

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-04-26

Li Hui














2018.05- 安徽农业大学/资源与环境学院
2015.10 - 2018.5 安徽省农业科学院/农业工程研究所
2013.09 - 2014.12 西肯塔基大学/化学系

8. 2020/01-2021.12:安徽省自然科学基金 主持
7. 2019/01-2020.12:安徽省高校科学研究重点项目 主持
6.2019/01-2020.12:安徽农业大学引进人才发展基金 主持
5.2019/01-2019/12:校级大学生创新创业训练计划项目 指导(结题优秀)
4. 2019/01-2020.12:院青年培育基金项目 主持
3. 2015/11-2017/12:安徽省科技重大专项(NO.15CZZ03133)排名第六
2. 2015/07-2017/12:国家科技支撑项目子课题(NO.2015BAL01B01)排名第十
1. 2014/01-2016/12:国家自然科学基金(NO.**)排名第二

2016.08 安徽省科技厅--安徽省省级科技成果
2015.06 中国科学院--朱李月华奖学金
2013.05 国家留学基金委--国家公派奖学金
2012.12 国家教育部--国家研究生奖学金

33. Fang Ting, Jiang Ting, Yang Kun, Li Jing, Liang Yangyang, Zhao Xiuxia, Gao Na, Li Hui, Lu Wenxuan, Cui Kai. Biomonitoring of heavy metal contamination with roadside trees from metropolitan area of Hefei, China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 193, 151 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10661-021-08926-1.
32. Li Hui, Wu Wei, Min Xue, Zhan Wenyong,Fang Ting, Dong Xinju, Shi Yanhong. Immobilization and assessment of heavy metals in chicken manure compost amended with rice straw-derived biochar. Environmental Pollutants and Bioavailability 2021.33:1,1-10. (First author & corresponding author, SCI)
2020年31.Li Hui, Yang Zhiliang, Dai Mingwei, Diao Xinyue , Dai Shunli, Fang Ting, Dong Xinju. Input of Cd from agriculture phosphate fertilizer application in China during 2006-2016. Science of the Total Environment 2020.698:134149. (First author & corresponding author, SCI)
30. Li Hui, Min Xue, Dai Mingwei, Dong Xinju. The biomass potential and GHG (Greenhouse gas) emissions mitigation of straw-based biomass power plant: A case study in Anhui Province, China. Processes 2019, 7, 608. doi:10.3390/pr**. (First author & corresponding author, SCI)
29. Li Hui, Xu Wenjing, Dai Mingwei, Wang Zhiwen, Dong Xinju, Fang Ting.Assessing heavy metal pollution in paddy soil from coal mining area, Anhui, China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 2019.191:518 (First author & corresponding author, SCI)
28. Zhong Yong, Sheng Dandan, Xie Fazhi, Li Guolian, Li Hui, Han Xuan, Xie Wenjie, Oh Won-Chun. Adsorption Behavior and Mechanism of Tripolyphosphate on Synthetic Goethite. Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2019(56)2:1-7.(Corresponding author, EI)
27.Fang Ting, Lu Wenxuan, Cui Kai, Li Jing, Yang Kun, Zhao Xiuxia, Liang Yangyang, Li Hui. Distribution, bioaccumulation and trophic transfer of trace metals in the food web of Chaohu Lake, Anhui, China. Chemosphere 2019, 218: 1122-1130.(SCI)
26. Fang Ting, Yang Kun, Lu Wenxuan, Cui Kai, Li Jing, Liang Yangyang, Hou Guanjun, Zhao Xiuxia, Li Hui. An overview of heavy metal pollution in Chaohu Lake, China: enrichment, distribution, speciation, and associated risk under natural and anthropogenic changes. Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-019-06210-x.
25. Li Hui, Dai Mingwei, Dai Shunli, Dong Xinju. Current status and environment impact of direct straw return in China's cropland - A review. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 2018(159):293-300 (First author & corresponding author, SCI)
24. Li Hui, Dai Mingwei, Dai Shunli, Dong Xinju, Li Feng. Methylene Blue adsorption properties of Mechanochemistry modified coal fly ash. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal. 2018(24)8:2133-2141. (First author & corresponding author, SCI)
23. Dai Shunli1, Li Hui1, Yang Zhiliang, Dai Mingwei, Dong Xinju, Ge Xin, Sun Mei, Shi Liulin. Effects of biochar amendment on speciation and bioavailability of heavy metals in coal mine contaminated soil. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal. 2018(24)7:1887-1990 (Co-first author & corresponding author, SCI)
22. 李晖,戴明威,戴顺利,刘婧,吴瑾,施六林. 2010-2015年安徽省粮食作物秸秆的时空分布特征和资源评价. 安徽农业大学学报 2018(45)2:282-287.(第一作者&通讯作者,中文核心)
21. Li Hui, Cao Yan , Wang Xingming , Ge Xin , Li Buqing and Jin Chengqian. Evaluation on the production of food crop straw in China from 2006-2014. Bioenergy Research. 2017(10)3:949-957. (First author & corresponding author,SCI)
