

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-04-25

Yu Chen








chenyu66891sina.com; chenyu66891ahau.edu.cn




2005年毕业于南京农业大学植物保护专业,获学士学位;2009年毕业于南京农业大学,获农药学博士学位。2009年入职安徽省农业科学院,2014年晋升副研究员,2018年破格晋升研究员。2020年8月作为高层次人才引进,入职安徽农业大学。多年来从事植物病害化学防治、杀菌剂应用技术、毒理及抗药性方面研究,先后主持国家自然科学基金2项,安徽省自然科学基金2项,国家重点研发计划子课题1项,安徽省农业综合开发土地治理项目4项等科研项目;获授权国家发明专利9件,以第一作者或通讯作者发表SCI论文50余篇;获国家科技进步二等奖1项(第5)、教育部科技进步一等奖1项(第3),农业农村部神农中华农业科技奖二等奖1项(第4),安徽省科技进步二等奖1项(第5),担任中国植物病理学会化学防治专业委员会委员。担任过Journal of Hazardous Materials, MolecularPlantPathology, Phytopathology, PlantScience, PestManagementScience, PlantPathology, PlantDisease, CropProtection, Current Genetics, AustralasianPlantPathology, PesticideBiochemistryandPhysiology, EuropeanJournalofPlantPathology, MicrobialPathogenesis, JournalofPestScience, AnnalsofAppliedBiology等国际期刊的审稿专家。



1. 2014-2016 安徽省知名专家——植物病害化学防治(项目编号: **J02)
2. 2013-2015 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目——水稻细菌性条斑病菌对噻唑锌抗药性相关基因的克隆及其功能研究(项目编号: **)
3. 2019-2022 国家自然科学基金面上项目——辛菌胺与水稻条斑病菌铁离子转运调控蛋白VgrR互作介导药剂抑菌的机制研究(项目编号: **)
4. 2014-2016 国家公益性(质检)行业专项——花卉、水稻、棉花等重大疫病检疫关键技术研究(项目编号:) (项目单位课题主持人
5. 2010-2012 安徽省自然科学基金——安徽地区禾谷镰孢菌群对多菌灵抗药性风险评估及交互抗药性研究(项目编号: **Q26) (已结题并通过验收
6. 2012-2016 安徽省农科院科技创新团队首席专家——农田有害生物抗药性监测与治理技术创新(项目编号: 12C1105)
7. 2012-2013 安徽省农科院院长青年创新基金——嘧菌酯和醚菌酯对稻瘟病活性差异的机理研究(项目编号: 12B1211) (已结题并通过验收
8. 2014安徽省农业综合开发项目——节水抗旱稻新品种示范与推广及病虫害高效防控技术
9. 2015-2016 科技部“亚非国家****科学家来华工作计划”项目——巴基斯坦Uzma Hammeed博士(主持
10. 2015-2016 科技部“亚非国家****科学家来华工作计划”项目——埃及Mohamed Nashaat Mohamed Abdo Al-Attala博士(主持
11. 2016 安徽省农业综合开发项目——玉米新品种示范推广及节本高效生产技术(主持
12. 2016安徽省农业综合开发项目——天门镇水稻病虫草害绿色防控技术示范与推广(主持
13. 2016安徽省农业综合开发项目——西联乡水稻病虫草害绿色防控技术示范与推广(主持
14. 2017安徽省农业综合开发项目——天门镇水稻病虫草害绿色防控技术示范与推广(主持

1. 2014安徽省科技进步二等奖——杂交中籼水稻机插平衡栽培技术研究与应用排名第五
2. 2018教育部科技进步一等奖—— 氰烯菌酯杀菌剂新靶标的发现及产业化应用(排名第3)
3. 2017农业部神农中华农业科技奖二等奖——砂浆黑土区小麦持续丰产综合技术体系及其应用 (排名第4)
4. 2017农业部神农中华农业科技奖三等奖——早熟桃系列新品种选育及配套技术研发与应用(排名第10)
5. 2018国家科技进步二等奖——杀菌剂氰烯菌酯新靶标的发现及产业化应用(排名第5)

