1976年生人,籍贯北京。1998年以来,在安徽工业大学机械工程学院从事教学与科研工作;主要承担三维机械设计、计算机辅助设计、汽车构造与拆装等教学工作,学术研究方向集中在现代设计理论与仿真模拟方法领域,主持教育部社科人文青年基金和安徽省优秀青年人才基金各1项,参加国家自然科学基金、教育部新世纪优秀人才计划等5项省部级以上科研基金项目,其中1项成果鉴定为国际领先、1项成果鉴定为国际先进、1项成果鉴定为国内领先,获江苏省水利科技优秀成果二等奖1项,安徽省省级科技成果2项,获实用新型专利3项(第1发明人),发表学术论文30 余篇,先后以第一作者在《Physica A》等SCI、EI 收录期刊发表10 余篇论文。指导学生获得了安徽省挑战杯竞赛一等奖和全国三等奖,荣获“挑战杯”全国大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛优秀指导教师称号。
[1]Lu Wang, Yong-fei Zhu, Ye Ye, Rui Meng and Neng-gang Xie. The coupling effect of the process sequence and the parity of the initial capital on Parrondo’s games. Physica A, 2012, 391 (21):5197-5207.
[2]Lu Wang, Neng-gang Xie, Yong-fei Zhu, Ye Ye and Rui Meng. Parity effect of the initial capital based on Parrondo’s games and the quantum interpretation. Physica A, 2011, 390 (23-24):4535-4542. (SCI检索: **052)
[3]Wang Lu, Xie Neng Gang, Song Chong Zhi, Bao Jia Han, and Cen Yu Wan. Multi-objective bionics design method of passive suspension parameters based on hybrid behavior game. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2010, 42(3):371-386 .(SCI检索:**004)
[4]Wang Lu, Xie Neng Gang, Meng Rui. Dirty-face game analysis on mixed traffic flow at unsignalized intersection. Advanced Materials Research, 2011, 201-203: 2119-2125.(EI检索:**138)
[5]Wang Lu, Song Chong Zhi, Wang Feng. Genetic Algorithm with An Application in Design of Active Suspension. 3rd Joint International Conference on Modelling and Simulation, 4-6 June, 2010, Wuxi. (ISTP: **066)
[6]Wang Lu, Song Chong Zhi, Ye Ye. Evolutionary game theory method for multi-objective automotive active suspension control. 3rd IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications, 3-5 June 2008, Singapore.(EI检索:**)
[7]Chao Wang, Neng-Gang Xie, Lu Wang, Ye Ye and Gang Xu. A Parrondo’s paradox game depending on capital parity. Fluctuation and Noise Letters, 2011, 10(2):147-156. (SCI检索:**002)
[8]Ye Ye, Neng-gang Xie, Lin-gang Wang, Lu Wang and Yu-wan Cen. Cooperation and competition in history-dependent Parrondo’s game on networks. Fluctuation and Noise Letters, 2011, 10(3):323-336. (SCI检索:**008)
[9]Neng-gang Xie, Jia-yi Guo, Ye Ye, Chao Wang and Lu Wang. The paradox of group behaviors based on Parrondo’s games. Physica A, 2012, 391 (23):6146-6155.
[10]Neng-Gang Xie, Rui Meng, Ye Ye, Lu Wang and Yu-Wan Cen. Multi-objective design method based on evolution game and its application for suspension. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization. (DOI: 10.1007/s00158-012-0815-3)
[11]王璐,谢能刚,李锐,宋崇智.基于元胞自动机的水体污染带扩散漂移仿真.水利学报,2009, 40(4):481-485(EI检索:**)
[12]谢能刚,汪超,叶晔,王璐,岑豫皖.情感驱动的合作进化.复杂系统与复杂性科学, 2011,8(2):24-29