20. 戴顺利,蒋山,陈鹏,戴明威,李晖,李布青. 淮南绿馨园生态种养农业循环模式及效益分析. 安徽农业科学. 2017,45(31):52-55.
19. 蒋山,李晖,戴顺利,陈鹏,樊琼,李布青. 秸秆鸡粪混合原料沼气工程效益分析. 安徽农业科学. 2017,45(30):191-192,204.
18. 陈永兵, 李布青, 樊琼, 杨勇, 杨向阳, 杨永杰, 侯展昭, 王峰, 李晖. 高效沉淀装置在中药废水处理工程上的应用. 农业与技术, 2017,13:004.
17. 葛昕, 李晖, 李布青, 杨智良, 代学猛, 代永志, 李希. 聚酰亚胺中空纤维膜分离CH4/CO2的影响因素分析.中国沼气. 2017,35(1)13-16. (中文核心)
16. Li Hui, Chen Ying, Cao Yan, Liu Guijian and Li Buqing. Comparative study on the characteristics of ball milled coal fly ash. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry. 2016(124)2:839-846. (First author,SCI)
15. Zhang Qing, Liu Guijian, Peng Shunhuan, Wang Jiao and Li Hui. Leaching of Arsenic, Chromium, and Copper from Coal Fly Ash Treated Soil. Analytical Letters. 2016,49(13)2146-2156. (SCI)
14. Wang Xingming, Liu Xuke, He Yaolai, Hu Xuanyi, Zha Fugeng, Liu Guijian, Li Hui, Zheng Liugen and Dong Zhongbing. Seasonal Variations and Health Risk of Heavy Metalsin the Muscle of Crucian Carp (Carassius auratus) Cultured in Subsidence Ponds near Suzhou, East-Central China. 2016. Water Quality, Exposure and Health. 2016,8(1)79-91.(SCI)
13. Li Buqing, Guo Xiaoying, Shi Liulin, Li Hui. Discussion on Several Problems in Biogas Engineering Design of Livestock and Poultry Farms. The 2nd International Conference on Pollution Control and Resource Recovery for the Livestock Sector. 2016,65-67. (Conference paper)
12. Li Buqing, Li Hui, Liu Zuojun. Sustainable development of modern agriculture based on straw returning after biogas treatment. International Conference on Civil, Transportation and Environment. Advances in Engineering Research. 2016,78,1184-1187. (Conference paper)
11. 刘祚军, 李布青, 夏文胜, 李晖, 季立仁. 农村户用沼气可持续发展若干问题的探讨. 2016中国国际生物质能源与生物质利用高峰论坛会刊. 71-75. (Conference paper)
10. Li Hui, Liu Guijian and Cao Yan. Levels and environmental impact of PAHs and trace element in fly ash from a miscellaneous solid waste by rotary kiln incinerator, China. Natural Hazards. 2015(76)2:811-822. (First author,SCI)
9. 李晖, 李布青, 葛昕, 李希. 膜分离技术在沼气净化中的应用进展. 2015年中国沼气学术年会暨中德沼气合作论坛论文集. 431-435. (Conference paper)
8. 葛昕, 李晖, 李布青, 李希. 秸秆生物燃气产业发展促进机制研究. 2015年中国沼气学术年会暨中德沼气合作论坛论文集. 724-727.(Conference paper)
7. Li Hui, Li Buqing, Liu Zuojun. Current status of biogas development in Anhui province, China. International Conference on Civil, Transportation and Environment. Advances in Engineering Research. 2016,78,1038-1042. (Conference paper)
6. Li Hui, Liu Guijian and Cao Yan. Content and Distribution of Trace Elements and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Fly Ash from a Coal-Fired CHP Plant. Aerosol and Air Quality Research. 2014(14):1179-1188. (First author,SCI)
5. Lu Chia-wen, Cao Yan, Li Hui, Webb Cathleen and Pan Weiping. Synthesis of TiO2 based on hydrothermal methods using elevated pressures and microwave conditions. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry. 2014,116(3):1241-1248.(SCI)
4. Chen Jian, Liu Guijian, Li Hui and Wu Bin. Mineralogical and geochemical responses of coal to igneous intrusion in the Pansan Coal Mine of the Huainan coalfield, Anhui, China. International Journal of Coal Geology. 2014,124(1):11-35.(SCI)
3. Li Hui, Liu Guijian, Sun Ruoyu, Chen Jian, Wu Bin and Chou Chen-Lin. Relationships Between Trace Element Abundances and Depositional Environments of Coals from the Zhangji Coal Mine, Anhui Province, China. Energy Exploration & Exploitation. 2013(31)1:89–107. (First author,SCI)
2. 李晖, 郑刘根, 刘桂建. 淮南张集矿区煤中微量元素的含量分布特征分析.岩石矿物学杂志,2011,30(4):696-700.(第一作者,中文核心A类)
1. Chen Jian., Liu Guijian, Jiang Mengmeng, Chou Chen-Lin, Li Hui, Wu Bin, Zheng Liugen and Jiang Dongdong. Geochemistry of environmentally sensitive trace elements in Permian coals from the Huainan coalfield, Anhui, China. International Journal of Coal Geology. 2011,88(1):41-54.(SCI)
2. DB34/T 3018-2017 秸秆生物燃气(沼气)工程技术规范(排名第三)
1. DB34/T 3017-2017 规模养殖场沼气清洁生产技术规范(排名第五)
1. 一种用于沼气脱碳净化的膜分离装置, CNU [P]. 2016. (专利号ZL 2016 2 **.1)(排名第二)

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