

安徽农业大学 免费考研网/2014-04-02



  2009.3至今 安徽农业大学 茶与食品科技学院
  2002.3─2009.2 中国科学技术大学 化学与材料科学学院
  2000.3─2002.2 Institute of Food Research,Norwich,UK
  1999.8─2000.2 中国科学技术大学 化学与材料科学学院
  1988.9─1999.7 国家烟草专卖局 合肥经济技术学院

  2002.9─2004.7 中国科学院 固体物理研究所 博士
  1985.9─1988.7 安徽农学院 茶业系 硕士
  1981.9─1985.7 安徽农学院 茶业系 学士


  硒药效:发明硒代硫酸钠与一线化疗药顺铂联用治疗肿瘤(ZL**6.4),在肝癌模型上,顺铂至多取得25%治愈率,联用至少产生75%治愈率(8,15,19,25),Cancer Weekly三次报道该项研究进展。
  硒营养:发现硒与西兰花中莱菔硫烷协同诱导硫氧还蛋白还原酶,硒与西兰花可能是防癌伴侣(3),BBC News,The Times,The Guardian,Genomics and Genetics Weekly,Cancer Weekly等报道此发现。
  硒酶靶:基于动物实验,说明硫氧还蛋白还原酶是抗癌药的药靶和毒靶(7,11,12,17,18,21,27),美国Threshold Pharmaceuticals公司邀请评价抗癌新药TH-302药理,发现它抑制该酶活力(22)。

  <4> Zhang L, Wu S, Wang D, Wan X, Zhang J*. Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) in or on nanoparticles: Enhanced stability and bioavailability of EGCG encapsulated in nanoparticles or targeted delivery of gold nanoparticles coated with EGCG. In: Casciano D, Sahu SC (eds) Handbook of Nanotoxicology, Nanomedicine and Stem Cell Use in Toxicology. John Wiley & Sons. Invited chapter in preparation. (* communication author)
  <3> Zhang L, Zhang Z, Lu Y, Zhang J, Preedy VR. L-theanine from green tea: Transport and effects on health. In: Preedy VR (ed) Tea in Health and Disease Prevention. Academic Press. pp 425-435, 2012.
  <2> Zhang J*, Spallholz J. Toxicity of selenium compounds and nano-selenium particles. In: Casciano D, Sahu SC (eds) Handbook of Systems Toxicology. John Wiley & Sons. pp 787-802, 2011.
  <1> Zhang J*. Biological properties of red elemental selenium at nano size (Nano-Se) in vitro and in vivo. In: Sahu SC, Casciano D (eds) Nanotoxicity: From In Vivo and In Vitro Model to Health Risks. John Wiley & Sons. pp 97-114, 2009.

