

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-04-24

费明稳,博士,教授,硕士生导师,美国数学评论(Mathematical Reviews)评论员。
在Peking Math Journal、J. Math. Pures. Appl.、SIAM J. Math Anal.等国际知名SCI期刊上发表论文10余篇;目前主持国家自然科学基金面上项目1项,曾主持完成国家自然科学基金青年项目、安徽省自然科学基金面上项目和安徽省高校优秀青年人才基金重点项目等基金。
1. Sharp interface limit of a diffuse interface model for tumor growth,
arXiv:1708.07468, submitted.(with Tao Tao and Wang Wei)
2.On the isotropic-nematic phase transition for the liquid crystal,
Peking Math Journal, accepted.(with Wang Wei, Zhang Pingwen and Zhang Zhifei)
3.On the zero-viscosity limit ofthe Navier-Stokes equations in R+^3 without analyticity, Journal deMathématiques Pures et Appliquées, 2018, 112:170-229.(with Tao Tao and Zhang Zhifei)
4.Global sharp interface limit of the Hele-Shaw-Cahn-Hilliard system,Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences,2017, 40: 833-852.
5.Initial-boundary layer associated with the nonlinear Darcy-Brinkman-Oberbeck-Boussinesq system,Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 2017, 338: 42-56.(with Han Daozhi andWang Xiaoming)
6.Dynamics of the nematic-isotropic sharp interface for the liquid crystal,SIAM.J. Appl. Math.,2015,75:1700-1724. (with Wang Wei, Zhang Pingwen and Zhang Zhifei)
7. Nodal solution of 2-D critical nonlinearSchr?dingerequations with potentials vanishing at infinity,Disc. Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser. A, 2015,35:2921-2948. (with Yin Huicheng)
8.Sign-changingmulti-peaksolutions for nonlinear Schr?dinger equations with compactly supported potential,Acta Appl. Math.,2013, 127:137–154.
9.Bound states of 2-D nonlinear Schr?dinger equations with potentials tending to zero at infinity,SIAM J. Math Anal.,2013,45:2299–2331.(with Yin Huicheng)
10.Bound states of asymptotically linear Schr?dinger equations with compactly supported potentials,Pacific J.Math.,2013, 261:335
–367. (with Yin Huicheng)
11.On the existence of the weak solution with local energy inequality to the 3-D inhomogeneous incompressible Navier-Stokes equations,NonlinearAnal.,2013,85:248–252.
12.The integrability of dispersive Hunter-Saxton equation,J. Partial Differ. Equ.,2012,25:330–334.
13.Existence and concentration of bound states of a class of nonlinear Schr?dinger equations inR^2with potential tending to zero at infinity,Acta Math. Sin. (Engl. Ser.),2012,28:2243–2274. (with Cui Dacheng and Zhang Jihui)
14.Existence and concentration of bound states of nonlinear Schr?dinger equations with compactly supported and competing potentials,Pacific J. Math.,2010,244:261–296. (with Yin Huicheng)

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相关话题/安徽师范大学 数学