1. Xue Yang, Yong-Jie Qi, Mohamed N. Al-Attala, Zheng-Hui Gao, Xing-Kai Yi, Ai-Fang Zhang, Hao-Yu Zang, Chun-Yan Gu, Tong-Chun Gao, Yu Chen*. Rapid Detection of Alternaria Species Involved in Pear Black Spot Using Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification. Plant Disease, 2019, 103: 3002-3008. (IF: 3.583)
2. Chu-Yan Wang, Muhammad Abid, Xue Yang, Ai-Fang Zhang, Hao-Yu Zang, Chun-Yan Gu, Tong-Chun Gao, and Yu Chen*. First Report of Silk Tree (Albizia julibrissin) Wilt Caused by Fusarium proliferatum in Anhui Province of China. Plant Disease, 2019, 103: 2947. (IF: 3.583)
3. Xue Yang, Yong-Jie Qi, Chun-Yan Gu, Hao-Yu Zang, Yu Chen*. First report of Botryosphaeria dothidea causing dieback of Vatica mangachapoi in Anhui Province of China. Journal of Plant Pathology (2019) 101:1231–1232. (IF: 0.818)
4. Xue Yang, Chun-Yan Gu, Hao-Yu Zang, Yu Chen*. First report of Fomitiporia torreyae causing trunk rot on Chinese torreya (Torreya grandis) in Anhui Province of China. Journal of Plant Pathology (2019) 101:1297. (IF: 0.818)
5. Haoyu Zang, Shanshan Xie, Bichun Zhu, Xue Yang, Chunyan Gu, Benjin Hu, Tongchun Gao, Yu Chen*, Xuewen Gao*. Mannan oligosaccharides trigger multiple defence responses in rice and tobacco as a novel danger-associated molecular pattern. Molecular Plant Pathology (2019) 20(8), 1067–1079.(IF: 4.379)
6. Xue Yang, Ai-Fang Zhang, Chun-Yan Gu, Hao-Yu Zang, Yu Chen* First Report ofClonostachys rhizophagaas a Pathogen of Water Chestnut (Eleocharisdulcis) in Anhui Province of China. Plant Disease, 2019, 103: 151. (IF: 3.583)
7. Yang X., Al-Attala M. N., Zhang Y., Zhang A.-F., Zang H.-Y., Gu C.-Y., Gao T.-C., Chen Y.* Rapid Detection of Ustilaginoidea virens from Rice using Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification Assay. Plant Disease, 2018, 102: 1741–1747.
8. Yang X., Hameed U., H., Zhang A.-F., Zang H.-Y., Gu C.-Y., Chen Y.*, Xu Y.-L.* Development of a nested-PCR assay for the rapid detection of Pilidiella granati in pomegranate fruit. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7: 40954; doi: 10.1038/srep40954. (SCI, IF:5.228)
9. 杨雪, 张爱芳, 郭遵守, 李澜, 陈雨* , 徐义流*. 嘧菌酯对石榴干腐病菌的生物学活性. 植物保护学报, 2017, 44(1): 152 -158.
10. Chen Y., Yang X., Zhang A.-f., Zang H.-Y., Gu C.-Y., Hameed U., Qi Y.-J., Xu Y.-L. First Report of Leaf Spot Caused by Nigrospora sphaericaon Kiwifruit in China. Plant Disease, 2016, 100 (11): 2326.(SCI, IF:3.192) (中科院一区)
11. Yu Chen, Xue Yang, Jian Yao, Ei Phyu Kyaw, Ai-Fang Zhang, Yun-Fei Li, Chun-Yan Gu, Hao-Yu Zang, Tong-Chun Gao*. Simple and rapid detection of Tilletia horrida causing rice kernel smut in rice seeds. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6:33258. (DOI: 10.1038/srep33258) (SCI, IF:5.228)
12. Chen Y., ZhangA.-F., Yang X., Gu C.-Y., Kyaw E. P., Yi X.-K., Xu Y.-L. First report of Pestalotiopsis clavispora causing twig blight on highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum) in Anhui Province of China. Plant Disease, 2016, 100 (4): 859. (IF: 3.02)
13. Chen Y., Yang X., Yuan S.-K., Zhang A.-F., Li Y.-F., Yao J., Gao T.-C*. Effect of azoxystrobin and kresoxim-methyl on rice blast and rice grain yield in China. Annals of Applied Biology, 2015, 166: 434–443. (IF: 2.0)
14. Yu Chen, Xue Yang, Chun-Yan Gu, Ai-Fang Zhang, Tong-Chun Gao*, Ming-Guo Zhou*. Genotypes and Phenotypic Characterization of Field Fusarium asiaticum Isolates Resistant to Carbendazim in Anhui Province of China. Plant Disease, 2015, 99: 342–346. (IF: 3.0) (SCI收录). (中科院一区)