  第一或通讯作者25篇,第二作者3篇,篇均影响因子4.2,他引超过500次(Web of Science)。Chemical Reviews、Journal of the American Chemical Society、Biomaterials等15种SCI期刊21次邀请论文评审。
  (28)Sun K, Wu S, Wang Y, Wan X, Thompson HJ, Zhang J*. High-dose sodium selenite toxicity cannot be prevented by the co-administration of pharmacological levels of epigallocatechin-3-gallate which in turn aggravates the toxicity. Food Chem. Toxicol. 52:36–41, 2013.
  (27)Wang Y, Lu H, Wang D, Li S, Sun K, Wan X, Taylor EW, Zhang J*. Inhibition of glutathione synthesis eliminates the adaptive response of ascitic hepatoma 22 cells to nedaplatin that targets thioredoxin reductase. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 265:342-350, 2012.
  (26)Wang D, Taylor EW, Wang Y, Wan X, Zhang J*. Encapsulated nanoepigallocatechin-3-gallate and elemental selenium nanoparticles as paradigms for nanochemoprevention. Int. J. Nanomedicine 7:1711–1721, 2012.
  (25)Li J, Sun K, Ni L, Wang X, Wang D, Zhang J*. Sodium selenosulfate at an innocuous dose markedly prevents cisplatin-induced gastrointestinal toxicity. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 258:376-383, 2012.
  (24)Zhang J*, Taylor EW, Wan X, Peng D*. Impact of heat treatment on size, structure, and bioactivity of elemental selenium nanoparticles. Int. J. Nanomedicine 7:815–825, 2012.
  (23)Lu Y, Zhang J, Wan X, Long M, Li D, Lei P, Zhang Z. Intestinal transport of pure theanine and theanine in green tea extract: Green tea components inhibit theanine absorption and promote theanine excretion. Food Chem. 125:277-280, 2011.
  (22)Li S, Zhang J*, Li J, Chen D, Matteucci M, Curd J, Duan J. Inhibition of both thioredoxin reductase and glutathione reductase may contribute to the anticancer mechanism of TH-302. Biol. Trace Elem. Res. 136:294-301, 2010.
  (21)Wang X, Zhang J*, Xu T. Cyclophosphamide-evoked heart failure involves pronounced co-suppression of cytoplasmic thioredoxin reductase activity and non-protein free thiol level. Eur. J. Heart Failure 11:154-162, 2009.
  (20)Zhang J*, Wang X, Xu T. Elemental selenium at nano size(Nano-Se)as a potential chemopreventive agent with reduced risk of selenium toxicity: comparison with se-methylselenocysteine in mice. Toxicol. Sci. 101:22-31, 2008.
  (19)Zhang J*,Peng D, Lu H, Liu Q. Attenuating the toxicity of cisplatin by using selenosulfate with reduced risk of selenium toxicity as compared with selenite. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 226:251-259, 2008.
  (18)Zhang J*, Wang X, Lu H. Amifostine increases cure rate of cisplatin on ascites hepatoma 22 via selectively protecting renal thioredoxin reductase. Cancer Lett. 260:127-136, 2008.
  (17)Wang X, Zhang J*, Xu T. Thioredoxin reductase inactivation as a pivotal mechanism of ifosfamide in cancer therapy. Eur. J. Pharmacol. 579:66-73, 2008.
  (16)Zhang J*, Wang H, Peng D, Taylor EW. Further insight into the impact of sodium selenite on selenoenzymes: High-dose selenite enhances hepatic thioredoxin reductase 1 activity as a consequence of liver injury. Toxicol. Lett. 176:223-229, 2008.
  (15)Zhang J*, Lu H, Wang X. Sodium selenosulfate synthesis and demonstration of its in vitro cytotoxic activity against HepG2, Caco2 and three kinds of leukemia cells. Biol. Trace Elem. Res. 125:13-21, 2008.
  (14)Li H, Zhang J, Wang T, Luo W, Zhou Q, Jiang G. Elemental selenium particles at nano size(Nano-Se)are more toxic to Medaka(Oryzias latipes)as a consequence of hyper-accumulation of selenium: A comparison with sodium selenite. Aquat. Toxicol. 89:251-256, 2008.
  (13)Wang H, Zhang J*, Yu H. Elemental selenium at nano size possesses lower toxicity without compromising the fundamental effect on selenoenzymes: comparison with selenomethionine in mice. Free Radic. Biol. Med. 42:1524-1533, 2007.
  (12)Zhang J*, Lu H. Ifosfamide induces acute renal failure via inhibition of the thioredoxin reductase activity. Free Radic. Biol. Med. 43:1574-1583, 2007.
  (11)Wang X, Zhang J*, Xu T. Cyclophosphamide as a potent inhibitor of tumor thioredoxin reductase in vivo. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 218:88-95, 2007.
  (10)Zhang J*, Wang H, Yu H. Thioacetamide-induced cirrhosis in selenium-adequate mice displays rapid and persistent abnormity of hepatic selenoenzymes which are mute to selenium supplementation. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 224:81-88, 2007.
  (9)Peng D, Zhang J*, Liu Q, Taylor EW. Size effect of elemental selenium nanoparticles(Nano-Se)at supranutritional levels on selenium accumulation and glutathione S-transferase activity. J. Inorg. Biochem. 101:1457-1463, 2007.
  (8)Peng D, Zhang J*, Liu Q. Effect of sodium selenosulfate on restoring activities of selenium-dependent enzymes and selenium retention compared with sodium selenite in vitro and in vivo. Biol. Trace Elem. Res. 117:77-88, 2007.
  (7)Zhang J*, Ma K, Wang H. Cyclophosphamide suppresses thioredoxin reductase in bladder tissue and its adaptive response via inductions of thioredoxin reductase and glutathione peroxidase. Chem Biol. Interact. 162:24-30, 2006.
  (6)Zhang J*, Wang H, Yan X, Zhang L. Comparison of short-term toxicity between Nano-Se and selenite in mice. Life Sci. 76:1099-1109, 2005.
  (5)Zhang J*, Wang H, BaoY, Zhang L. Nano red elemental selenium has no size effect in the induction of seleno-enzymes in both cultured cells and mice. Life Sci. 75:237-244, 2004.
  (4)Huang B#, Zhang J#, Hou J, Chen C. Free radical scavenging efficiency of Nano-Se in vitro. Free Radic. Biol. Med. 35:805-813, 2003.(# contributed equally)
  (3)Zhang J, Svehlíková V, Bao Y, Howie AF, Beckett GJ, Williamson G. Synergy between sulforaphane and selenium in the induction of thioredoxin reductase 1 requires both transcriptional and translational modulation. Carcinogenesis 24:497-503, 2003.
  (2)Gao X, Zhang J, Zhang L. Hollow sphere selenium nanoparticles: their in-vitro anti hydroxyl radical effect. Adv. Mater. 14:290-293, 2002.
  (1)Zhang J, Gao X, Zhang L, Bao Y. Biological effects of a nano red elemental selenium. Biofactors 15:27-38, 2001.



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