硕士研究生导师,1997年毕业于华东冶金学院化学工程系煤化工专业,获工学学士学位; 2000年9月考入安徽工业大学化工学院化学工艺专业攻读硕士学位; 2003年3月毕业获工学硕士学位,并考入大连理工大学化工学院化学工艺专业攻读博士学位,开展酚醛树脂基混合基质炭分子筛膜的制备及应用的研究,于2006年12月毕业获工学博士学位。
1 Xiaoyong Zhang, Haoquan Hu, Yudong Zhu, Shengwei Zhu, Effect of carbon molecular sieve on phenol formaldehyde novolac resin based carbon membranes, Separation and Purification Technology, 2006, 52 (2): 261-265.
2 Xiaoyong Zhang, Haoquan Hu, Yudong Zhu, Shengwei Zhu, Methanol steam reforming to hydrogen in a carbon membrane reactor system, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2006, 45 (24): 7997-8001
3 Xiaoyong Zhang, Haoquan Hu, Yudong Zhu, Shengwei Zhu, Carbon molecular sieve membranes derived from phenol formaldehyde novolac resin blended with poly(ethylene glycol), Journal of Membrane Science, 2007, 289 (1-2): 86-91
4 Xiaoyong Zhang, Haoquan Hu. Preparation of mixed matrix carbon membranes based on a phenol formaldehyde novolac resin, R‘05,7th World Congress on Recovery, Recycling and Re-integration, Beijing, 2005,9
5 Yudong Zhu, Haoquan Hu, Weicui Li, Xiaoyong Zhang, Cresol-formaldehyde based aerogel as electrode material for electrochemical capacitor, Journal of Power Sources, 2006, 162 (1): 738-742,
6 Yudong Zhu, Haoquan Hu, Weicui Li, Xiaoyong Zhang, Resorcinol-formaldehyde based porous carbon as an electrode material for supercapacitors, Carbon, 2007, 45 (1): 160-165
7 张小勇,郑明东,吴记星;煤和废塑料与焦化残油共液化的研究,安徽工业大学学报 2003, 20(2):125-128。
8 Mingdong Zheng, Xiaoyong Zhang et al. Study on the co-liquefaction of coal, waste plastic and tar slag, October 22-25, 2006, The 9th China-Japan Symposium on Coal and C1 Chemistry, in China, P161-162.