15. Chen Y., Yang X., Gu C-Y., Zhang A-F., Zhang Y., Wang W-X., Gao T-C.*, Yao J.*, Yuan S-K.* Activity of a novel bactericide, zinc thiazole against Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae in Anhui Province of China. Annals of Applied Biology, 2015, 166: 129–135. (IF: 2.0).
16. Yu Chen, Jian Yao, Xue Yang, Ai-Fang Zhang, Tong-Chun Gao*. Sensitivity of Rhizoctonia solani causing rice sheath blight to fluxapyroxad in China. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 2014, 140: 419–428. (IF: 1.7).
17. Yu Chen, Jian Yao, Yun-Fei Li, Wen-Xiang Wang, Xue Yang, Ai-Fang Zhang*. Simple and rapid detection of rice false smut pathogen Ustilaginoidea virens in rice seeds. Phytoparasitica, 2014, 42 (3): 371–375. (IF: 0.6).
18. Chen Y., Shao D. D., Zhang A. F., Yang X., Zhou M. G., Xu Y. L. First Report of a Fruit Rot and Twig Blight on Pomegranate (Punica granatum) Caused by Pilidiella granati in Anhui Province of China. Plant Disease, 2014, 98: 695. (IF: 3.0). (中科院一区)
19. Yu Chen, Yong Zhang, Jian Yao, Yun-Fei Li, Xue Yang, Wen-Xiang Wang, Ai-Fang Zhang,* Tong-Chun Gao. Frequency distribution of sensitivity of Ustilaginoidea virens to four EBI fungicides, prochloraz, difenoconazole, propiconazole and tebuconazole, and their efficacy in controlling rice false smut in Anhui Province of China. Phytoparasitica, 2013, 41: 277–284. (IF: 0.6) (SCI收录).
20. Chen Y., Wang W.-X., Zhang A.-F., Yang X., Xu Y.-L. First Report of Pestalotiopsis theae on Loquat (Eriobotrya japonica) in Anhui Province of China. Plant Disease, 2013, 97: 558. (IF: 2.7).
21. Yu Chen, Jian Yao, Wen-Xiang Wang, Tong-Chun Gao, Xue Yang, Ai-Fang Zhang*. Effect of epoxiconazole on rice blast and rice grain yield in China. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 2013, 135: 675–682. (IF: 1.7).
22. Chen Y., Zhang A. F., Wang W. W., Zhang Y., Gao T. C*. Baseline sensitivity and efficacy of thifluzamide in Rhizoctonia solani. Annals of Applied Biology, 2012, 161: 247–254. (IF: 2.2).
23. Chen, Y., Zhang, A.-F., Gao, T.-C., Zhang, Y., Wang, W.-X., Ding, K.-J., Chen, L., Sun, Z., Fang, X.-Z., and Zhou, M.-G*. 2012. Integrated use of pyraclostrobin and epoxiconazole for the control of Fusarium head blight of wheat in Anhui Province of China. Plant Disease, 2012, 96: 1495–1500. (IF: 2.5). (中科院一区)
24. Yu Chen, Ting-Ting Huang, Chang-Jun Chen, Yi-Ping Hou, Ai-Fang Zhang, Wen-Xiang Wang, Tong-Chun Gao*, Ming-Guo Zhou*. Sensitivity of Fusarium verticillioides isolates from rice to a novel cyanoacrylate fungicide. Crop Protection, 2012, 39: 106–109. (IF: 1.3).
25. Yong Zhang, Yu Chen, Xiao-Feng Zhu, Ying Xu, Yi-Ping Hou, Tong-Chun Gao, Ming-Guo Zhou. A molecular mechanism of resistance to streptomycin in Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola. Phytoparasitica, 2011, 39: 393–401. (SCI收录). (IF: 0.7).
26. Chen Yu, Wang, Wen-Xiang, Zhang Ai-Fang, Gu Chun-Yan, Zhou Ming-Guo, Gao Tong-Chun. Activity of the Fungicide JS399-19 against Fusarium head blight of wheats and the risk of resistance. Agricultural Sciences in China, 2011, 10: 1906–1913. (IF: 0.5).
27. Sheng-Ming Liu, Yu Chen, Jun-Jie Yu, Chang-Jun Chen, Jian-Xin Wang, Ming-Guo Zhou. Transfer of the β-tubulin gene of Botrytis cinerea with resistance to carbendazim into Fusarium graminearum. Pest Management Science, 2010, 66: 482–289. (IF: 2.3).
