Name:Huaming Wang
Date of birth:March 15, 1983
Place of birth:Yunnan, China
Address: Department of Statistics, Anhui Normal University,
Wuhu, 241003, Anhui, China
2000.9-2004.7 East China Normal University
-Bachelor of Science Department of Statistics
2004.9-2007.7 Beijing Normal University
-Master of Science Probability Theory and Statistics
-Supervisor: Prof. Wenming Hong
-Thesis: Some limiting theorem for random walk in random
2007.9-2010.7 Beijing Normal University
-PhD Candidate Probability Theory and Statistics
-Supervisor: Prof. Wenming Hong
-Thesis: Branching structure for random walk with bounded
jumps in random environment and its application
-Branching Processes in Random Environment
-Random Walks in Random Environment
-Branching Markov Chains
-Large Deviations Principles
-Random Matrices
Working as an associate professor in Department of Statistics, Anhui Normal University.
Instructor of the courses "Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics", "Life Insurance" and "Design and Modeling of Experiment".
Working as an assistant professor in Department of Statistics, Anhui Normal University.
Instructor of the courses "Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics" and "Life Insurance".
Working as an assistant professor in Business College, Beijing Union University.
Instructor of the courses "Calculus" and "Algebra".
Published Papers
[1] Wenming Hong, Huaming Wang, Branching structures within random walks and their applications, Chapter in Lecture Notes in Statistics - Proceedings, Vol. 219, Branching Processes and Their Applications, 2016
[2] Huaming Wang, Slowdown property for correlated random walk in random environment, Chinese Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics, Vol. 32(4), pp 341-348, 2016
[3] Huaming Wang, Wenming Hong, Intrinsic branching structure within random walk on Z, Theory of Probability & its Application, Vol. 58(4), pp 640-659, 2014
[4] Huaming Wang, On total progeny of multitype Galton-Watson process and the first passage time of random walk with bounded jumps, Acta Mathematica Sinica (English Series), Vol. 30(12), pp 2161-2172, 2014
[5] Wenming Hong, Huaming Wang, Intrinsic branching structure within (L-1) random walk in random environment and its applications, Infinite Dimensional Analysis, Quantum Probability and Related Topics, 16, ** [14 pages], 2013
[6] Huaming Wang, A note on multitype branching process with bounded immigration in random environment, Acta Mathematica Sinica (English Series), 29(6), pp 1095-1110, 2013
[7] Huaming Wang, Mean and variance of first passage time of non-homogeneous random walk, Frontiers of Mathematics in China. Vol. 7(3), pp 551–559, 2012
[8] Huaming Wang, On tail probability of products of random matrices, Mathematica Applicata, Vol. 24(3) , pp 561-586, 2011
[9] Wenming Hong, Huaming Wang, Quenched moderate deviations principle for random walk in random environment, Science in China Series A: Mathematics, Vol. 53 (8), pp 1947-1956, 2010
Submitted Manuscripts
[10] Huaming Wang, Range of (1,2) random walk in random environment, arXiv: 1602.03107, 2016
[11] Huaming Wang, Law of large numbers for random walk with unbounded jumps and BDP with bounded jumps in random environment, arXiv:1406.6222, 2014
[12] Huaming Wang, Birth and death process with one-side bounded jumps in random environment, arXiv:1407.3385, 2014
[13] Huaming Wang, Stationary distribution for birth and death process with one-side bounded jumps, arXiv:1407.4007, 2014
-In July 2016, I participated the "46th Saint-Flour Probability Summer School" and gave a talk entitled "Branching Structures within Random Walks".
-In May 2016, I participated the "2nd Branching Markov Processes and Related Topics" and gave a talk entitled "Range of (1,2) random walk in random environment".
-In April 2015, as an invited speaker, I participated the "III Workshop on Branching Processes and their Applications" which was held in University of Extremadura (Spain) and gave a talk entitled "Intrinsic branching structures within random walks on Z and their applications".
-In August 2015, I participated the "11th Workshop on Markov Processes and Related Topics" and gave a talk entitled "Law of large numbers for random walk with unbounded jumps in random environment".
-In June 2014, I participated the "10th Workshop on Markov Processes and Related Topics" and gave a talk entitled "Birth and death process with bounded jumps in random environment".
-In July 2013, I participated the "9th Workshop on Markov Processes and Related Topics" and gave a talk entitled "On total progeny of multitype Galton-Watson process and the first passage time of random walk on lattice".
-2016-2018, National Nature Science Foundation of China (Grant No. **): Asymptotic theory for non-nearest and high-dimensional random walks in random environment.
-2015-2017, Nature Science Foundation of Anhui Province (Grant No. **QA12): Limit theorem for random walk in random environment and its local time.
-2014-2016, Nature Science Foundation of Anhui Educational Committee (Grant No. KJ2014A085): The ergodicity and slowdown property for random walk in random environment.
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