本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-04-25
谢兴华(1963—),男,致公党党员,湖南衡阳人,博士,硕士生导师,三级教授。1986年7月在安徽理工大学民用爆破器材与技术专业毕业留校任教, 获学士学位。1990年9月至1993年4月在安徽理工大学攻读矿山建设工程硕士研究生,获硕士学位。1996年被评聘为副教授,分别担任爆炸技术教研室副主任、主任。2000年7月至2000年12月被科技部选派代表中国政府在日本国际资源大学开展“资源可持续发展”国际研修,在19国研修员中被评为最佳研修员。2001年被评聘为教授。2004年2月至2007年3月在大连理工大学力学系攻读博士学位。科技部国际合作专家,出访日本、德国、捷克(炸药安全合作)、泰国、白俄罗斯、巴基斯坦、缅甸和蒙古国(伊洛河铁矿爆破咨询)等;担任3rd International Conference on Smart Materials and Nanotechnology in Engineering分会主席。安徽省高校首批学科带头人培养对象,科技部国际合作专家、中国工程爆破协会爆炸加工行业委员会委员和行业专家、国家综合评标专家和安徽省质量技术监督局专家。淮南市第十四届政协委员。2015获安徽省教学成果特等奖。2014年获安徽省工程爆破协会“突出贡献奖”。主持安徽省精品课程两门。第一作者著作《起爆器材》、《推进剂与烟火》和《燃烧理论》3部。作为第一发明人获批发明专利6项,申报国际发明专利4项。主持“大断面巷道快速掘进与支护基础研究”国家自然科学基金重点项目子项目(**),第二研究人参加国家自然科学基金“瓦斯煤尘混杂爆炸及其抑制”(**)等4项研究。在《Materials Letters》、《Powder Technology》、《Combustion, Explosion and Shock Waves》、《Key Engineering Materials》、《Rare Metal Materials and Engineering》、《Central European Journal of Energetic Materials》、《Journal of Coal Science and Engineering》和《爆炸与冲击》等刊物发表论文100余篇,13篇SCI收录,30篇EI收录。特聘为《爆炸与冲击》、《兵工学报》、《兵工自动化》、《高压物理学报》、《稀有金属材料与工程》、《功能材料》、《化学学报》、《化学工程与技术》、《含能材料》、《Journal of Combustion and Technology》和《工程爆破》审稿人。
1. X.H. Xie, K. Xu, H.S. Zhou. Emulsion explosives containing catalytic metal ion. Advanced Materials Research, 2015, 1082:22-25.
2. X.H. Xie, L. Wang, H.S. Zhou. Enlightment of“May 20”Explosion Accident. Advanced Materials Research, 2015, 1082:391-394.
3. X.H. Xie, C. Y. Dai, H.S. Zhou. "321" incident iron ions characteristics and catalytic mechanism of thinking. Advanced Materials Research, 2015, 1082:395-398.
4. X.H. Xie, K. Xu, H.S. Zhou. Deflagration to detonation transition of explosives without the effects of shock waves. Advanced Materials Research, 2015, 1082: 399-402.
5. S.L. Yan, X.H. Xie, H.S. Zhou. Deflagration of emulsion explosive. Advanced Materials Research, 2015, 1082:18-21.
6. H.S. Zhou, X.H. Xie, K. Xu. Thermal Decomposition Conditions of Emulsion Matrix in the Emulsifier. Advanced Materials Research, 2015, 1082: 387-390.
7. H.S. Zhou, X.H. Xie, K. Xu. Stability test of emulsion matrix in the emulsifier. Advanced Materials Research, 2015, 1082: 26-29.
