南京大学理学学士,日本九州大学工学硕士,美国爱荷华大学(University of Iowa)水力学研究所(Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research)博士。从事的研究有地下水的流动调查、水坝泄洪道下过饱和溶解气体的数值模拟、海底浊流的数值计算模拟及河流湖泊等自然环境污染的数值机上模拟等。近年来,在国际高水平的学术期刊《地球物理研究杂志》(Journal of Geophysical Research)、《沉积学研究杂志》(Journal of Sedimentary Research)、《地质学》(Geology)、《水力学工程杂志》(Journal of Hydraulic Engineering)、及《环境污染》(Environmental Pollution)等上发表多篇有影响力的研究论文。目前承担国家自然科学基金研究项目一项(复杂地形下的海底浊流及其沉积的三维数值模拟)。
1.Huang, H.,Chen, G. and Zhang, Q. 2010. The distribution characteristics of pollutants released at different cross-sectional positions of a river. Environmental Pollution. 158 (2010), 1327-1333
2.Huang, H., Imran, J., Pirmez, C., Zhang, Q. and Chen, G. 2009. The densimetric Froude number of subaqueous gravity currents may be non-unity or non-existent. 79,479-485, Journal of Sedimentary Research. DOI: 10.2110/jsr.2009.048.
3.Huang, H., Imran, J., and Pirmez, C. 2009. Non-dimensional parameters of depth-averaged gravity flow models. Vol. 47, No. 4 (2009), pp. 455C465, J. Hydraulic Research. DOI:10.3826/jhr.2009.3377.
4.Huang, H., Imran, J., and Pirmez, C. 2008. Numerical Study of Turbidity Currents with Sudden-Release and Sustained-Inflow Mechanisms, 134(9), 1199-1209. J. Hydraulic Engineering.
5.Huang, H., Imran, J., and Pirmez, C. 2007 Numerical modeling of poorly-sorted depositional turbidity currents. 112(C1), C01014, Journal of Geophysical Research.
6.Imran, J., Islam, M. A., Huang, H, etc., C. 2007. Helical flow couplets in submarine gravity underflows. Geology, 35(7), 659-662.
7.Huang, H., Imran, J., and Pirmez, C. 2005 Numerical model of turbidity currents with a deforming bottom boundary. J. Hydraulic Engineering 131(4), 283-293.
8.Huang, H. 1991。 On a one-dimensional tracer model. Ground Water 29(7), 18-20.
9.Imran, J., Islam, M. A., Huang, H, etc., C. 2007. Helical flow couplets in submarine gravity underflows. Geology, 35(7), 659-662.