28. Hai-Yan Sun, Han-Cheng Wang, Yu Chen, Hong-Xia Li, Chang-Jun Chen, Ming-Guo Zhou. Multiple resistance of Botrytis cinerea from vegetable crops to carbendazim, diethofencarb, procymidone, and pyrimethanil in China. Plant Disease, 2010, 94: 551–556. (IF: 2.4).
29. Jian-Xin Wang, Hui-Xia Ma, Yu Chen, Xiao-Fen Zhu, Wen-Yuan Yu, Zheng-He Tang, Chang-Jun Chen, Ming-Guo Zhou. Sensitivity of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum from oilseed crops to boscalid in Jiangsu Province of China. Crop Protection. 2009, 28: 882-886. (IF: 1.3).
30. Jin Li-hua, Chen, Y, Chen Chang-jun, Wang Jian-xin, Zhou Ming-guo. Activity of Azoxystrobin and SHAM to Four Phytopathogens. Agricultural Sciences in China. 2009, 8(7): 835-842. (IF: 0.5).
31. Chen Yu, Jin Li-hua, Zhou Ming-guo. Effect of Azoxystrobin on Oxygen Consumption and cytb Gene Expression of Colletotrichum capsici from Chilli Fruits. Agricultural Sciences in China. 2009, 8(5): 628-631. (IF: 0.5).
32. Hui-Xia Ma, Yu Chen, Jian-Xin Wang, Wen-Yuan Yu, Zheng-He Tang, Chang-Jun Chen, Ming-Guo Zhou. Activity of carbendazim, dimethachlon, iprodione, procymidone and boscalid against Sclerotinia stem rot in Jiangsu Province of China. Phytoparasitica. 2009, 37(5): 421–429. (IF: 0.6).
33. Hui-Xia Ma, Xi-Jie Feng* Yu Chen, Chang-Jun Chen, Ming-Guo Zhou.Occurrence and characterization of dimethachlon insensitivity in Sclerotinia sclerotiorum in Jiangsu Province of China. Plant Disease. 2009, 93: 36–42. (IF: 1.9).
34. Yu Chen, Ming-Guo Zhou. Characterization of Fusarium graminearum Isolates Resistant to Both Carbendazim and a New Fungicide JS399-19. Phytopathology. 2009. 99: 441-446. (IF: 2.7).
35. Yu Chen, Jian-Xin Wang, Ming-Guo Zhou, Chang-Jun Chen, Shan-Kui Yuan. Vegetative compatibility of Fusarium graminearum isolates and genetic study on their carbendazim-resistance recombination in China. Phytopathology. 2007. 97: 1584-1589. (IF: 2.7).
36. Y. Chen, C. J. Chen, M. G. Zhou, J. X. Wang, W. Z. Zhang. Monogenic resistance to a new fungicide JS399-19 in Gibberella zeae. 2009. Plant Pathology. 58: 565-570. (IF: 2.7)..
37. Yu Chen, Mingguo Zhou. Sexual recombination of carbendazim-resistance in Fusarium graminearum under field conditions. Pest Management Science. 2009. 65: 398-403. (IF: 2.3).
38. Wu, Z. M, Chen, Y., Xie, X. L., Wen, C. X., Chen, J. F., Zhou, M. G. Occurrence and Distribution of Cucumber mosaic virus Infecting Danshen (Salvia miltiorrhiza) in China. Phytoparasitica. 2008, 36(3): 217-219. (IF: 0.6).
39. Xiao, Zhang, Yu Chen, Yan-jun Zhang, Ming-guo Zhou. Occurrence and Molecular Characterization of Azoxystrobin Resistance in Cucumber Downy Mildew in Shandong Province of China. Phytoparasitica. 2008, 36(2): 136-143. (IF: 0.6).
40. Yu Chen, Hengkui Li, Chang-jun Chen, Mingguo Zhou. Sensitivity of Fusarium graminearum to fungicide JS399-19: in vitro determination of baseline sensitivity and the risk of developing fungicide resistance. Phytoparasitica. 2008, 36(4): 326-337. (IF: 0.6).
41. Yu Chen, Chang-jun Chen, Jian-xin Wang, Li-hua Jin, Ming-guo Zhou. Genetic Study on JS399-19 Resistance in Hyphal Fusion of Fusarium graminearum by using nitrate non-utilizing mutants as genetic makers. Journal of Genetics and Genomics. 2007, 34(5): 469-476. (IF: 0.4).
42. 陈雨,陈长军,王建新,金丽华,周明国. 抗氰烯菌酯的禾谷镰刀菌nit 突变体的诱导及其生物学特性.《中国农业科学》, 2007, 40 (4):735-740.
43. 陈雨,黄婷婷,周明国. 玉蜀黍赤霉有性重组体的诱导及其生物学特性. 《植物病理学报》, 2009, 39 (4): 347-352.
44. 陈雨, 张文芝,周明国. 氰烯菌酯对禾谷镰孢菌分生孢子萌发和菌丝生长的影响.《农药学学报》, 2007,9(3): 235-239.

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