8. Huisheng Zhou, Xinghua Xie. Combustion Synthesis for Nanometer Spinel Lithium Composite. Integrated Ferroelectrics, 2013,147(1):1-7 SCI 199YX,EI 20**5
9. Xie, XH; Yan, XR. Composite Oxides Powders. SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING, 1000 20TH ST, PO BOX 10, BELLINGHAM, WA 98227-0010 USA,2012 SCI
11. Xie, XH; Ye Z. Measuring of nanometer oxide powders. Advanced Materials Research Vols. 503-504:1416-1419, 2012 EI
12. Xie, XH; Yan, XR; Zhou, HS ; Di, YX ; Zhu, J ; Yan, SL . Effluent for Pollutants from Dinitrodiazophenol Manufacturing. INTEGRATED FERROELECTRICS Volume: 127 Pages: 34-38, 2011. (SCI847YB) WOS:007
13. X.H. Xie, S.Y. Liu,J. Xie,H.S. Zhou and S.L.Yan. Active Cathode of Lithium Battery for Electric Vehicle. In Advances in Heterogeneous Material Mechanics. Lancaster: DEStech Publications, Inc.: 100-103, 2011 EI
14. X.H. Xie, X.R. Yan, J. Xie, S.Y. Liu. Lithium oxides from Emulsion Explosive. In Advances in Heterogeneous Material Mechanics. Lancaster: DEStech Publications, Inc.: 108-111, 2011 EI
15. H.S. Zhou, J. Xie, X.H. Xie and S.L.Yan. Detonation of Water-Gel Explosive. In Advances in Heterogeneous Material Mechanics. Lancaster: DEStech Publications, Inc.: 104-107, 2011 EI
16. Xie Xinghua, Di yunxin, Yan Xianrong, Yang Minhui, Zhu Jing, Yan Shilong. Powders Cooperated with Explosives. In Asia-Pacific Symposium on Blasting Techniques. Beijing: Metallurgical Industry Press: 136-139, 2011.7 ISBN 978-7-5024-5682-5
17. Xie Xinghua, Yan Xianrong. Rapid blasting excavation. In Asia-Pacific Symposium on Blasting Techniques. Beijing: Metallurgical Industry Press: 247-249, 2011.7
18. Xie Xinghua, Di yunxin, Yan Shilong. Explosive synthesis and usage for nanometer oxides. In Proceedings of the 125th China Engineering Science and Technology Forum. Beijing: Metallurgical Industry Press: 236-242, 2011.8 ISBN 978-7-5024-5753-2
19. Xie Xinghua, Di yunxin, Yan Shilong. Detonation parameters on the detonation synthesis of nano-size powder. In Proceedings of the 125th China Engineering Science and Technology Forum. Beijing: Metallurgical Industry Press: 243-247, 2011.8
20. Xie Xinghua, Di yunxin, Yan Shilong. Explosive synthesis for lithium iron phosphate. In Proceedings of the 125th China Engineering Science and Technology Forum. Beijing: Metallurgical Industry Press: 248-255, 2011.8
21. X.H. Xie. Explosive synthesis for lithium battery materials. London:Rock Fragmentation by Blasting-Sanchidrián. 2010 Taylor & Francis Group: 821-825
22. Xinghua Xie; Jing Zhu; Huisheng Zhou. Deflagration products from emulsion explosive unconventional nano-powders from ion reaction. Journal of Physics: Conference Series012003 (7 pp.) 2009; DOI 10.1088/1742-6596/188/1/012003 SCI
23. Xinghua Xie; Jing Zhu; Huisheng Zhou; Shilong Yan. Nanometer functional materials from explosives. Proceedings of the SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering74931P (6 pp.) 2009; DOI 10.1117/12.835722 SCI
24. Huisheng Zhou; Jing Zhu; Xinghua Xie. Functional materials for lithium-ion battery Proceedings of the SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering74932L (9 pp.) 2009; DOI 10.1117/12.835562 SCI
25. Xie Xinghua, Yan Xianrong, Zhou Huisheng, Di yunxin, Zhu Jing, Yan Shilong. Effluent for Pollutants from Dinitrodiazophenol Manufacturing. Integrated Ferroelectrics, 2010 SCI
26. Xie Xinghua, Yan Xianrong, Di yunxin, Yang Minhui, Yan Shilong. Blasting of Powders Cooperated with Explosives. USA: Scientific Research Publishing, Inc. 2010: 175-177 EI
27. Di yunxin, Xie Xinghua. Study on Dynamite Charge in Rapid Excavation by blasting. USA: Scientific Research Publishing, Inc. 2010: 178-180 EI
