 .2011 .01481 x. Meng, L.-Z., Gao, X.-X., Chen, J., Martin K. (2012). Spatial and temporal effects on seed dispersal and seed predation of Musa acuminata in southern Yunnan, China. Integrative Zoology, 7,30-40. DOI: 10.1111/j.1749-4877.2011.00275.x. Meng, L.-Z., K. Martin, A.Weigel, Yang, X.-D. (2013). Tree diversity mediates the distribution of longhorn beetles (Coleoptera:Cerambycidae) in a changing tropical landscape (southern Yunnan, China). PloS ONE, 8(9):e75481. Meng,L.-Z. (2012) Animal-plant-interactions at different scales in changing tropical land-scapes of southern Yunnan, China. Ph.D Dissertation 13.02.2012, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences of the University of Hohenheim (Prof. Dr. Konrad Martin, University of Hohenheim, Prof. Dr. Claus Zebitz, University of Hohenheim). the Germany. 119pp. Zhang, J.-L., Meng, L.-Z., Cao, K.-F. (2009). Sustained diurnal photosynthetic depression in uppermost-canopy leaves of four dipterocarp species in the rainy and dry seasons: does photorespiration play a role in photoprotection? Tree Physiology, 29,217–228. Weigel A., Meng L.-Z., Lin M.-Y., Contribution to the Fauna of Longhorn Beetles in the Naban River Watershed National Nature Reserve,Taiwan:Formosa Ecological Company, 2013: 1-219.(Book) ISBN 978-986-86850-2-4. 孟令曾,高秀霞 (2007).西双版纳不同地点和生境鼠类及蚂蚁的多样性比较。生态学杂志,26,802-809.(in Chinese with English abstract) 孟令曾,高秀霞,陈进 (2008).小果野芭蕉种子散布和不同时空尺度上种子被扑食格局。植物生态学报,32, 133-142. (in Chinese with English abstract) 孟令曾,张教林,曹坤芳,许再富 (2005)迁地保护的四种龙脑香冠层叶光合速率和叶绿素荧光参数的日变化。植物生态学报,29, 976-984. (in Chinese with English abstract) 孟令曾,许再富 (2005) 中国龙脑香科植物受胁状况及迁地群落保护探讨。广西植物,25, 8-13. (in Chinese with English abstract) 朱首军,陈云明,陈铁山,孟令曾(2003)树莓和黑莓对土壤物理性质的影响。西北植物学报,23, 1462-1466. (in Chinese with English abstract) 许再富,黄加元,胡华斌,周惠芳,孟令曾(2008)我国近30年来植物迁地保护及其研究的综述。广西植物,28,764-774. 获奖情况 暂无 在研项目 2013.1-2015.12: The study on the beta diversity distribution pattern of canopy herbivorous beetles (Coleoptera) in different tropical rainforest (NSFC-31200322,国家自然科学基金,2012年) 2013.1-2014.12: The environmental factors of pest longhorn beetles (Coleoptera) in coffee plantations and its response to habitat matrix (Western Light of CAS,中国科学院西部之光,2012) Involved project: 2008.7-2010.12: LILAC-Rural development through land use diversification:actor-based strategies and integrative technologies for agricultural landscapes in the south-western Chinese highlands (Sino-Germany cooperative project) 填表时间:2014年12 月 11日

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