28. Xinghua Xie, Xianrong Yan, Yunxin Di, Jing Zhu, Hongbo Wu, ShilongYan. Effluent for pollutants from dinitrodiazophenol manufacturing industry. 2010 Internation Workshop on Diffuse Pollution- Management Measures and Control Technique ISTP
29. X.H. Xie, Y.X.Di, H.S. Zhou. Products of Detonation and Deflagration. Pacifichem 2010
31. X.H. Xie, H.S. Zhou, S.L. Yan. Deflagration products from emulsion explosives. Journal of Phisics,2009,188:14-20 ISSN: 1742-6588
32. X.H. Xie, H.S. Zhou. Nanometer functional materials from explosives. In: Second International Conference on Smart Materials and Nanotechnology in Engineering. Jinsong Leng, Anand K. Asundi, Wolfgang Ecke, Editors , October 2009 (SCI)
33. X.H. Xie, H.S. Zhou. Explosion synthesis for nanometer zinc oxides. Beijing: Metallurgical Industry Press, 2009, pp.468-471
34. Xie XH, Yan SL, Zhou HS, , Luo W, Li XJ. Synthesis and characterization of nano-spinel lithium manganate. TMS 2008 ANNUAL MEETING SUPPLEMENTAL PROCEEDINGS, VOL 1: MATERIALS PROCESSING AND PROPERTIES Pages: 39-44, MINERALS, METALS & MATERIALS SOC, 184 THORN HILL RD, WARRENDALE, PA 15086-7514 USA,2008 IDS Number: BHQ98, ISBN: 978-0-87339-716-2 EI
35. X.H. Xie, H.S. Zhou, S.L. Yan, H.Y. Guo. A Novel Thin Sheet Phase of Oriented LiZnO Composite. In: Advances in Heterogeneous Material Mechanics 2008, Lancaster: DEStech Publications, Inc. 2008: pp. 971-974 EI
36. H.S. Zhou, X.H. Xie, S.L. Yan, H Liu. Microcosmic Difference between Detonation Soot and Deflagration Products. In: Advances in Heterogeneous Material Mechanics 2008, Lancaster: DEStech Publications, Inc. 2008: pp. 853-856 EI
37. S.L. Yan, X.H. Xie, Wei Luo. Composite oxides from emulsion explosives. In: Advances in Heterogeneous Material Mechanics 2008, Lancaster: DEStech Publications, Inc. 2008: pp. 967-970 EI
38. W. Luo, X.H. Xie, H.S. Zhou, K.L. Hu. Lithium and Manganese Oxides from Electropositive Nitrates. In: Advances in Heterogeneous Material Mechanics 2008, Lancaster: DEStech Publications, Inc. 2008: pp. 963-966 EI
39. H. Zhang, X.H. Xie, H.S. Zhou, H.E. Wang. Layered Composite Oxides Grown from Emulsion explosives. In: Advances in Heterogeneous Material Mechanics 2008, Lancaster: DEStech Publications, Inc. 2008: pp. 946-949 EI
40. Xinghua Xie, Huisheng Zhou and Shilong Yan. Nanometer Detonation Soot at Low Temperature. In: New Trends in Research of Energetic Materials. Pardubice: Press Center of University f Pardubice, 2008, pp. 329-336 ISBN 978-80-7395-066-8
41. Huisheng Zhou, Xinghua Xie and Shilong Yan. Fast Reaction and Nanometer Products. In: New Trends in Research of Energetic Materials. Pardubice: Press Center of University f Pardubice, 2008, pp. 974-982
42. Xinghua Xie, Huisheng Zhou and Shilong Yan. Unconventional Nano-Balls from Ion Reaction. In: New Trends in Research of Energetic Materials. Pardubice: Press Center of University f Pardubice, 2008, pp. 945-952
43. Huisheng Zhou, Xinghua Xie and Shilong Yan. Nanometer Product from Fast Reaction. In: New Trends in Research of Energetic Materials. Pardubice: Press Center of University f Pardubice, 2008, pp. 963-973
44. Shilong Yan, Xinghua Xie and Huisheng Zhou. Quadrate Crystal from Green Chemistry. In: New Trends in Research of Energetic Materials. Pardubice: Press Center of University f Pardubice, 2008, pp. 953-962
45. M.H, Yang, H.S. Zhou, X.H. Xie, S.L. Yan, H.Y. Guo. Detonation of Unconventional Explosives. In: Advances in Heterogeneous Material Mechanics 2008, Lancaster: DEStech Publications, Inc. 2008: pp. 980-983 EI
46. J.Y. Zhang, X.H. Xie, H.S. Zhou. Detonation Mechanics Calculation for Nanometer Spinel Lithium Manganate. In: Advances in Heterogeneous Material Mechanics 2008, Lancaster: DEStech Publications, Inc. 2008: pp. 849-852 EI
47. H.Y. Guo, X.H. Xie, H.S. Zhou, S.L. Yan. Nanometer Spinel Lithium Manganate from Explosive Burning. In: Advances in Heterogeneous Material Mechanics 2008, Lancaster: DEStech Publications, Inc. 2008: pp. 820-823 EI
48. ZHOU Huisheng, XIE Xinghua, YAN Shilong, LUO Wei, ZHANG Hu, GUO Hongyuan. Safety Explosive for Ceramic Oxides. In: Progress in Safety Science and Technology. Beijing: Science Press, 2008:1013-1017
49. Xinghua Xie, Xiaojie Li and Honghao Yan. Detonation synthesis of zinc oxide nanometer powders. Materials Letters, 2006, 60 (25-26): 3149-3152 (SCI082GH) EI ISSN 0167-577X
50. Xinghua Xie, Xiaojie Li, Zheng Zhao, Hongbo Wu, Yandong Qu, Wenyao Huang. Growth and morphology of nanometer LiMn2O4 powder. Powder Technology, 2006,169: 143-146 (SCI 112QQ) EI ISSN 0032-5910
51. Xinghua Xie, Xiaojie Li, Shilong Yan, Meng Wang and Ziru Guo. Low Temperature Explosion for Nanometer Active Materials. Key Engineering Materials, 2006, 324-325: 193-196 (SCI) EI
52. Xiaojie Li, Xinghua Xie, longjiang Zou, Honghao Yan, Yangdong Qu, Qiang Xu and Xin Ouyang. Ultrafine Oxides during Detonation Expanse at A Fast Quenching Rate. Key Engineering Materials, 2006, 324-325: 189-192 (SCI) EI
53. Xinghua Xie, Hongbo Wu, Weiguo Wang, Meng Wang, Wengyao Huang, Xiaojie Li. Lithium Manganate Grown from Water-Solubility Explosive with EPS. Central European Journal of Energetic Materials, 2006, 4(3): 15-25 ISSN 1733-7178
54. XIE Xinghua, LI Xiaojie, LI Ruiyong, YAN Honghao, QU Yandong & CHEN Tao. Parameters of Critical Detonation of Water-gel Explosives. In: Theory and Practice of Energetic Materials Vol.Ⅵ. Beijing: Science Press, 2005, pp. 169-174(ISTP BDM42)
55. LI Xiaojie, XIE Xinghua, LI Ruiyong, QU Yandong & CHEN Tao. Novel Slurry Explosives for Li and Mn Oxides. In: Theory and Practice of Energetic Materials Vol.Ⅵ. Beijing: Science Press, 2005, pp. 153-159(ISTP BDM42)ISBN 7-03-016323-0
56. Xie Xinghua, Li Xiaojie, Yan Shilong, Huang Wenyao, Wang Meng, Wu Hongbo. Synthesis of Lithium and Zinc Oxide Nanoagglomerations. Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 2006, 35(Suppl. 2): 355-358 (SCI085SD) EI ISSN 1002-185X CN 61-1154/TG
57. Xinghua Xie, Huisheng Zhou, Shilong Yan, Hongbo Wu, Ming Xu, Xiaojie Li. Fine Powder Grown from Liquid-Phase Nitrates Explosive. In: Proceedings of the UK Forum for Engineering Structural Integrity’s. Beijing: China Machine Press, 2007, pp. 425-428 ISBN 978-7-111-05002-5 IDS Number:BID92
58. Xinghua Xie,Huisheng Zhou, Feng Liu, Meng Wang, Jin Guo, Wei Liu,Xiaojie Li. Layered Lithium Zinc Oxides Grown from An Emulsion Explosive. In: Proceedings of the UK Forum for Engineering Structural Integrity’s. Beijing: China Machine Press, 2007, pp. 433-436 ISBN 978-7-111-05002-5 IDS Number:BID92
59. XIE Xinghua, YAN Shilong, ZHOU Huisheng, WANG Huie, WU Hongbo, LIU Wei & LI Hongwei. Electricity-Heat Response Curves of Energetic Materials. In: Theory and Practice of Energetic Materials Vol.Ⅶ. Beijing: Science Press, 2007 pp. 244-247
60. ZHOU Huisheng, XIE Xinghua. Unconventional Emulsion Explosives with Low Detonation Velocities. In: Theory and Practice of Energetic Materials Vol.Ⅶ. Beijing: Science Press, 2007 pp. 633-636 ISBN 978-7-03-020254-3 ISTP
61. Xinghua Xie, Xiaojie Li, Weiguo Wang, Meng Wang, Hongbo WU & Jin Guo. Lithium and Zinc Oxides in Emulsion Explosive Soot. In: Proceedings of ACI, RILEM, CSCE and ACBM International Conference. Lahore: A-ONE PUBLISHERS, 2007 pp. 193-199 ISBN 978-969-546-015-3
62. Xie XingHua, Zhou HuiSheng. Detonation Temperature Calculation of Water-Gel Explosives. In: Proceedings of ACI, RILEM, CSCE and ACBM International Conference. Lahore: A-ONE PUBLISHERS, 2007 pp. 333-342
63.XIE Xinghua. Detonation Safety of Blasting Caps. Journal of Coal Science and Engineering (CHINA), 2002(2): 98-102
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